solid as iraq
Solid as iraq
a google search of "big dicks" just came up with a picture of your face.
alright. I gotta lie back down, back is hurting way too much. later ya'll
Watching this show makes me want to learn to whistle.
I just did it while inhaling but I can't seem to do it when I exhale.
Never mind, there it is.
I'm pretty sure my ego is broken.
i liked the part where ellen walked around lip syncing to popular music
I don't want to want to know what this is in reference to, but I find myself grotesquely curious.
Like a train wreck.
This i think. Something like it.
i'm in class :3
"i'm pregnant"
I'll show you class.
I got gifted a game early on
if it were their gf maybe. They're essentially at work.
Must be getting some dick off camera too.
i'd fire her.
I can't stop going back to this. wtf
Yeah, same here tbh fam
I disagree.
I'd hold her hair anyway.
Probably because I know how horrible it is to have vomit in your hair.
Though, I guess it is all over her, so she has to take a shower anyway.
It's only gay if balls touch.
honey scent is still all over me, best invest ever
I usually smell like bubble gum.
Bubble gum and strawberries.
i like it when rin squats over me and drags her spicy balls up and down my body
strawberry bubble gum huh
too bad I can't chew on you
Rin's Spicy Balls
Spiciness: 5/5
What in the ever loving fuck?
Is this us, then?
it's 4:20 where is my weeD
It's 11:21 give is ~5 hours.
no it's not, you can't trick me with your sack of spices
There is nothing wrong with heterosexual non-interracial relationships.
can be.
bite me and be sure to get a bite back
if eating spicy dentist cock makes me wrong, i don't want to be right
Thread is dead as fuck.
Real question.
Why am I the spicy one, if Grim's the curry?
May have to test this.
i love blood chan
Squash cock:
Mild, not spicy.
0/10 dentists.
I fear for my nipples
last time i was hear bitching about canadian stocks i was saying it tripled and could go up more but nobody wants to learn this shit
its been like a week and it's tripled again since then
I'd learn it.
But I don't think I'm allowed to earn stocks.
Cause you so spice.
remove curry
Good murrning.
how to remove curry
I swear to god if it goes up x3 again I'm going to dig up my old canadian xbox friends and throw them a bunch of money
Why not?
It took me 30minutes one day to get into this shit and since I keep getting more money I want to keep learning more. It's better than literally doing nothing and crying all day about how the gov't doesn't pay them enough to live like some people do.
attention time
i don't care for free money
are you serious
Add basmati rice and eat it..?
nope, are you?
oops sorry user i didn't mean to link you
anyway i'm going to go kill myself now because my word means fuck all and i probably look crazy to anybody who doesn't like money(who the fuck does that?)
Just woke up a bit ago.
Going to go look at the house I might move into on my way to work.
i could tell by the frankly embarrassingly serious tone you posted in
there are these indian tech reviewers popping up on my youtube and i get triggered when i hear heavily indian accented english and their clumsy hands with their superficial overviews
when are you leaving
everyone here sucks except for bebop and subtle(maybe)
2 hours.
no master dont
stfu freak
why has sci been allowed to darken our threads again anyway
it's like we have a potato fetish these days
Because reasons I don't really wanna talk about.
and mugen and rin are sometimes okay
are you okay erin you seem to have entered the thread in a bad mood
best of luck
my tummy feels tumbly
we love u erin keep cutting
I see how it is.
does it seem like a bad mood? i was going for irreverent, i'm pretty chill irl thanks
thank god ur here
no u dont
wondered how sucking fingers sail
it wasn't-
nevermind. thanks.
You'd be surprised.
Like all sexual things.
dont post that plz
convinced me
get well soon
that picture of my arm all cut up kinda turns me on a little
I try
Sup with you?
yes doctor
did u dream? hit me
huhw, sucking fingers is just a euhm
cuddle practice ritual
dunno what to do with my day
so nothing really new
You have a weird sense of what cuddling is.
I would offer to play if I didn't work.
It is cuddling!
with my finger, and your mouth.
I think so but my brain is totally farts right now I forgot everything I ever learned
its alright
i have options its just hard for me to choose
have you actually seen that!?
jews are aliens!
Should play an MMO.
You're a pervo.
I'm gonna go to the store now. Probably.
I might decide to go to the mall instead for Genesect.
oh well it will shape up again anyway why tumbly
the best cuddling involves penis in butt
so elite dangerous
yeah, i watched it a few years ago.
i would bet all my satoshis that sci is a virgin
I suppose?
