How do we deal with the right wing retard (RWR) problem that is plaguing America and the West?
How do we deal with the right wing retard (RWR) problem that is plaguing America and the West?
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Break the stereotypes they have against leftists, by doing things like getting into the firearms community. Hell, a lot of "conservatives" are single issue voters on fire arms.
move to Venezuela or North Korea and help them actualize true communism
Both are Nationalist.
ameriturd detected
We could direct the hatred the lower middle-class white right-winger feels for "elites" towards the sort of financial and entrepreneurial elite that tends to be right-wing as well.
Can't make this stuff up.
Brainwash them with lefty propaganda and throw them into the meat grinder when the revolution comes
Stop stereotyping all right-wingers as slack jawed rednecks.
Well they are americans
Wall is too kind.
It's not stereotyping when they're on film saying dumb shit of their own volition.
Oh, look, more "it's ok when we do it" bullshit. Do you believe everything you see/hear/read?
This is some next level meta baiting.
didnt watch the video but I'd totally support that tbh.
The only answer to reactionary and pro-porky cuckoldry in the lower classes is class conciousness in the lower classes.
If we cant do that, then there is no answer and america is hopeless. Nothing you come up with in light of the real answer being impossible will be a solution.
This is true, I know this personally
reported ;)
There's a reason people like you break into tears when confronted with logic.
Report my dick, you tryhard. Go wait in line for bread and an argument.
accept them as your countrymen
but of course you lefties could never do that.
fuck ingroup preference, m i rite?
I'm a redneck and let me tell you, you alt-right cunts do more to alienate us than the people who ARE our history, the unions and the anarchists.
Kill yourself lying cowardly city boy
Also moonshine is incredibly popular.
left-wing rednecks rule
Conservative isn't alt-right and I'm neither alt-right nor conservative, which is completely pointless to the conversation at hand. You can't win people over by shitting on them and dehumanizing them. That goes for all preachers of political ideology.
This is what Holla Forums do, you have just taken one of the things Holla Forums say all the time and said we do it.
Being a dunce, I assume you've only ever seen this from interactions between other people. And as you've already said, you shouldn't believe things just because you see them happening in front of you.
You're one or the other. And you most certainly ain't going to win people over by trying to associate your political position with any regional culture.
Way to avoid the logic and just call me Holla Forums. Is everyone you disagree with a Nazi? This is why normies can't take you seriously. You attack the person and not the position. Explain how stereotyping another political party helps your own cause. If you can't, eat the crow and shut the fuck up.
I'm neither. Sorry if that blows your mind. The question above still stands.
And here's the answer to your argument:
I ain't dehumanizing myself, you tard turds are pretending rural whites = right wing and shitting on the right wing = shitting on rural whites and, that idea can go fuck itself.
This did not happen, but then again how can I be sure it didn't happen? All I know is what I have seen, and I shouldn't believe what I can see.
This is a leap from your false premise. You are a dunce.
t. facebook frog
You strawman and do nothing else
Yes never forget the evil cyber-imperialism of dirtbag leftists on the internet oppressing poor defenseless Americans, who literally did nothing wrong.
Your implication was because I said something similar, I'm suddenly like them or share their views. That's the strawman. And there you are, still attacking me because you can't answer the question. What you've seen is irrelevant.
So, I'll repeat it in more structured manner because you seem to be missing the entire crux of the post.
How does demonizing and stereotyping another political party help your own?
Spread class consciousness. Huey Long was able to get them pointed the right way in the 1930's.
"it's ok when we do it" is a Holla Forums mantra, thus the comment that it was next level meta baiting. Stop playing thick.
Right wingers aren't a political party, they're a tendency pretty much based in "don't change things they're going well for me/I like doing a thing". It's for mental infants. Americans in general deserve to be bullied for having such a fucking awful influence on the world, most noticeably the internet.
You seem to be under the impression that every comment I make needs to have a grander purpose, which wasn't in the license agreement for any of my hardware, software, or Holla Forums, so I'm not sure where you got that idea from.
that doesn't solve anything, it just fosters lazy and entitle people who aimlessly protest things they can't understand
It's literally one of the oldest political propaganda tactics in the world. The question is rather how one would wage propaganda warfare against the political opponents alone and not the demos you wish to get to your side.
This nigga one of those underage kids who doesn't know the difference between "entitled" and "self-entitled" god damn. You were an idiot on Holla Forums when you were arguing against piracy and you're an idiot now.
Lol you are hopeless.
This is just sad.
The fucking OP question is how do we deal with the right wing retard problem plaguing America and the West to which I replied to stop stereotyping them all as slack-jawed rednecks.
Having the opinion that right-wing ideology is infantilism isn't the problem. The problem is pissing in a thread to have a group masturbation session about "lol rightwingerz" instead of offering a better solution.
If these people are infants and irredeemable, how do you combat the problem? By just talking shit and strawmanning people who disagree? Or by actually laying out the ground work to change hearts and minds?
You mean the question that you completely changed because I answered it already?
