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You let this happen, Luka.

whos do you think



(Cowboy Bebop)

... stuff.


Thank you luka

Tokai, I have your cell number, your name, your address, and your description.
I'm reporting you to big daddy gubbment for masturbating to cartoons.

Woof woof.

actually need mugen to fuck off before i pop a vein

please pop a vein

where is my weed

i could literally kill my weed right now

fuck i'm so mad

Remember the fattest guy in America who got craned out of his house, put into hospital and then sent out because he was ordering takeaway?

I'd suck his dick for world peace.
I'd be a fucking martyr

It feels like I'm the most calm person actually talking about it.

Pause from thread drama for a few secs
and look at this cute snek

but he dead

mooooods aaaah nooo

*hugs neutrally and friendly*

Chill guys, what done is done; let's get back to shitposting.

I want to stick a pole up Erin's ass that says meme queen 'till they scream.

wow i can agree 101/10

use to play bagpipes because i was part of cadets, i can't afford my own anymore. I couldn't've played it for the past year either umu

I like to not taste my alcohol, Disarono tastes like licorice. I also like tequila and lemonade! That is very good.

adorable micro gulps~ ♥

i'd suck sam hyde's dick for world peace

Erin is my meme queen~

why not? are u injured?

his soul is still here

someone has to channel it

why not lovingly and kindly
I need affection I have been a victim of angry furries

ive tried to move on from our mutual hatred numerous times before today

snek snek gulp gulp.
So cute.

Then they'll deport you back to...

you cannot suck the dead

Gaddafi wouldn't want suck, he'd want peace

things only go on because people force them to. if you don't like it then don't pay attention to it or talk about it, let it die out. come on. you do this to yourself.

If only we ignored the Holocaust.









i had a surgery go wrong last year when they removed a cyst from my throat they hit my vocal chords
i just got it fixed last month and that was one wild ride of a surgery. but at least now i can yell- i lost my voice for a month.

Sci if you keep saying that shit I'll permaban you


my home town in holland




permaban him anyway

when you discovered how much you could yell it was 2cute

You like liqourice, but don't wanna go insane?
I suggest a shot of liquourice flavoured sambuca with lemonade, you get the same taste without going cuckoo too quick.

Tastes like blackjacks.

For something fancy, I suggest a candy cosmo. It is a pink cosmopolitan with candyfloss in it, add popping candy for more effect.

And for your bread and butter, Disaranno is probably best for you, but you may wanna look into the xmassy booze like Mulled Wine.


jesus christ that picture took a decade to upload.


whoa thats scary glad u are better tho

lol but i rly believe it




those are the old ones right

If cosmopoliton is too gay, you can have a candy martini.

Same shit, but put jellybeans in it. Nick Cage loves that shit.

You need to be deported back to Canuckistan or whatever you canucks call it.

imma grab groceries brb

yeah, the blood is still kinda hot for me tbh

;~; scarey!

i like the blood in that photo tbh

doxinig wasn't even the issue here as no dox took place
either choose to learn everything or shut the fuck up because you'll just keep repeating the same thing like a fucking sheep

reminder that it doesn't count as doxing if they doxed themselves


i want to taste it

Nigga, you're crazy.

i wasnt talking about this case just in general :)

sure ?

same :/ i think that's weird cause it's mine, idk

t. swedish fish

dont let it stop you

swallow it allll


i rite the rules in my head and you all live in my head

Have your scars faded any?

Winter alcohol is best alcohol.


This man is truly the most enlightened of posters.

Sometimes I think this board is way too Death Grips for me.

oh noo.. *dreams fulfilled*

its not a hard guess

idk man

ever gotten wasted and gone swimming in rough surf at the beach in summer

it can't be beat

can we make up erin

don't worry! I'll be gentle rough

I can't do that shit, I'm a dumb fuck and probably swim too far and get killed by a jellyfish

Make out instead.

In all seriousness, how long do you think until people consider you a canuck?