Erin, you are the one giving him the most attention.
Just ignore him or some shit.
erin is trans LOL
tumbly because I fee like dindin but too sleepy to make dindin I should sleep and make dindin tormrorow
its fucking wild
you gotta get it when the co-op comes out so we can fly around in the same cockpit with me
what the fuck is with you jumping down my throat these days
i will bully sci if i damn well please, fuck off
moogen why are you a bitch deep down?
lol he is a virgin
knew it
bet he's kissless too
im not the one biting nipples!
have fun dear
what did i do this time
I could go for that.
You jump down everyone elses. This is the second time I have done this. I am free to get onto you if your mentality is that you can do as you please as well.
Just a general enquiry.
maybe have extra big breakfast? idk that is a tough spot
lots of interesting perspectives and ideas about stuff that goes on, and spirituality~
Also, Squash, why you so sensi?
mental problems
you better
you are, i struggle to see what you hope to achieve though
and no, i don't jump down throats, that's bullshit. i am mean to people, but i do not jump down throats, you spiceless mild cocked non-dentist
you joking with me?
this honest tbf
He is really gunning for you and grim at the minute.
his dog is in a mood with him and he's taking it out on everyone spicy
What is that?
Sure you don't.
woah! kewl some new trendy mannaquin chalenge thingy!
squash had sex with a dog
Scoots, we talked about your memes.
When others fall for this it just makes them look dumb.
Oh boy.
Do I get the 2 hours of passive aggressive hazing too?
scoots stop enabling this
memes arent worth it
I was thinking to
Imight toothbursh and bed
someone post a picture of kyle so i can put it next to a mashed potato face
Lol, sounds about right. Domestic problems.
I will do the mature thing and just filter you as you scream into your personal echo chamber.
I don't know what to make of this post.
Moogen and squash having relationship problems?
Did squash go off of mashed potatoes?
I still don't get it.
Swear to god, Scoots.
I'll meme you.
i didnt put a lot of thought into it
I deserve only the best.
They always say that... and then I am left in a puddle of semen and disappointment.
My dick won't bring your father back.
that would def rule out dindin but i think it's good not to sleep after eating or something
i wouldnt expect it
just brings disappointment
How harrowing.
i know im so dark and edgy
scootaloos father is dead?
My father died in 'Nam you shit.
Erin, you said I would get 2 hours.
Not two posts. Fucking haze me properly.
*Shines flashlight on you kindly*
i wish someone would spice on my face
wish mine was dead
lonely :(
duckling in ur bum
*Pats head*
Fuck. I can't even feel the love.
how delightfully quirky
-sniff sniff-
I smell it
daddy issues
swedish fish
lol squash put a little ducky ducky in his botty botty
it's my lingo, keep up
Why else do you think I pursue cupcake with this amount of vigour.
You don't really care. All you want is your sordid little tales.
So you can selaciously assassinate my character in thread and then have your potato faced lover ban me.
That is how this is going to happen isnt it?
to be honest I sleep when I feel like it didnin does not affect anything dindi nis good I like dindin it makes my tummy not tumbly anymore
more cute pics like this pls
all i have is crying cat
You have found me out.
I shall send for your head.
lol wait did grim just get the b&
yea anybody would agree w/ u on that but sleeping right after eating makes u fat or something?
ban evasion
why grim is banned
what was his initial crime
lemme guess
Hit the nail on the head.
I doubt ittt
but I heard swimming after eating makes you cramp and drown and die
knew it
that's a spicy curry, too spicy to fool around with
wat even
yes you will
but i heard that that is a myth...
It's almost as if things have consequences.
It wasnt even a doxxx
im w/ grim on this T b H
it's the swedish fish thing
yeah like don't try and enforce bans on pillars of the community like grim, this isn't a commercial establishment, that's shitty
persistent banning should be for unloved pariahs like sci
documentsing should be allowed
Grim if you're home get on discord so I can talk to your dumb ass about how unstable you've become in just this past year. You really need to fix yourself bud
I mean, it was reposting information that Squash had already posted. So its prety lame
I can spice on your face for tree fiddy
at least make a ban appeal btw you cuck
tfw not wise enough for wisdom tooths
What is the dream?
