Obviously they are wall fodder, but how do we get them to suffer enough to compensate for their complete disregard for chan culture?
Fucking Tripfags
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bully them if you must, otherwise filter them and encourage others to do the same
When one is being an annoying cunt, pretend to be them. Nobody actually bothers to memorise any tripfags hash and just mimicking their name and flag and sticking a random password in is enough. I normally try and emulate the worst parts of their attitude and generally be a dick and call the original tripfag an impostor.
Now this is podracing
We need to suck more dick.
Just see each and every one of them as an enemy, not a friend, and spread the revolutionary truth that all tripfags are property owners.
I just happened to be doing my random browse-by on L-pol. I just want to say: fuck you lol
More like Anal.Waste. amirite
why have a name box if we weren't supposed to use it?
I don't understand….
tbqh hoochie is a qt and has always been pretty pleasant and nice in our debates and is significantly less cancerous than a lot of other people on here. Not so sure about the others tho.
yeah what's up with those guys
It's just another tool people are free to use however they see fit that retards like you like to attribute some meaning to (i.e. sage and newfags thinking it works like a downvote).
God damn the japs don't have to deal with this bullshit.
Do they not have namefags on 2chan? or do people just not care about it there?
2ch doesn't give a shit. They even have a term for people who hate namefags/tripfags (コテフォ).
t. reddit
Thanks ;*
Someone using the "t." meme calling someone else "reddit" is just fucking hilarious.
"Chan culture" is just status quo bullshit that quickly turns boards into hivemind garbage like your post so well exemplifies, though boards like Holla Forums where everyone can only speak in memes and have like ten different words for "person I don't like" is a better example. Only "newfags" who recently found out about imageboards would defend it (nobody in their right mind wouldn't get tired of the same shit after a few years, right?).
Forgot to say it's also a great tool to quickly kill any discussion, but I guess that goes in hand with "hivemind garbage".
don't you mean xax, friend? :^)
you stop being a larper with their priorities in the wrong place and acknowledge that the reason i even keep a trip is to make faggets like you salty (and also maybe i'll start that youtube channel eventually and i'll be a published writer soon so there's that).
@ me next time
daily reminder
white knighting a vietnamese lesbian won't get you laid