People are not equal

Humanity will never truly go forward because and deal with its problems because humans are not equal, most are controlled by their own nature and are blind to that fact.

That is why you will see so many simpletons who arent really that successful and lack self worth attach themselves to thinks like nationalism, religion, color pride, fucking football teams and other shit that are unrelated to their achievements/abilities.(And of course religion and nationalism are the perfect tool to use and manipulate that sad worthless mass, i mean the republicans who are the definition of corporate porky somehow is in power even though it is always against the masses)

It has always been a few bright individuals that do something big, the vast majority of the worthless masses know they are that, that is why they are often so easy to bait and anger by any type of comment that suggests inferiority, because deep inside subconsciously they know it.

So tell me how exactly will you fix the world when most people are just brainless followers while only few minorities ever are able to understand the world and people and try to fix things? Those people werent taught their knowledge, they didnt read it in books, they had the brain and the experiences to analyze and come to their conclusions unlike the vast majority of worthless people who does nothing of sort.

So how will you enlighten people exactly? Because right now there are quite a few religious people, nationalist etc who think there is absolutely nothing wrong with that and society accepts that as something "OK"

How will you educate people to stop being tools and get a brain? The biggest philosophers didnt read something from a book, they thought about it, there is a very big difference between reading something and making it up from scratch in your mind

Suffering and specific experiences inflected upon children so they will learn and grow?
Equally ineffective for the sole reason that psychology is a think, many people will react differently to each situation and simpletons will often try to cope with it through psychological defense mechanisms or "daddy beat me, that is ok, i accept it as something normal and i ll do it too because i am a brainless follower", few actually think about it and create views that are accurate and dont only work in that specific limited scenario.

So why should anyone not just abuse the worthless simpletons for his profit and live a good life since simpletons are irredeemable

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Why shouldn't i get the "simpletons" to kill you?

They are a tool, you use it as you wish, dont blame me if i defend myself with the other simpletons ;^)

please explain

Having equality of political and economic freedom is not the same as everyone actually physically and mentally being the same.

You are a fucking retard.


Why do humans do anything?
All our actions can be followed down to 2 very primal reasons, either to feel better for one's self, either physically, tangibly or mentally or to avoid pain physical or mental.

There is no action that escapes those 2 reasons, even if it might look like it at first glance.
For example one could physically hurt himself which feels physically bad but if he has created a belief that being strong and surviving pain is something good, that person feels good when he self harms himself, similar to the whole concept of "self sacrifice", the only reason one would kill himself is to feel better by upholding some idiotic belief such as "ima a good boy", "ima protect muh nation" or to avoid pain such as losing someone he is emotionally attached to.

Even if you try to avoid those 2 reasons by creating some form of belief that you control nature and you are above it that entire belief exists to make yourself feel free and better so once again you are controlled by nature, there is no real escape, the best you can hope is to let it loose when it is safe and try to control it when it is not.

Few people understand that, most dont even acknowledge the existence of this system thus will fall for shit like nationalism who is just a belief to make yourself feel better that is very damaging just like most beliefs, those are examples of pure human nature controlling the person, having such a deep need to feel better he ll embrace anything that will let him feel better.

And lets not forget that beliefs are often controlled by a need to avoid pain, specifically trying to avoid feeling ignorant/not in control/unstable, and since that need controls the person, the person often rushes to create some close minded simplified world view in a petty attempt to avoid feeling bad thus how religion became so easily accepted and people in the past believed thunderstorms meant zeus was mad because admitting they didnt know what cause thunderstorms hurt them, they made them feel small, ignorant, not in control, and because of that, they much rather embrace a bullshit belief than admit their smallness and ignorance.

I am sure many people tell themselves that to feel better, i know many do, then i hear them open their mouth and i know they just tell it to themselves to feel better and have no idea what truly is going on.

Kind of like you're doing now?

Didnt expect you to understand ;^)
Those are things most people cant handle

lol, human nature


How are you substantiating this claim? Empirically or as an a-priori deduction?