w-whoah there big boy
how about don't ban grim days after the fact
oh boy a revolution is brewing
an IP address is not a person
he did initially
he just thought a week timeout was too harsh for threatening someone safety
yes now u see
Lol, so far up your own arse.
documentsing is fair play
documentsing is fair play
documentsing is fair play
shit it from today afaik also im not the one banning
he shouldn't need assurance or attention to report someone for something they've done that is illegal. being an idiot about it and posting in thread with their info is fucking retarded.
if i report any of the fuckers from here i won't say a word about it here and i'll just see them disappear silently, nobody will know where they went.
imagine a revolution on the basis that GRIM is being poorly treated
the perfect storm
To be a pretty lady.
also the furries have been treating me poorly for like a week now
i demand compensation and to consolidate my loans into one easy monthly payment
don't put a brotha down
As long as I'm outwardly acknowledging I'm a dick it is ok though.
if the person had done the things he claimed they'd both be banned
shit what from today?
How does this deny any of that?
It isnt my fault that I care for truth.
advertise it im ready
See what you've done?
uwu can't handle the twooth.
no, we make enough fuss till one of us gets this one.
it's how we do it now. new board was shaky first steps, but now we're stronk and we can make power plays
So many deleted posts lately, I can't figure out who he did things to.
Let's imagine what this board will be like when the majority of us who do actually work and go to school move on with our lives. It will literally be four or five people learning how to accept and interact with luka; for he will quite literally be the only person who will always accept you and talk to you.
RIP Animus 2007-2019
tfw no more blood chan
Whose posts getting deleted?
mugen actually fuck off with the banning or deleting, i swear, up until this moment i was fine with you being mod, but now i'm suddenly not, not at all
sure u do
just do the time like everyone else
in fact as a sign of good will i will lessen the time
Grim did nothing wrong. You said as much ins team this morning.
nobody else does the time you cretin
lol mugen is such a pushover
what a bitch!
i'm getting angry
you wouldn't like me when i'm angry
Luka for admin.
And Harambe was just a gorilla.
What the fuck happened?
I just did a night shift and got a crate of booze and 'time' is mentioned.
Did Grim get banned? WHY?!
I do. Because I'm too dumb to dodge bans.
Because moogen flipped out, again.
yea luka for admin
im with her
No, tell me properly.
I'm legit interested.
do you thirst for more cum when you're upset?
just askin'
grim is banned because mugen doesn't understand the difference between a friendly online hangout for a bunch of friends, and a business.
he's trying to run the community like a business, with unwavering rules and protocols, and generally being an
tbh grim always says sorry and then goes on to do something else later on
it has happened more than a handful of times
this shade
How would I know if they're deleted?! I can only assume.
blood, cum, bile, whatever you got
I also told you he was a ticking suicide bomb... you shouldnt have banned given how much of a deep rooted bitch moogs is
Grim reposted some info.
Mugen has had it out for grim from day one
saw opportunity for ban
banned them and started menstrating.
Like... he made a business move, a ban, because Grim said something unprofessional?
b-but why?
as soon as i touched his grim, i banned and started menstruating
grim wheres that cool new board
you're thick as mince bro
my potions
my upper middle rib hurts I hope it does not mean Iam dying or have cancer
For once you didn't say something retarded.
I'm not the one in charge of bans.
but he broke a rule you put in so...
I can't read autist, sarcasm or angry scrawlings.
You didn't say exactly what Grim was banned for.
hey fuck off bitch leave neru alone u will never understand
rules were made to be broken ๐
The face of a man who will break your rules and you.
but you write autistic fluently o.O
Nice, good to see you furries stick together.
Grom posted what I take was a report to someone's ISP or some shit and their IP in thread.
The jizz mats our fur together and separation is impossible.
Why did you want to report me to my ISP anyhow about me abusing children? Did you get me
confused with the canadian poster? โ โ โ
lenko is flirting with me too hard and i'm shy
It's fucking weird.
Speaking of which, people keep saying if I am got auts, maybe I need to get checked.
be afraid, be very afraid.
lock your doors.
oh that was mff?
if people saying i am got auts i am test get for sure
Oh boy. He's being a pariah now.
ban mugen
But yeah, Grim just needs a slap on the wrist, but if it was info pertaining about Mugen or whoever it was, shit wasn't going to go smooth either way.
Don't fuck with people with big sticks.
I shall be the mouthpiece with which Grim sets the record straight. He is giving me the low down. Expect a relay in a minute.
