I'm fairly new here and have been wondering what a good Idea to get a bearing on what kind of leftist I am as seeing as their are tons of them to deal with? Is their anywhere I could look to see what is the differences between all the groups here? Or could someone just ask me questions and I respond to them and then the rest of Leftypol decides what I most sound like?
Figuring out what type of Leftist I am?
Seize state and use it to create stateless classless moneyless society = marxist
Destroy state and build stateless, classless, moneyless society on our own = anarchist
Destroy state and build stateless, classless, market society = left-wing market anarchist
Lazy coward pussy hopped up on memes with no knowledge or clue = """leftcom"""
Read texts. Here's a couple that are relatively short. This may seem like a cop out but not only is being well read a vital thing, but you should be thinking critically on your own.
Let's be honest, that's at least half of the board.
What about all those Technocrats, and Transhumanist? Plus the YPG guys whats their deal? Also isn't it more in depth then that? Sorry I can't read all the recommended books due to being busy with my duties.
I genuinely came here because I noticed I have very left winged tendencies and I don't mean Liberal. Most of the people I talked to pointed that out so I came here. Also which ones are okay with gun-ownership because that's always been a big deal for me.
Technocrats are stupid and you should ignore them, transhumanists aren't even relevant yet and the only serious transhumanist movement is going to be in your grandchildren's era.
The YPG are democratic confederalist, it's a neat thing, tied kinda to communalism, google bookchin.
It is certainly more in depth than what I'm saying.
Also, I'm fairly sure all socialists are for gun ownership. Definitely all anarchists.
Read The Prophet Armed by Isaac Deutscher. It's a biography of Trotsky from his birth to the Revolution, and it relates several debates between him and all other shades of Socialism during the time of the Second International. It obviously portrays Trotsky's and the Bolshevik's point of view in a more favorable light, but it's fair to the other sides. That will give you an idea of many of the important cleavages among leftists and will be more engaging than walking straight up into theoretical debates.
I don't doubt that, what I'm saying is you need to read for yourself and make up your own mind. I mean I could tell you to read up on Anarcho-Syndicalism, Anarcho-Communism, or Communalism because that's what I find myself agreeing with, but in the end you need to make up your own mind.
All of them are for it, but just like speech a lot of us don't expect the right to exist when shit starts collapsing.
You really ought to explain your views on things, OP. How should the workers organize themselves after a revolution? Central planning and a vanguard? Industrial unionism and votes for representatives? Market co-ops and workers councils?
Well to give some ideas of what I got here then if it helps.
And a bunch of other stuff sorry for sounding like a drunken rant just been very confused politically lately and noticed where i lean so came here for help. I'm open minded and can be persuaded just this is what I feel right now.
I know but as I said I have been very busy and rarely find time to read. Most of my political leanings and knowledge just come from debates I have with others.
You're right wing. You want to police people's personal lives, don't care about economics, and want a big state.
You're not a soshmalims is when da gubbermint does good things type of guy, right? What is socialism to you?
Nazbol gang
More of organization now that I think of it. Haven't had much exposure to Anarchist or such, as far as I got with talking to an Anarchist is a really high an-cap friend I have who is literally almost always high and constantly shilling at me to buy Lithium because he bought a whole bunch of stocks in it or something like that.
As I said though anything I could read while in the field and not on watch would be useful.
People like the YPG, Paris commune, Republican Spain, Lenin Russia, Stalin USSR (A different form but still under the name).
You gotta get on learning about private property and your views on it. It's like, absentee ownership over stuff other people use that you never use that requires a state to force those people to not use it for free.
Any idea of where I could get somewhere to read up on that then. I can note that I have fairly Authoritarian views though how far left I lean I am unsure of is the issue. Then their is the finer aspects of it all I also do not know.
Why is caring about who consenting adults want to fuck even on the list of your political priority list? We won't get any socialism if people are more worried a bout what happens in the bedroom of others.
Also thanks for putting up with me and helping me figure this all out. Though i'm not sure which Ancom you are or if your the same as the first poster.
Its a long story.
Lenin's economic system was explicitly mentioned by Lenin as a regulated capitalist transitional state, a "step back to take two step forwards later".
There's a reading FAQ stickied which is a good starting point. If I get time, I'll try to get some recommendations for what you want to know.
Thanks a lot and sorry again for my incompetence on the subject. And yeah I tried to figure it out but it just to much and looks confusing as shit to someone with nothing to go off of. Sorry If I sound like Nazbol or Pol in disguise I just have no fucking idea.
Also didn't know that about Lenin.
I usually just tell everyone to read conquest of bread regardless, but "what is property" seems good for property.
Whatever personal reasons you have to restrict other people's freedom cause it offends you, there's another twenty people who feel the same way about the (harmless) pleasures you seek.
And I am him.
It's no problem, man. Everyone has to start somewhere.
This user has good starting points. Kropotkin is a great way to understand the viewpoints of more libertarian oriented socialists, and Proudhon (What is Property?) offers interesting viewpoints of his own.
Alright I'll look into those.
I don't see it as harmless but this is just something I refuse to change on. Lets just forget about it because it will just lead to an off topic argument and a bunch of other shit.
Alright also know any interesting Military Leftist/Commie literature?
Explicitly leftist military tactics would probably be
You can say what you want of the politics of both Mao and Che, but both waged war and seized power succesfully through it, so their input on the art of warfare is of interrest
Correct, but
Ignore this one. This is naivete.
No such thing. also, top kek at narchos being butthurt at leftcoms for calling them out on their retarded ideology of kicking over dumpsters until this somehow magically leads to revolution and rampant market apologism.
Alright thanks a lot man you've been a huge help. I'm gonna download these and print them out for latter.
Also I did this think its a meme but here you go, did it when /k/ asked for favorite gun and where you stand on this so that's why for the name of the file.
Tankie detected
was just saying
Tell me about the Tankies you have my interest.
My boy
What are you haven't seen that kind of flag around before?
google renzo novatore
Look up dadcommie, phil greaves, earwulf and redkhaina on twitter, you'll be great friends.
You're an anarchist.
You don't go fucking ask what your group is based on some vague ideas.
You educate yourself, study theory, and then pretty much fucking know what you are based on what theory you're basing your ideas on.
If you have to ask others what the label for your "theory" is, you have none and are just a fucking lifestylist and are pretty much useless.
Feel free to chose your ideology at random, anyone but Marxist Leninist will fit you, you can even change it at a moments notice to match your current mood. If you check out any threads asking for Holla Forumsetariats development you'll see what i mean. They switch back and forth without any coherency. Frankly it's just disgusting, it's one of the main reason why i can't take anyone on this board serious.