Have an e-date on /guro/





eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i was happy like finding out i won the lottery

hoooo all of that sounds fucking so good
now i'm hungry and i'm going to order pizza and drink some while i clean

ya i was awake for the surgery. like??? i could feel them pulling my throat and shit and it's fucking insane holy shit
at least i have "ABC's" burnedi nto my mind and how to count to ten because thats what they told me to do

no stop

my id is all numbers

that's pretty cool

numbers are nice and fun


mildy disturbing


What pizza you like?

I'm not naming names but I can count 3 people who are really fucking autistic and I find it kind of sad that there are people that encourage the behaviour. especially when one of them is childish , likes to point fingers, has delusions of grandeur and thinks everyone else is conniving as they do just that.



this makes me want to cut

usually anything with cheese and meat.
i love pizza!!!

Is there any way I can possibly coax you to name names to me over steam?

Personally offended that you are talking about me.
Offended if you did not add me on the list because I like lists.

Probably not me!


i feel like it won't last

ewwwww why would u post that D:<
also wanna be my cheap rebound

name names

there's some who won't ever even consider me dutch.
I don't have a peoples

look man

if you don't come here to be autistic

or be entertained by people who are autistic

then well

chances are you are just in the autistic category and have no self awareness to notice, coz ur like autistic or something

or ur a bit of a fuckwit

maybe not

can we try


Imagine Oobles was really BC all along?


Shit dude it's just the internet.


IF you ever come to the North of England, you'll want to order from a place called Fingerpost Pizzeria.

It is sorta meh tier but it is really, really good in terms of price.

I like to have pepperoni, ham and... I'm gonna be controversial, but I do like pineapple too.

i sure hope so!

It's really not hard to guess but I will not say them publicly because of the whole 'let's be mature'. If you want to know I will just say on steam.

well, no


more like 'ur a pussy'

i have multiple social disorders that stop me from interacting with people in real life

this is my real life


i tried at least

That is what I was asking for.

is SteveAn from Australia?


I forgot your steam, you know where to find me!

Please cease existence.

Thats it after a week it was grosser B)
also nty i am taken sorry im sur some1 will bounce with u tho

what does that mean, i am british columbia?


we're neighbors

i threw rocks at his house

Am I autistic?
What you think of me?

i mean i'd love to, but you've been terrible recently, and i dont want to be an enabler

but I have you so it's all good.

ur alive?

If he didnt want to cause strife he wouldn't have said anything to begin with. Making passive aggressive implications is the opposite of being mature.

are you being serious? if so I'm laughing. or you're stevean.

he's the one who started complaining in the first place but refusing to direct at anyone is gay and weak

I'm not sure, actually.

Or we could not be a farm full of retards all together..

Only if you'll be my Battle Cat.

So long as it is with a chilli base, you got the sweet and spicy shit going on. I'm a sucker for weird combos, I once added tabasco with my hot chocolate.

You can always order just a smidge of pineapple and not go crazy with it.

i am sorry i have been terrible

but you havent been too great either

you want me to thank you??
damn... i need a cheap rebound badly. ty anyway dear

I've never died once in my entire life.

i beat him up in primary school

and he's a year older than me

it was pretty funny

goggles is absolute garbage

how anyone can actually like this guy i have no idea

Look for scantastic, SCANNER or captaincress.

If anyone else wants to add me; just look that shit up. I'm the guy with a weird ms paint drawing as an avatar and I AM NOT SORRY I WILL BE DESTROYED as my info

I can't believe you would say this about me :c

Got it, so we aren't allowed to comment to get things out of our system, but we have to name names, even if we don't want to start shit with the people we're talking about.

Just going to go kill myself, because passive aggression is all Canada is capable of.

Refusing to be direct is actually kind of apt in this situation.
It's the children around here that make it so he doesn't want do be direct, after all.

quit being a fag im not reading this

That might have been the most passive aggressive post I'll make all day.

Maybe all week.

Goggles ain't too bad.
He's like a bread and butter man.

A staple food, not boring, but not a full course meal and get you through the day.

I'm about to get ready for sleep so you can just ask rin or someone that's asked.

No you're cool, Subtle. VIP listing.