I saw mugen irl once
he was on his way to the pet store
(You) (You)
yo grim i got u id = tripcode
George had to drive me there.
He said we'd look at the dogs.
aw wtf him rly?
shut up fag
Want me to lead him into safe passage in other places?
Anyway, how are you? I didn't even know Mugen was a mod; fuck, I forgot who he is.
everyone who regards this as the most interesting thing of the day leave
shut up fag
what if big sticks are your fetish??
i saw mugen irl once
it was potatoes
all good scan chan, you?
I haven't said anything about any of this since it happened.
I wasn't using a canadian proxy. I just saw some report form to my isp and something about child abuse. All the canadian stuff i linked to, I don't know who they are.
I might be getting a new house today.
That is my exciting tidbit.
In a sense, it is everyone's fetish here.
This be cray cray like Civilization.
he mistook you for someone else it seems
Grim Echoes: Would you like to be the voice of a condemned man
Scootalooo: um i suppose
Grim Echoes: thank you sire
Grim Echoes: So,
Grim Echoes: To begin lets let everyone know the basis of why I was banned
Grim Echoes: information is key
Grim Echoes:
Grim Echoes: is the image the person posted
Grim Echoes: and thus I took the ip in that image and threatened to write an abue report email to their isp for them having cp on their comp
Grim Echoes: Anyway, I realize my error that framing someone is bad, but I never meant to send the email in the first place. It was only to get them to stop posting
Grim Echoes: So I'm willing to take the 1day
Grim Echoes: but 7days is too much and having a pissing contest over it is dumb
congrats ๐
Grim Echoes:
Grim Echoes: idk why it didnt paste
dont back down mugen everyone will think ur weak
grim talk about the new board
waow, nice.
hope it works out well.
It's just a rent, but it's progress to independence.
I need to drive by it on my way to work, but if it's cheep and not run down I'm snagging that shit.
mugen just free grim so sci stops enjoying himself
Grim Echoes: oh, hmm that post was mff's? Looks like a case of the wrong man
Grim Echoes: tell mff I personally apologize
why is everyone so gay
is it weird that i want to have sex w/ an anime girl
(nobody is actually gay it's just a meme)
I mean, I think this is a situation where a certain few have ganged up on someone who had the best intentions in mind.
20 other places to post, I could lead him into a cool place where he can spread his nonsense upon new masses for a while.
New board sounds good though.
Getting through 20 cans of lager, gonna do a drunk stream of Borderlands 2, all psycho team. Shit scared about what I said drunkenly last time.
Sand people and ex girlfriends and retaliation to bullying was mentioned. And jail.
Traps are superior to women
You literally told me last night you thought the ban was justified.
I'm going to pass on that.
Girls make the best boys, tbh.
traps are scum ive hated like 95% of the traps ive met online and wanted them to die
kewl, having your own house is nice, break a leg~
Civilization 6
Holla Forums polotics edition?
I find it bullshit, a day ban for a simple mistake is ok.
Can just easily sort it out by getting that dude a new ip and a handshake.
Can't afford, Civ V though...
always knew mugen would turn out to be a turd in the punch bowl
Maybe it didn't help that I was talking french to emma once.
You want me to get injured?
That's kind of mean.
oh boy
look at this cat tho
Is Mugen Moogs?
at least i have 5 that i can fall back on ^ ^
similar pictures
You refused to give me the entire picture
cute !
I'm suppose to piss off and not be involved.
no cause it's bad luck to wish you good luck so i wish you an injury and that jynxes you getting injured so you have good luck
I can tell you why I am, sorta.
Too much booze and any hole is a goal.
sweet though, what's the plan after independence?
It's alright. I'm just glad he really didn't send the report in.
I call Aztecs.
no, mugen is a fighting game engine, you make your own mortal kombat type games with it
ty i love cats and dick
that is a fair and honest answer i accept 101%
Supposed to. But here we are.
strawpoll is quite obviously rigged
I know that, on account of ALL THE SPRITE PORN I'VE SEEN
Oh, yeah, the storefront I went to didn't have white hot chocolate.
I was so crushed.
I just wanted a white hot chocolate with a chai teabag and I had to settle for hot chocolate with peppermint.
it wouldnt matter if it was
So you wish me good luck with bad luck so I don't have bad luck for getting good luck?
Save up 10 grand and hoof it to the south.