Nonsense, get them to understand they have more in common with a poor black worker than a white porky and suddenly revolution.
We've already proven you can't into reading comprehension. You're not in this discussion.
Okay give up then pussyboi
Most rural whites are rightwing and don't pretend otherwise. Growing up along conservatives and currently living among rural whites has given me a deep understanding of their viewpoint and I know the one thing that absolutely won't change it is being a smug liberal and insulting their intelligence or culture. Many people who I've been close to in the past and live around me have opinions I seriously disagree with but who are very decent people regardless. Dehumanizing them is going to make them more set in their opinion and is insulting to leftists like me who actually know them as people and not as numbers on "the bad side".
Kek, let me guess, you're not Holla Forums, you're a classical liberal?
How about you use this opportunity for recruitment by answering the fucking question.
First off you're a fucking idiot if you think I'm going to believe you're an ancom if you're going around calling me a liberal. Secondly, also growing up around rural whites, the poor ones, anecdotally, do not give a shit about forcing you to act a certain way. Most people around here are apolitical or vote what their parents voted, but overall tend to want more freedom.
Now, you're again
To be implying the right = rural whites
and insulting the right = insulting rural whites
It ain't true, the right can not use rednecks as a shield just like EA can't use the gays as a shield.
I meant acting like one and wasn't even referring to you. Most people in general are apolitical, and just want more freedom. I'm specifically talking about ones who actually hold conservative or rightwing viewpoints. The point being dehumanizing people on the right, not specifically rural whites, and calling them retarded rednecks isn't helpful and is insulting to people like me.
Obviously it isn't helpful, but it's only useless because it's associating one group with the right when that group should not be associated with the right. Now, shitting on the right without going full idpol racist anti-townie about it isn't a bad thing, that's a good thing, shitting on SJWs for their attitudes and their perceived censorship is what got these edgy alt-right retards to exist in the first place, shitting on the right for their attitudes and their actual historical censorship and book burning, I think is probably gonna have a similar effect when we do it as when they do it.
I don't particularly believe the USA or the UK can be salvaged in the near future, I think if there are any two countries holding onto capitalism kicking and screaming at the end it will be them, devolution into fascism and all. All I've ever seen in these countries are movements derailed, infiltrated, co-opted and demonised from the get go.
Being a dick to right wingers from these countries is cathartic, and the benefit of driving them all further right is eventually the mask of civility will slip in policy and they will alienate themselves from the rest of the increasingly polarised world. For every hour you spend trying to talk someone round there are dozens of news channels, newspapers and thousands of paid shills on the internet doing anything they can to preserve capitalism.
Try and get through Kapital Vol. 1 sometime if you're interested in why capitalism will eat itself, but I don't think a realistic alternative can exist under the status quo in the west.
I'm not saying to not attack their viewpoints, I'm saying to not attack them as individuals. It's not even about associating the wrong groups to the wrong viewpoints, but in trying to dehumanize or broadly paint an entire section of people who hold their viewpoints for many different reasons.
I think if you want to create a good non-academic, pure mainstream normie appealing argument against them, you're going to have to throw a few of them under the bus and use them to make right wing ideas look bad. Just like trigglypuff.
This. These countries are almost as deep in spooks as the middle east they helped create, which they now hate.
Just like how effective presenting leftism as full of entitled, whiny nu-males prevented everyone here from becoming a leftist? People will ultimately adapt their ideology based upon three factors: whether through peer pressure or influence, through shallow emotional thinking usually based on hate or fear, or through rational thinking. Neither of those really involve trying to make the other side look bad, because of someone is willing to change their mind because of something superficial, they're probably not very serious about politics anyway.
Anybody else just siiiighed in exasperation when they try to deflect from this with "b-b-but Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore, Dianne Feinstein, Joseph Lieberman!", ignoring both the fact that every single guilty Democrat's angle of attack back then was Christard fundamentalist (either in a soft sense, like "muh children", "muh violence", "muh vulgarity", or explicitly religious in motivation), and the fact that the overwhelming majority of those involved alongside any Democrats were Republicans?
No amount of instances, from the ME fiasco in the late '00s, to the GTA and internet censorship ones in the late '90s, to the Mortal Kombat and music lyrics ones in the early '90s, to the D&D and Satanic panic ones in the '80s, to the Comics Code and Red Scare blacklistings in the '50s, to the Film Code in the '30s, will cause them to give one inch.
At least with a lot of Holla Forumslacks on Holla Forums, it seems like even the slightest acknowledgement that this anti-art problem before 2007 was caused almost entirely by right wingers as far back as you care to look, would break some sort of bizarre shibboleth.
Most Holla Forumses and Holla Forumstards are too young to remember that time.
Does the American South even know what the Confederate states stood for at this point, state rights and such?
I don't think anyone young enough to have spent their whole popcultural life after leftism went insane is on here. Unless they're teenagers who were absurdly secluded as children.
Still, if the SJW thing doesn't mostly burn itself out beforehand, this generation's kids are going to be something… special.
Hammer and sickle versoin of the stars and bars
So… Woodie Gunthrie?