I'm gonna do a list, but instead of tiers, I'll equate you to food; message this and I'll come up with a reply, I'm in the mood for bad decisions.

what is a battle cat, like a cat with armor?

w-what i want no thanks also i am not cheap ;_;



let's change that


How old are you again?
I might have actually just dated myself.

t-thanks.. you t-too.

let's do glitter

Anyhow I have to head out and look at that house.



Mabel is basically perfect.

Dont die in a crash

Have fun, old dog.

don't come back

but you've been naughty

and naughty people need spankies

no im not saying ur cheap, i'm the cheap one for rebounding so quickly! or something like that
anyway ive been here way too long today seeya

what's the appeal in that tho


A totally dessert, probably a good cheesecake.
I ain't talking about SHIT cheesecake, but like, shit you made yourself with the freshest of ingredients.

Total main meal, you keep this shit going; someone ordered a steak and wanted medium rare, but they got rare and you can't be arsed to send it back to the kitchen so you just complain how rare your steak is. Accompanied with mashed potatoes and green beans.

If you're here for a zoo, then you're just one more of the reasons it is so.

sounds right

ur really blowing my mind here

Not sure with gravy though, gravy is way too rich but you're still a solid meal.

I'm strangely okay with this.

I'm turning 20 in a few months.

oh ok bye bye

deviljho will eat you

Are you going to be renting it alone?

You damn sweet; and the sweetest thing I could come up with, but not cloyingly sweet is cheesecake.

i prefer hot sauce

Strawberry included, obvs

I desire friends.



Habenero mashed with the potatoes?
You got devilled mash then.

whats ur opinion on white genocide


Also what rin said in both is pretty much correct. The former, I won't address because he's already an idiot. Mordin you can go die in a well for all I care.


The latter, I should say.

Depends what kind of friends you want.
This board has too wide a variant.
There are cuties, crazies, cunts and cringefests.

I'll be your friend

It's He-Man.
I was referencing He-Man.

His mount/battle companion's name is Battle Cat.

Strangely okay with this.

Yeah, exactly.

still weird cuz id prefer the green beans with like soy sauce

Hey loser, why are you not going out tonight?

i think i am

cum inside my butt and we can be friends! =))))


I have to work

did u just assume my evening?

gotta study stocks + she'll wait :^)

'cause my friends are mostly all preoccupied on Fridays, so I use them to rest.


reminder that it's going to be the exact same game as the last one


Lol k nerds

knowing you you prolly already binged a whole lotta eps

Is that a yes to friendship?

All humans should be killed tbh

Thank you, friend.

Because I have no real friends, obviously.

I'll pass, thanks.

Are there normal people? Wait, of course there aren't. I'm looking in the wrong place for that. Silly me.


at least im safe


annual sports games add in more features each year than pokemon does every 2-3 games

and that's not to say sports games add much

what if we just returned to hunter gatherers and abandoned agriculture and everything after it

would that be fine

Also sorry if replying to everyone in a single post bothers any of you

dont worry about it

Oh, okay, that would make more sense as to why I wouldn't know it. Even if it did air during my time I didn't watch TV much as a kid.

I don't know yet


wanna league?

Pokemon sticks to a time tested formula but this one has some huge changes

like the day/night time time skip feature, the formes, hyperbeats, literally building a new pokemon league, etc

Fuck, tabbed and x'd out by accident

I;m not sure if you're a main course or the main course after the main course for fat fucks, but yeah, you're absolutely great but a bit out there.

You'd be a Nouveau American dish, upscale and innovative with old style. This would be where you get that sort of stuff. Cullete with Oyster Leaf.

sounds good to me

Guess we'll find out.

look man

im just gonna be frank here

idc and ur game is gay

ok how about you just talk to me every once in a while and we can be friends

is that better?

who are you

I'm just saying you're wrong

thats all that matters

Chickn core don bleu penne polo with pesto pasta italiano pasta fresquinni

can we make up grim


the rest of it look cute :)
(excluding monster face.)



What would I be?
I'm probably Breakfast of Champions deal.
Cigarette, leftover lager and last nights takeovers.

Something once a week to get you going the day after.