What a fun game we play.
Am not fag
exactly ๐
The memes ALWAYS come first.
A little. No scat though and a little off my style.
grim the new board it's your only hope
off brand mff
Grim Echoes: end furry drama
Grim Echoes: free grim
^ This
fuck squash
marry lenko
kill mugen
grandma headed to hospital again :(
Oh god, I really am dumb.
hot coco is still major comfy though
what's in the south what makes you move?
shit :x *cuddles*
Fuck oobles,
Marry Bard,
Kill Myself.
I want to head back near Snuffles in Alabama, or move to the coast for potential love life.
i dunno wat i would choose...
i guess admitting it was bad of him was hollow
further proof furries are shit
Marry squash
fuck moogen
kill lenko(because he is a manlet)
Random it.
wow excuse me me liking dick is probably the straightest thing thats happened in this thread since it was made
sticks literally rhymes with dicks
Yeah, but.
White hot chocolate with a chai tea bag tastes like candy canes.
what a pussi
yeah. i would have been a horrible webm most likely for a few. a couple would have been too vanilla.
Good luck :c
i am referring to his previous statement
im only asking he do the time
Grim Echoes: its the punching bag's fault tbh
what about me lamenting the departure of my love, blood-chan(female)? in fact everything ive done has been super not gay
who that, grim?
fuck scoot
marry scoot
crush pussy
Yeah, Grim can fuck off to his new board.
Done with his ass.
Erin is too insane and Scoots probably fucks like a grafter with too much workload, no cuddles, just 'get yourself cleaned, slut'
and we, the people you serve, are asking he don't, you total cunt
actually sounds like fun.
would kill a few hours... im sure. maybe even half a day.
If the punching bag didn't want to be punched, why did he become a punching bag? Huh?
t-that's pretty gay......
wowwowowowowowowowow i'm flattered and also scared
also scoots would probably cuddle like the fucking hairy bear he is
and he likes dicks
id argue were it you in the persons position being threatened youd want them to be banned
I wish my granma died already,
like she was a lovely person and all, but she's been braindead for 10 years, it's inhumane to allow this.
oh okay that's a good reason, good luck with it all.
like those things you hang from christmas trees?
Because Grim treats me like shit because he can't be a shit to George or he might not be able to get his banned lifted.
shut up...
Grim Echoes: and tell him to go sip mercury
i don't mean to seem rude but i don't watch videos when people want me to, it's completely attention consuming and the implication from those who link videos is that i have the attention to spare, which even in the event i do, i don't, because the assumption is uncouth
please summarise
When you do.
I usually eat any that the kids don't.
That's absolutely normal, at least with me at least.
Feelings of fear is always equal to the feelings of acceptance with me. -w-
... I'm a weird guy.
It's 4 seconds.
The guy is basically a ripped Dog the bounty hunter and just says "that sentience had to many syllables. Apologize."
you are, go die. B)
lol, okay
such a manchild
T b HHHHH grim should get an extra week for evading
grim the new board!
srsly shut up im kinda broken up about it
It hurts you don't specifically watch my vids.
I thought you were my buckaroo.
Scoots, do you cuddle after fucking?
stop being a fucking shit moog, there is genuine new board talk, get off your high horse and let grim post before you single handedly fuck everything up for everyone
such a sweet tooth.
oh boy
i dont know what to think
it's ok i like vagina so i am pretty gay too
Ask Erin
i don't even watch videos nick sends me in messenger
fuck people who think what i'm watching on tv or whatever i'm doing is less important than their video
no thats straight
Usually something like half the votes goes to "Mordin is a slut."
I'm surprised.
This strawpoll must be rigged.
after fucking, scoots does more fucking
You are dead to me.
Best not to think.
IT'll only instill more confusion, kafkaesqe horror and FUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUN
Halfway through 1 can and already I'm fucking glowing. :DDDD
i feel like this is a reasonable stance to take :s
How are you alive?
Maybe Sunday I can booze. Day 7 of my 9 days in work.
what happened to kamoo I will bed I finished tootbhrush and feel sleepies nana
I approve 2000%
Sorry for doubting you, you're clearly a god amongst men.
Grim Echoes: my board will be managed as a community first, and as a business NEVER
Grim Echoes: make animu community GREAT AGAIN
Make ANimus great again
I'm sure he'll lead all 3 of the people who post there well.
good q
yeah now tell us the board name!