Whom, if anyone, do you draw these conclusions from?

Big if true.

In fact its an observation very crudely in-line with Marx and materialism in general pic related.

Anyway, you have more answers than you have questions, and you really need to read into the areas you are talking about (books not wikipedia).

Your just positing, albeit in a crude fashion, a p-zombie argument.

*and a crude biological determinism

But not you, right OP?

says it better than I ever could.

We're all victims of biology and the universe in general. Why not help people?

I gave you examples, there isnt an action that if you follow it to its root you wont find those 2 reasons.

From the most extreme actions such as self sacrifice to more casual ones such as being polite, you arent polite for some moral reason, you are polite because you are taught this is le right thing and by upholding that belief you feel better.

In an opposite example, if a society has taught someone that being impolite is good, they will most likely be impolite and feel good about it.

Of course some also have the more logical reason that being polite makes it easier to manipulate people so again we have that mental feeling of "feeling better" not trough a belief but through believing one is smarter than the victim of manipulation. It always comes back to those 2 reasons.

Do i need someone? Not everyone creates stuff by reading books, some people think and make things based on analysis.

That is definitely not what i am suggesting, it is a combination of both since i clearly implied that environmental factors play a role, easy vs harder life for example but that alone doesnt mean it will create a better human so biology possibly plays some role 2.

Best way to do that is to get many babies and try to raise them in the exact same way to see how they grow up, but that is unethical so fug science so we wont know for sure anytime soon D:

Everyone but me (an intellectual) is controlled by base human nature.

Sorry you can't get laid nerd.

I'll admit that I'm no better than anyone else in terms of skills, abilities and drive, but if I make the decision to invest my time and energy in something while Jim-Bob lounges on the couch watching the state-run TV channel, why don't I deserve just a little bit more than he does?

Sure feels like reddit in here.

you've read atlas shrugged too?

hate to break it to you pal but ayn rand isnt considered a "big" philosopher (in part because she didn't read philosophy and grossly misrepresented prominent philosophers' works)

Maybe if you had a brain you wouldnt need to depend on others so much and you would be able to support your beliefs without needing someone else to approve it ;^)

You have autism OP, go to the doctor, in a couple of months after treatment you'll see how things get much netter


Because it's going to destroy the planet. Rational self-interest.

And I agree we're not equal. Equality isn't just a myth, it's undesirable. Attempts to attain perfect equality will end in misery.

Some people are born to be tools, but you can lead them in a better direction.

DemCon is one of those systems that work because it's principles are simple, and it's easy to explain in everyday language, and the benefit is obvious. It also doesn't require everyone and everything to be politicized.

Many of these meme tier ideologies on the other hand don't work if you're not operating on an academic level and haven't read the most intangible 19th and 20th century tomes.

Equality is a meme. We want people to have more control over their lives. Especially the workplace. Capitalism is not a meritocracy fam.

Violence is the only answer. Get used to it.

classical Is-vs-Ought fallacy right here

But didn't you hear?

Donald Trump clawed his way up from the gutter with only a small loan of a million dollars to help him.

If you were as intelligent as this man you too could be a job creator.

I seriously hope this entire thread is a joke.

"Fourth, we must totally reconceptualize our ideas of justice and freedom. No one is “equal” to everyone else in any society, whether it be in terms of our personal diminishing powers in the life-cycle or the different capacities, experiences, and knowledge that distinguish one person from another (such as physical strength, certain abilities, and the like). A new society will want to be guided by an ethics of complementarity, as I have called it, that tries to equalize the differences within and between people—in short, that will be guided by an “equality of unequals”—rather than retain the pretensions of justice that regard “all people” as equal, notably as an “inequality of equals.” Unlike justice, which works from the pretensions that all are equal in theory, despite their many differences in fact, freedom makes no pretense that all are equal but tries to compensate for the inequalities that occur with age, physical infirmity, and different abilities." - Bookchin