Idk what happens now

because i have kewl youtubes and games and threads to watch and paly! :D

iunno what that is

fifa now updates the ingame players haircuts each week to match the haircut that the actual player had that week

its pretty revolutionary

talking sounds like a better idea than fucking. Deal. Though I don't even know how often i'll be around.

I'm a nobody.

We do friend stuff.

its pretty much virtual reality

If you're already firing shots, being passive aggressive about it is just immature. If you don't want to start shit, then don't insult them in the first place.

Oh, and a beer on the side.

8 (you)'s for so little effort tho, would do again

that's okay, see you when I see you

gotta leave for work

adios, thread




i like leeg!

but i wanna planet earth 2 moar.

Tell me what i would be pls! ♥

it looks soo pixelated!
why dark clouds around it face

good talk

I was never into sports games

Season 1 Episode 18 is what I'm on now.

the smug face gave me the impression you did not want to make up

so what did you want me to say

I think posting cute anime girls at eachother counts as friend stuff.

Bye bye

I'm smug because I got unbanned and I'm enjoying it

I'm willing to make up but you have to initiate

You want planet earth stream? I'll stream it again later

its piexellated cuz its on the ds
dark clouds cuz its mad

tell me about yourself\

ehh sure

huh, that's pretty moderate

Another dessert. You're sweet.
A custard cream dorayaki wagashi with all the trimmings and a bit of mint leaf.

Basically, a japanese pancake that tastes like one of the world's best biscuits with fancy syrup and a mint leaf for freshness


dont be it was a mutual decision from me and bebop after you seemed sad in your convo with him

i did

Sorry Tokai, I'm not drunk enough, I'd think you'd be a bigger dish though; so multiply the size by 2 and the taste with 1.5

It definitely does not

Don't be so downtrodden, this is a fucking good dish.

unless WWE counts

I played a little bit of wrestling games

Get off your high horse first
let's talk eye to eye

I play bad vidya games and waste my time doing NEET things.

Well, shit. I don't know what to do.

what brings you here

i think i did that when we agreed to unban you

my dad didn't allow wrestling in the house, on tv or games

he thought it would make me gay


i wanna see cute animals and stuff! Planet Earth 2 sounds like fun.

dark clouds do anything?

i feel like throwing daggers at enemy midlaner.... but i prolly wouldn roam, so i wouldn't be doin much u_u
maybe i should brush up on lux? nah... it'll only be fun when the skin comes out...
hmm... maybe ahri... since she's cute.
vayne might just be another struggle for me u_u
hmm... playmaker sej sounds enticing... but new weird jung :\

eugh... i dunno wat to do.

tfw sick
i don't want to do anything and i feel too shit to enjoy not doing anything

I think I've been here before but didn't really do much.

and I just happened to remember this place existed.

Anyway, how be you?

Fuel sadness and watch a film

The way you're talking it doesn't sound like it


thats crazy

my parents didnt let me play any games with guns
because they thought the games would make me into a violent individual

turns out they were right


idunno either

i already eat a lot
i may be getting chubby but i will (try) to not to get obese
easier said than done though, holy shit eating makes me feel less terrible

cute pic
me on the right.

i'm a pancake dough nut with yum custard innit?

your attitude isnt ideal to me either

enjoying my friday playing civ with a friendo and drinking just a little.

I can guarantee you're not much like Yang.

*hugs kindly and good now that world is clamer*


Okay, I'm at a neutral level now


jokes on him though

i just went over to my friends house to watch wrestling

and now i masturbate to muscular men all the time

now what

Because I know I'll hate myself if I finish it all in a day.

Well, that's what you do when you're sick, or drink more fluids. AND I DON'T MIND A BIT OF MEAT ON THOSE BONES.

But yeah, you came to the right place, perfect port in the storm.

Yeah, the pancake is great but the real joy is the filling.

I'm planning to get through 20 cans of lager and do a drunken stream of Borderlands 2; this is gonna be like... something to do whilst I wait for the booze to work it's dark magic.