Can we vote Erin back into power?
10:11 AM - Bebop: it's all nothing tbh. really stupid once you know everything
Talking to everyone about this, I am still deeply concerned about how many people here have autism/
new board is hillary tbh
w-what i dont have a penis
THINK IS BAD SAD IS G... No wait that's not how it goes
He goes to my university and I think he got too busy with degree/found better social life
so?? liking vagina is straight to me so ur straight
I am more pissed that he treats me like shit when I don't take his side as opposed to being pissed about the ban or offense.
this tbh, i feel like i was better at this than erryone else
i mean bebop is generally fine, but letting mugen get away with this shit isn't on
They were always the most qualified! They sacrificed their power for the perceived good of us all, we were wrong to accept it. Erin for admin
I'm probably in work tomorrow night but they never said so I'll just be like 'HUNGOVER, you know what happens when I don't find out what I'm doing and left to my own devices.
We want Erin back!!!!!!
When Scoots is for something I generally have to be against it because memes.
i-i.... i.... w-what?
if u get admin power i paypal u 10$ for tendies
bebop u should just never give up the power and keep it for urself forever imo
I don't really actually care as much as I'm putting forward.
But as a serious question, was he given a warning in any capacity, or was it just a one week ban without warning?
We are ying and yang.
lesbians are straight imo
so whats up
Misato best girl
i like this gif
I think posting IP and threatening someone like that doesn't really warrant a warning as we have it in our rules that that shit is not ok.
board name now
i was this boards first admin
and by popular opinion the best i think
erin your website is kill
I'll just have to continue drinking for a bit and I'll come up with something better.
Something on the lines of 'IF IT IS SO WRONG, I DON'T EVER WANT IT TO BE RIGHT'
aw wtf
which one? is supposed to be kill
The way I understand it, the ip posted was the one in the ban-screencap, so.
Oh boy. I can't wait for Grim to go social justice on someone and do this shit all over again.
*punches your bag*
This moderator abuse, that moogs does, cannot be allowed to continue.
Erin back.
Moogs out.
Let the bitch go.
oh ok that is a good logic!!!
not much i do not feel good because today is remembrance day and it is sad day
how about urself
are u be admin again?
what are you drinking tho
woah how are you a free man did they let you out of the maccas?
so grim has rei, scoots has asuka, and i have misato. who gets shinji?
all that needed to go on was a little bit of talking/"detective work"
turns out our normal:autism ratio is extremely low
she's the best in the show tbh
I'm pretty sure it's mostly making threats.
Fuck off.
When I get scare,
I remember Erin making me moderator for 10 minutes.
It was happy tiem.
make enough of ruckus and it can be made to happen, yeah
now lets change the rules and make documentsing legal
what is remembrance day
me sadly
This marks a key day in the history of animus
She made me admin for a week.
She likes me way more than you.
Who would be baka enough for him?
He admitted his fault on that front.
And even then, threats are made here on an hourly basis.
Why would you decide you want to take this one seriously, but not the hundreds of thousands of others?
Lots of it.
I don't wanna go 0 - STALKER in 20 minutes flat, wanna stay drunk for 8 hours.
i like scoot more than squash
thin ice bebop
things haven't felt this revolutiony in a while
did you see all the rust loot
we spent all night getting that shit because we knew how bad you'd feel losing everything
I severly doubt that. If you believe that then you are a poor, delusional, puppy hun.
Because it's not like Grim hasn't said he'd never dox someone ever again or pull this shit.
this picture is literally horrifying
You look like one of those mixed race girls with the sass
She just admitted it.
It is a competition between me, Sci and err... I dunno, who are the dumbest posters here
ban sci
Bebop, step down. Erin for admin.
whoa im the smartest poster here by a country mile make no mistake
do it now or you're seriously facing the new age of erin
How is posting an ip of someone when they've literally posted it themselves doxing?
So gross.
Bebo listened. He is a good man. The problem is with Moogs.
Misato such depth... misato soo real... misato relatable and human and not perfect and just misato.
Misato is pretty & strong โฅ
i like her.
bebop ban erin lol
We have ahad enough of this drama.
I have had enough of this place being like a warzone.
I want peace.
Erin is peace.
Holy shit, Rin.
Are you missing the point where it's not ok to threaten someone?
