Humanity will never truly go forward because and deal with its problems because humans are not equal, most are controlled by their own nature and are blind to that fact.
That is why you will see so many simpletons who arent really that successful and lack self worth attach themselves to thinks like nationalism, religion, color pride, fucking football teams and other shit that are unrelated to their achievements/abilities.(And of course religion and nationalism are the perfect tool to use and manipulate that sad worthless mass, i mean the republicans who are the definition of corporate porky somehow is in power even though it is always against the masses)
It has always been a few bright individuals that do something big, the vast majority of the worthless masses know they are that, that is why they are often so easy to bait and anger by any type of comment that suggests inferiority, because deep inside subconsciously they know it.
So tell me how exactly will you fix the world when most people are just brainless followers while only few minorities ever are able to understand the world and people and try to fix things? Those people werent taught their knowledge, they didnt read it in books, they had the brain and the experiences to analyze and come to their conclusions unlike the vast majority of worthless people who does nothing of sort.
So how will you enlighten people exactly? Because right now there are quite a few religious people, nationalist etc who think there is absolutely nothing wrong with that and society accepts that as something "OK"
How will you educate people to stop being tools and get a brain? The biggest philosophers didnt read something from a book, they thought about it, there is a very big difference between reading something and making it up from scratch in your mind
Suffering and specific experiences inflected upon children so they will learn and grow?
Equally ineffective for the sole reason that psychology is a think, many people will react differently to each situation and simpletons will often try to cope with it through psychological defense mechanisms or "daddy beat me, that is ok, i accept it as something normal and i ll do it too because i am a brainless follower", few actually think about it and create views that are accurate and dont only work in that specific limited scenario.
So why should anyone not just abuse the worthless simpletons for his profit and live a good life since simpletons are irredeemable