I'm yang~
She is kewl and powerful and shotgun arms.

now we initiate making up

how do

I have raisin bran crunch it was yum

hopefully not too messy >_<
hopefully the tartness of cream ins not overpowringly sweet tart
and more of a supple thingy of tasty? not slight bitter tang????

good question


smart girl

fun times, good luck

and handicapped

sorry that was meant for luka LOL

the webm is meant for you though

apologies maybe?

i'd rather sit down here and die from all this congestion

im sorry you disagreed with the ban time



pls no spoilers ;~;

i'm only 7 eps into RBWY

you agreed it was wrong of you


new thread more like poo thread

More creamy. Not tart at all.
You ever had a custard cream biscuit?



it wasn't a spoiler.
she is mentally handicapped
forever attached to her sister and not to nut

Imagine what you're gonna poop.
You're gonna be like a open bag of compost.

Yes. Here, I'll go first sorry for calling you names out of my anger

its okay

are we cool now?

no ;~;

only cheap small little powdered doughnut things injected with cheap custard creame'

I love her.

your mom is the poo thread

i eat leaves?
scanner are you calling me a cow?

I want an apology for the cruel and unusual ban time

i believe irl threats are especially cruel and unusual

The custard cream biscuit is perfect for dipping in tea

Probably a British thing, I dunno.

No, I'm saying you're gonna have messy shits.

Like, nonsense.


she cool

Well, I think I'm ready for some bad decisions.

I think they vary in seriousness

like from threatening to report you to your isp

threatening to kill your family

there's a spectrum

Mercy on suicide watch lol

Just apologize and be done with it.

Time is fucking precious, my friend;
you don't wanna be dealing with this shit longer than it needs to be.

There are always bigger terrors around the corner. Fuck this, then set everything on fire.


one is more realistic than the other

threatening to kill someone/their family really is a "who cares" issue though because it ain't gonna happen

someone being a cunt and reporting to an ISP is more likely to be followed through with

Nigga, no internet.

That is fucking serious.

all threats are funny tho

thats an important thing 2 remember

You ever had 6 months without internet?
And trying to set that shit up?

It is a dark and lonely path to walk.

because too sperglords decided to agree with him to spite me he has the impression he is in the right despite many more telling him he wasnt the day before

that bothers me


dipping in tea is british thing

oh lawd

I think both are very realistic and should be taken seriously


wow it's still missing the music


You know, murder is not hard to accomplish

just because it is less likely than sending an email doesn't mean it should be taken lightly

It shouldn't bother you.
People are fickle.

You cunts need to bury the hatchet, there are bigger fish to fry than 'Who said what'; deal with it in the dead of night and sleep on it.

if you legitimately take "im going to kill u threats" seriously then you have a serious problem where you are no longer operating on the same frequency as reality and i really hope you can find your way back before you like become radio waves or something

if i banned for every shallow death threat youd say the power has gone to my head

if i separate the silliness from what is a possible real threat and ban those the power has gone to my head

oobles, grim, one of you order me a bepis from somewhere with no minimum order charge

i'm thirsty and i feel like bepis

and hot

I guess it's because I have Music set to 0

what the fuck is a bepis


cock is better

it's about reading into the context tho

a legit murder threat will often come after a lot of other bullshit



dr pepper all the way

diet cock

I just got paid, I'm down and need to accumulate good karma before the hangover.

I think Yang'll need a hand in the problems that she'll come to face.

not always true
people can snap

literly on fire~

phew~ subtle fixed broken setting

not worth making a rule about

that's just an act of wack

I agree.
Dr Pepper has that spicy taste you don't get anywhere else.

Apart from Kia. You can't fuck with Kia.

looking at old pics i have on imgur and thinking of the dream i had last night
just fuck me up. this hurts


david ordered his dinner, and from his bag of food just randomly produced a bepis for me ^^

if you're gonna ban someone for threatening to basically tattle to an isp

you better be ready to ban them for threatening to inflict serious harm on them

gotta take full measure

hail bepis



not five minutes elapsed between me deciding i really want a bepis and someone handing me a bepis

astounding, the universe is looking after me

grim youre really reaching here

ban grim

if the person who is doing the ban has some kind of autism and can't read context, then yeah. definitely

moog will do a ban on you

ill ban you too erin

try it

you aren't ready for the fallout

it might literally make me admin again



hard to tell if youre taking me srsly right now

or playing along


i'm goading you into it whilst also warning you the repercussions could literally put me in charge of you

that qualifies as srsly

reminder that "Holla Forums" boards are the ideal location for circlejerks

pew pew fist shotguns
yang punch!

