What's the deal with Holla Forums's victim mentality? Half of the USA voted for Trump and yet they still think of themselves as some sort of oppressed minority.
Is it because they like to view themselves as some edgy fringe movement or what?
What's the deal with Holla Forums's victim mentality? Half of the USA voted for Trump and yet they still think of themselves as some sort of oppressed minority.
Is it because they like to view themselves as some edgy fringe movement or what?
Not even half the people who voted voted for Trump.
Holla Forums is still an edgy minority. Are you seriously believing even 5% of the Trump voters share Holla Forumss ideology?
Nitpick more faggot.
In essence yes. I don't see how anyone without racist and/or fascist sympathies would vote for Trump.
I don't understand? user is right though
Same exact reason they voted for Obama. The vague promise of change.
Look, I'm not American but I've been there and I refuse to believe that 50% of the population there are fascist sympathizers or actual racists. You are reading the New York Times too much. Most people don't even have convictions, they also don't hate people, they just want change. A grandma in Georgia who voted for Trump is not a racist. Stop alienating the working class.
Enough people voted for Trump so he could win. Of those who didn't vote approximately half of them would've chosen Trump if they had to.
To be bitching against the statement that half of america is pro-Trump is being an annoying nitpicking fag.
Except Trump made it perfectly clear in what direction his "change" would lead to.
After you stop being a fascism apologist.
The only changes Trump stood for was to BUILD LE WALL and other racist bullshit. There's nothing vague about it.
You have to give it to him, he has been perfectly clear about where he stands.
Of course they aren't racist. There was an article on Hufpost about a Ohio town that voted massively on Obama in 08 and 12 and now voted for Trump. Am i led to believe they became racist all of sudden kek
Besides Trump isn't a racist, he's loudmouth at best. he couldn't even ban all muslim countries for entering USA, just those who don't associate with them.
I doubt anyone paid enough attention to know whether that direction meant anything except "more jobs, less illegal immigration, and less corruption, right?"
{{citation needed}}
No. It's pointing out reality. Only about a 1/4 of Americans are Trumpettes.
No he isn't a racist. Look at what Lepen father used to say when he was involved in politcs. That's racism ;)
Please consider euthanasia
Well aren't you a fragile little kitten.
He got 45% of the votes of those who came out to vote. About half of the eligble voting population didn't even vote. It's actually probably less than a quarter of the population tbh.
what exactly about this thread triggered you so hard?
because Holla Forums is full of retards
So what's the point you're trying to make? Do you think anybody will get offended by a bunch corpses or something?
*bunch of corpses
Know a place where I can get some dead nazis? I need it since I speak to many Holla Forumsacks on a daily basis because I hate myself and have to argue daily or I don't have fun.
Why not posting those retarded americans that commited suicide on 9/11 by throwing themselves of the twin towers. Oh the memories…i was laughing like a madman on that day.
Because I don't surround myself with americans, I surround myself with nazis. Nazis who think it will bring them a lot of personal freedom.
I didn't talk about Trumps policies. I talked about the people who voted for him. Leave your basement and talk to the ones voting for Trump. I bet my fucking ass an alienated Trump voter will more likely listen to socialist ideas than a Hilldawg as long as you cut the IdPol crap. These people are disillusioned, looking for answers.
You fell a victim of the media who loves to absolutely shittalk about the electoral base that votes for something they don't like.
Try 27%. The "Did not vote" candidate was the real winner.
they're white
Thats a little fucked up
Holla Forums are essentially SJWs, they only care about culture, but not about politics or economics. The media and pop culture are overwhelmingly against Trump (for good reason), so they still see themselves as a beleaguered minority.
oh hoochie, your naivete is refreshing