Because that's the part I am trying to point out more.
oh wrong filename
the problem is you
are you saying you wouldn't welcome a new age of erin?
just think
10$ for tendies
via paypal
you'll have it in 3-5 days!
it is basically veterans day, sad day.
i cannot properly retain alcohol i tried drinking disarono a few nights ago and guero told me to not do it again because i went coocoo cachoo
i did see and it made me very happy
test is a good boy and texted me about it at work and it made me feel very happy
the problem is you
literally everyone accepts this, even bebop.
it's time for your spanking!
That's why I love posting it.
listen man
I was trying to help but I do realize it was in the wrong way
but 7 days was too much for that shit
so fuck you and your couch
I'm not sure
the chaos is something I am averse to
like the meat incident
and the melting down
in paypal? from card or bank? if it's card i'll have it instantly my nigres
I should get on rust.
this takes priority.
Erin. We need you. Come back!!!!!
Some people just aspire to be dickheads?
guys this is nothing new.
nezi no ;-;
paypal to bank is 3-5 days
were you the victim how long would you want the person to be banned
You're Sci?
FUUUUUUUCK. I thought you was just some random dude... fucking names!
the meatening was glorious
you should fight for your right to such hijinks
You're deciding to take one threat more seriously than the millions others that transpire in these threads.
And then you're using "Oh hurr, he doxxed the ip" as a follow up to why you want to take that seriously, when the person in question, to my understanding, provided it themselves.
I don't care how you feel about it, but be consistent.
I'm going to call the cops on you and get you arrested for having CP.
Because all threats are serious, even when they're blatantly flippant.
Oh look.
I just threatened Grim.
oh yea that is sad, every memorial day i had to go to this service for band in high school and it sucked
super boring
this has always been my tripcode
not here
it's instant here
also i don't want tendies i just had a chicken burger
How long until this happens again?
With Erin we wouldnt have this shit happen
I wouldnt want him to be banned
I'd post at him and I"d tell him
"Hey man, you know you can go to jail for falsely reporting a crime, right?"
I'd call him out on his bluff
You need to find the right poison for you.
For some it is beer, for others it is hard spirites, for most it is weed or harder shit.
i will literally beat george up irl
I am being consistent.
Most every threat here lacks validity and Grim posted information that would lead to actual real life reprecutions. There is a difference between saying you'll beat someone up online and actually threatening to report them to big daddy gubbment.
Right, I'm keeping a stickynote so I don't forget anyone.
i will beat kyle up irl
freedom wins
I miss wordfilters
My health is seriously at risk now
*hyperventilates and cries to triggerhappy mentally ill mods*
Not just dickheads.
Banned for threat.
this is fine
this is not fine
kyle is a good man
he is just sensitive
people dont write letters to isps about how a poster is posting child abuse often
easy to say
Stop sucking up, Grim.
You can fuck off.
classic favourites such as:
throw that ass in a circle
and many more
why ask me the question in the first place then fuckwad
I'm not sucking up squashie
you're sucking down
Sucking down on that moogen cock.
It might help me get a hold of someone if I was not trying to call a fax machine.
if someone is posting child abuse you're damn well straight their isp is getting a letter
when did you turn so shit
oh i use to play bagpipes and all i knew how to play was amazing grace.
but super duper sad ripperoo
beer is yucky, weed doesn't cut it enough, and harder drugs r for bad girls im a good girl ;_;
i hoped itd inspire reflection.
suck dick for peace
I agree with the Erin for admin part, I just equated the smooth running of the board with Erin because thought she was in control. I only found out she wasn't because I of this.
ill reflect for 24 hours
thats a fair ban since it was my first offense in 3months
whose dick you gonna suck for peace
okay it's a little sad i'll give u that.
niceeeeeee where did u get one of those
Well what do you like?
What do you look for in alcohol? Sweetness and easy drinking?
Here is a cowhex for you.
hey its fine
when you have mod e-power gets to you heard
it gets to everyone head
Whatya sayin Luka?!?
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
I literally just threatened to report Grim to big daddy gubbment.
And again, I'm of the understanding that the "information that would lead to actual real life repercussions" was provided by the person he was responding to in literally the same thread.
~nobody posted child abuse~
there are many more people that have never been banned at all
so how is it fair
I got a better question, what is the worst dick you would suck for world peace?
Has to be a notable person, not a tramp off the street. Has to be a nasty dick and a nasty person.
Now post his IP and shit.
Without it you lack validity.
don't worry! I'll be gentlerough