i sip my bepis and await my ban and following rise to power


lol mate


trying to be nice, am

pussy bicc


ban erin till she posts dick and boobs

Calling mum after 4 cans of booze, regret it in 4 minutes, not able

ill get those a different way

post dentist dick and boops or ban

Should I get a ban?


if i say ur ban ur ban

Everyone is asking for bans and I'm drunk so... felt left out.

Whoops, I mean rubicon.
Makes perfect purple drank.

maybe next time

if youre good


Like how Cuba was like in the Cold War

both of my attempts to reconcile have failed

just like my life

daddy ples i want bepis and tendies please daddy i love you plssss

reconcile dese nuts

Tbh, I hope you're not too bothered about this nonsense.

And the same goes for Grim, I say the same for him; it was a silly mistake.

And your attempts of reconciliation failed because you're shit at it.

what nonsense

probably am

i bet you guys would pay money to have me say to you in a busy public place



The shit you both getting your knickers in a twist over.

True reconcillation comes from having putting your differences and wrong doings aside, and coming up with a conclusion that benefits to both parties; if not, it is better to lose than to win, because you can easily take stock of what you have and make do with what you got.

extremely tired and sleepy

You got a bedtime story on youtube you listen to?


no ;;

why tho, time to go out and partyyy woop woop

i drink a bepis ❤

i feel in the processes ive done they are too stubborn to find that conclusion. or they do not care enough to


What you into.

I'll get you a few (yous) if you vocaroo it.

Worst ship tbh.

i would but i have company


Don't think of this as terms of 'They' or 'The other', bring it up with Grim.

You're both fucking stubborn.
You probably need a better version of me to smooth this shit over; I can be a good fucking Saul when I need to be.


that better just be sisterly love


see you

hmm... i'm either blake lively or yang goldsmith
ur just ruby
and cold person white is toke on that kai

Want in on this stream?
New place to shitpost.


ill be playing a game myself

I tried, is cool.

Tokai is not a Weiss.
If anything, I'd be Weiss.
You don't really give the image for Blake or Yang.

have fun

i appreciated the input


I fun and stuff so i mesh with that golden lady ! she so pretty...

but then blake also soo prety long black hair of kewl darkness.

tfw 75 points for a win

dibs on zwei

it better!

u should name that rin_x_tokai.jpg



TBH, I think I'm the Ruby in that picture.


i feel that too

with the ds
and the cute sweaters and the glasses

I could, maybe will.
is that a brown yang??!

you don't want me to be a loyal dog?

I think I'd be more ruby than neo


ill ban you with my dick



You know my results.
I may be a switch, but I'm also a bad girl in need of thorough punishment.

As in.
As in sub.
Don't take that out of context.

ban all dicks

yeah a tan yang

Moog, face up to the fact that you are a deap set, basic as fuck, little bitch

that is very well in the context of switch.
and since I am too, something I can very well provide.

I dislike when they mess with characters like that, like changing personalities or skin colour.
I only like fanart in the context of mostly their original look and character.

I figured out how to whistle today.
Now I can be an annoying cunt on VoIP.

if it's good whistling I'm not complaining.

I still never got it.

gonna be playing ds with someone in case you reply

i like more original ideas that can take something beyond the norm not afriad to step outs side that characters norm looks and make something exciting and new.


i like fanart where they're naked


This is what ended up finally helping me to get it; maybe it can help you.

I just keep practicing so I can find more notes, and work on getting the notes I have found clearer because I want to be able to whistle the Gravity Falls theme.
I need help, I know.


so you'd totally be fine with a black ruby and an australian yang going on an adventure in mario kart's rainbow road in search of the alien skull of that bad indiana jones movie?

original right

I'll try that when alone, saying eeee is just a bit odd in the living room.
but it is worth a try, there's a lot of songs I'd love to whistle.

hey it's neat when you get it, and lovely to know.
so no shame and whistle on

it's like, if I look at a doujinshi and a dominant cool character is easily overpowered I just get annoyed.

that's not how the character is.




i got dishwater in my eye and now it stings

I'll try to get better.

I think I keep confusing the dogs.

I love this picture more than I should.


Thigh gaps.

Rwby is trash


you can do it, I'd love to hear .

heh, they're trained in whistling?


i got dick water in my eye and now it's pregnant

But it's a really high-pitched and annoying noise.



I love watching clips of House just completely rekting idorts.

ever heard of dentist keg standing?

it's where you stand one dentist on his head a fill his ass up with cum and then you hold another dentist upside down over him and he drinks the cum with a straw

R.I.P. house
ancient tv show now ;~;

I laughed harder than I should have

maybe if it becomes a song they'll howl along






I wouldn't count on it.

I think they just keep getting up and looking down the hall, and then curling back up wherever.

woof woof

I count on disney logic!

same as my dog
or he just gets annoyed and lays somewhere else, or tries to dig a hole in concrete

sounds like a dumb dog



Did you even play the game you faggot

Luka do you still have that luka plushie?

you do know what the filename means right

u fkn w0t m8

I recall you saying you played games when you were younger

First Deus Ex is from 2000 nigger

safe and perfect right in front of me.

it randum gibberish 2 me

cute smile ♥


clicked wrong

don't care


Take a pic

holy shit

Nigga I wasnt that much of a gamer either

Your dog has issues.

What's it mean?

Got the newest one yesterday
Already 10 hours into it and it feels like I haven't even begun like wtf
57 gigabytes

Is it any good?


I know right
at least he can give paw and stuff

discord has the answers

what for? ._.

How much was it anyways?

So I could see it

How long has it been anyways? Like 2 years?

Tal Tal Heights might be my favourite song from LoZ ever.

Fair enough.



cute dutch phrase~

You should text me a picture of you.

i think so..
gimme a couple mins to power up phones and stuffs

Yeah it's great. It's on key sites for like 22 eur. Denuvo 2 stronk

22 eur which is like 24-25 dollars

funna go wake that wind fish now that you reminded me about that

I finished it in about 25 hours, the main questline feels really weak compared to HR. The side ones were alright though. Also you hardly ever leave prague at all so it gets sort of same-y once you've gone to all the hidden stuff.


lmao this fucking nerd

My excuses for my inappropriate filenames.

eigenlijk niet, maar dat geeft niets.



That thingy with the phone app tho is pretty silly. I have barely touched the main story, so far it seems a little meh yeah. I've just missed an exploration game I think.

Nigga I'm rich, if I want beer I'll just go buy some

begin de dag met een lach

Ah, might consider later ^^


What's that one mean?
Probably another absolutely horrible thing.

Really though.

Don't say that !?!?!?

I never really knew what that phone thing was about, I just ignored it. The issue with the main story is that there is only like one big event and dialogue thing, and it doesn't really come to a conclusion at the end, it just sort of leaves things open for DLC shit.

why not "begin each day with a smile"?


Who told you that?

I've missed something to play so I just got it.

I think the key I got is like a seasonal pass. That's fairly lame though. I'm fine with 25 hours for so little tho in any case

a file name!

Remember that time Google told me that the only way I knew how to say that one thing in french meant "You make me horny"?
Good times.

I'm back bitches.
Death Road to Canada stream and recording?

google ruined everything

heb ik gedaan

it means dat ik van je hou.

Do you have lots of free time now?


Ik glimlach op dat.

Moogs ruined everything.


Don't mess with me, I'll report you to big daddy gubbment for masturbating to pictures of anime.


Thanks for her. i like her.
she's always in front of me.
Thank you.

niet zo eng doen jij

they won't mind.
and when you see what I said you won't either



There's a joke in that filename.

That I don't think anyone will understand.

Because it's really reaching.


inslag inslag =w=

Right, setting shit up.

I'm here to make things right.


I think I broke Tokai.
Or he's trying to rename something to match my filename.

iedereen is eng

some time, it's all I'll do in my free time.


Ok, I'm set up, who wants to join in the steam chat?
I'll be streaming and recording.

Duitse herder


Steam mic with me as I stream

Did you get the one bit that's kind of awkward if you don't see what I did?

Also, I'm german you asshole.

The what now

Makes more sense, you wanna set up the discord or should I?


Death Road to Canada, Holla Forums edition.


I don't actually want to be in VoIP, it's just that steam voice chat is rubbish at best.

Yeah, I need someonee else to make it since I'm too sauced to do it myself and it is a new thing. I can GIVE IT A TRY but it will go tits up

Ooit wil ik een duitse herder, ik noem hem blitzkrieg

I don't think I did, tell in private?

I'd rather associate you with the Canadians who liberated us than the Germans who conquered us.

Even though behind closed doors, conquering is all I'll be doing?

65 eur for a 24" FHD 2MS TN?

What Hz

60, as usual.

Just looking for a second display I can actually use for games.

give it a try

wat zal hij doen?

..could be.
but remember that when canadian soldiers actually came here they fucked like there was no tomorrow and took thousands of dutch home.

mijn huis beschermen en kinderen wegjagen

Oh yeah!

It's all in the name, Theseius.

Yeah, but.
I ain't no rabbit.

What make is it again?

Made a discord, just need to do a mic check.


How is this?


Iiyama E2473HDS-B1

Seller is new though and doesn't have reviews yet, but I could get it in person tomorrow or something.

thus creating more than a million Dutch-Canadians.

I love the story

You calling my people rabbits?!
we lions

That fuck like rabbits.

overestimating my energy here.



Fucking, I made some effort here, get on this.

Also, like.
It's me.

So probably not like rabbits, by any means.

maak hem zacht en fuzzy soort vriendelijke nestelt Woofer~

he will run at you and snuffle all over you and wagging and snuffling and rubbing against you all happy in a blitz style~!
^ ^ ♥

Stick it in, moogie!

One of these is not like the others.

you know what blitzkrieg means, right?


how wil u even stream it?

i dunno
._. some attack thingy...

maybe when I'm alone
should be in a bit.

I'd much rather just cuddle up right now.
and most of the time.

unless I skip my ritual

alleen als ie bij mij is, niet voor vreemden



Obs, Twitch, record the nonsense, give the file to anyone who cares.

I mean.
You aren't wrong.




i have a semi

By the way.


semis are big vehicles

this is a very special kind of semi, grim

it's optimus prime


inb4 the Electoral College members don't cast their vote for Trump in the 21 States where they are not required to vote for the canidate their represented citizens voted for and the country actually has a civil war with protest riots fighting each other in the streets of all major cities and black lives matters just go nanners and kill all whities

That's literally what a good trap aims for tho

treat him with respect and he shall do the same


I want to see this happening.

nothing perverted about cuddling!!

I like this
but nooo
not sleeping, its super early

i hear if you disrespect him he takes your face


My cousin saw a pic of erin that she posted. He liked but I had to tell him.

the tuck man

Luann's such a character, I love her

Keep on keeping on.

No, it's late enough for sleep.

Do you know Elma is a trap?
I mean..

so now he wants to amend obamacare

Should I just stream and record and let you do your shit?

amend or flat out throw out

but not even my 14yo brother is asleep.

RIP ;~; geprivatiseerd doggy lekker liggen

post twitch

Kurig coffee maker!

throw it out and then apply the same provisions

to be petty

let's hope he amends the part where if you don't want it or can't afford it you get slapped with a big fat fucking fine during tax season because that totally makes sense for poor people.

You seem rather conflicted.

>not throwing out all of the previous guys things and then just redoing them with your own name

seriously why more presidents don't do this is beyond me. having the names of every policy change every 4-8 years will keep people on their toes.

Eugh, fine, it's a weekends.

Not quite.

settle down

this from you lol

TC's seem to great with her. It must be the different chromosomes or something.


It begins

you fucking cool it missy

privatisering is voor verliezers

thank you honey

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread