Post cringe made by bootlickers/classcucks
Bootlicker/classcuck cringe thread
I like how they both subtly conflate capitalism and God
My favorite part is if you criticize the current notion of work in any way you are regarded as a crazy person/lunatic. They've created a society sized echo chamber.
communism will never happen because most workers are spooked morons who will gladly suck porky dick and blame other workers for their problems.
i'm officially done with people.
This is an obvious false-flag image
Mr.Wolff really is a gem. Glad we have an academic like him. Nobody does it better.
Try living in America, it isn't that obvious. I got into an argument last Easter when half the people in my family falsely believed social security wasn't a government program.
A lot of people think the ACA and Obamacare are completely different things.
What'd they think it was?
One of my uncles thought it was a retirement fund his work put together. That was probably the most creative answer. The majority just never thought about it at all but assumed it was already something "private." I quote private like that because I don't think they're smart enough to know something as basic as the distinction between public and private. They believed however that the government was trying to steal from it, which is ironic because they're but not in the way they thought.
How the hell could the government steal from some private retirement fund?
how can an education system fucking fail you that bad?
i hate porkies and most workers equally tbh
By not making Civics and Economics mandatory courses to pass high school.
Sometimes I hate being a Burger.
I remember when I was a sophomore in high school and the ACA was just about to be introduced. This kid in one of my classes said he didn't support it because he didn't want a "dictatorship"
I took econ in high school and it was one of the biggest mistakes I made. Pure free-market bourg propaganda, and how great corporations are. Of course we learned economics, but only the neoliberal kind.
That's what basic economics teaches. Advanced economics is class concious.
We have bretty good food here.
you mean most americans.
look at macroeconomics. It deals with unemployment, inflation, oligopolies, inelastic demand and overproduction, while neoclassical shit just assumes an equilibrium and a fantasy free market.
You mean Marxian? University level economics is the same apologetic.
That's what it was macroecon. I remember distinctively reading an article in the class on starbucks barista's wanting higher minimum wage because they have degrees, and the response from the writer and my teacher was that degrees better become mandatory for those jobs then.
Which university did you go to? When I did undergrad economics it was all about muh micro with the macro side being "which school of liberal technocratic interventionism has the best solutions for economic problems"
It depends on the school, really: My professor was clearly a conservative, but he was impartial in his delivery, and took measures to ensure that the few of us who actually cared about the course got a proper education in the subject. IIRC, he even touched upon Marxian economics as a counterpoint to capitalism, calling it a "scathing critique" of the current system!
I walked out of my last lecture with two things: An innate understanding of micro and macroeconomics, and a quiet respect for right-wingers like him. If it weren't for his class, I likely never woulda stuck around Holla Forums.
For people who claim he's MarkSoc
People like this invoke a special kind of disgust in me. It's not only the indignity of blissfully accepting your own servitude and exploitation, but doing so without even having the self-worth to complain about it.
The fact it's plausible people could believe this makes it even worse.
God I hate that piece of shit. Has never had a real job in his life and lectures working people about their struggle.
All of Mike Rowe's speeches are filled with muh nationalism spooks. He really thinks that living in America is the best thing that can happen to anyone and takes away your right to complain about anything
Did you ever seen his Prager U video?
This might be ideology in it's purest form. It also ironically goes against the teachings of a lot of their other videos, because they will tell you capitalism is magic and only through it can you achieve your dreams.
at last I truly see
work for yourself
Not an argument, pally pally pal
Kek, I'm sure you'll be able to compete with walmart if you just apply urself.
Protip: try it yourself before offering life advice.
Pls enter the real world rich kiddie
This is some Class A classcuckery. In the future we'll view these people like we view medieval flat earthers or the romans who drank wine from lead cups to make it sweeter.
I'm working in a warehouse emptying containers every day which is more work than you'll ever do in your whole life lil' porky.
Got another reply to that whisper
Why the fuck would we ever want to?
Why not rename that pledge to "work sets you free" at that point?
How do people justify and live with these contradictions?
How does one recognize that being born in a first world country is due to luck but being born rich is not?
Please explain me Holla Forums. I don't get how people manage to be this classcucked. Do we really deserve communism?
Moving the goalposts, you claimed I was lazy and I proved otherwise. Meanwhile you're still off in fantasy land believing you can survive on selling beads. I hope for your sake you do inherit a successful company when you grow up because you're in for a real rude awakening.
Just because propaganda works doesn't mean the victims don't get to be free. There will be plenty of time for re-education after the revolution.
No rich person in the world has ever worked hard
Rich people (okay, mostly the petit bourg) actually work a lot of hours and are the busiest social class in America.
It may seem contradictory but it's true. Work has become a status symbol as low-skill jobs are being phased out; Some men check out of society entirely.
It doesn't mean that the rich deserve their exhorbitant wealth, or that they work 1,000x times more than the working class, but you can't deny a lot of the upper class does put in a lot of hours to their careers.
Is doing lots of work necessarily the same as "working hard?"
At least this time the petite bourgeois will be too busy working to help the fascists quash the revolution.
Hmm, I'm suspicious as to who could be behind this post.
There's this girl whose a daughter of a bourgeois lawyer that I cyberbully on yikyak. What started me cyberbullying her is her telling me how rich her dad is. Me being an autist (probably) who posts on a leftist imageboard all day made me start raging at her and then I told her that she never worked hard in her life. That made her mad and she started raging at me about I'm mean cause I said she doesn't work hard.
She's never had a job, she sits in her room and cries, and she complains about her kidney disease. One time she told me that her family went to Europe for two weeks but she didn't want to go so she stayed home and later made her dad take her to disney world for two weeks.
She also told me once that she got jetlag from flying to somewhere in the western USA from michigan. Jetlag. and she had to sleep for two days.
I make fun of her kidney disease to her and tell her she deserves to have it.
Anyways, when rich people say they work hard it's usually the most ridiculous shit you've ever heard of.
No, it is probably not backbreaking labor like welding or construction, but you can't just dismiss the efforts of the professional class like if it was nothing. The doctor who works 80 hours per week or the lawyer that juggles with over a dozen cases and has no time for his family because he works 12 hours a day also have merit.
True. My dad was an ethical doctor who truly went into the field because he wanted to help people and liked solving problems. He worked his ass off caring for his patients. Unfortunately, the bourgeois hospital felt he didn't care enough about making money so they played these games with him and eventually forced him to retire. We're upper middle class though, not rich. I'm not even sure we're that anymore because of how bad SS is.
Pretty sure those are working class, mental labor is still labor.
Three words: economies of scale
If that were possible for everyone, capitalism, in its current incarnation, wouldn't be a thing.
Besides, that's just petty bourgeois reactionary talk. If it were possible for everyone to own a MoP, then society itself would be the abstract capitalist. Everyone would have to work to accumulate as much capital as possible. See the Marx quote posted above.
Markets themselves are a problem.
Petty bourgeoisie are the self employed.
Upper class workers work longer hours - effectively, Porky squeezing as much profit as he can out of his rare, valuable skilled professionals.
Consumers (aka workers) create jobs
Not exactly cringe, but this fucker's totally classcucked.
He believes the "muh human nature" meme, most notably, and also thinks us commies don't understand human nature.
I meant to say basic economics on the second point. My b.
It's not nice to cyberbully your online gf about her kidney disease just because she is the recipient of unearned muh privilege. Just because she's lucky and delusional doesn't mean she deserves shitty things. Material shit never makes life worth living or give meaning anyway. Peoples problems are still problems, regardless of how shitty someone elses's problems are.
Socdem…is right?
But literally, most people here view socialism as the government doing stuff.
No, doctors and lawyer have no merit in my eyes.
The healthcare system is purely for profit. They don't address the root problem of most disease – a bad diet and lack of exercise.
And lawyers? Well I don't believe in laws at all, refer to my flag lol.
What the fuck am I reading?
The problem is not the managers (they just need their salary cut and no more golden parachutes) but the shareholders. Managers are economically speaking working class, even though bourgeoisie on a cultural level.
Careful with that edge. What would be your preferable way of a common ground for behavior and organisation?
I'd say public healthcare doctors can be comrades. Lawyers on the other hand can never be comrades. It's literally their job to shill for anti-prole legal systems for profit. They are useless leeches, like so many other highly paid professionals.
It's not the lawyers who made the laws, holy shit. Especially contemporary lawyers are extreme legal positivists (in common law less than in code law), they work with what you give them. Ironically porky university made them this way though. You may blame a fucking cashier for perpetuating capitalism as well with that logic. Or do you think interpreting laws is easy? Because it fucking isn't.
Most lawyers are reactionary cunts because of the mileu in which they are strolling.
you've never even spoken to a lawyer have you?
As a law student I can tell you that this meme about a lawyer sitting in his firm, legs on the desk and cigar in his mouth is bullshit. First off law graduates are victims of a lawyer inflation, the amount of lawyers per citizen has skyrocketed in Western countries. Most lawyers work for big firms or insurance companies, and they have long workhours and shitty salaries. They're proles.
Second off, through the diversification of majors, graduates of majors like International Management or International Relations are pushing into fields which were traditionally grounds for lawyers only.
I know plenty and they are all reactionary dicks with a religious belief in the word of law.
Every professional has a religious belief in what they do. Scientists do. It's a result of extreme specification combined with a terrifying disregard for general education. Again, this is the fault of porky university.
So is everybody studying economy even though socialism is all about economics. It's a cultural thing man. Hate the game, not the player.
Did not say this. They do however worship bourgeois law. I've rarely met other people who have such a fanatic faith in the system they are part of (economists and realtors come to mind, in addition to lawyers). Cashiers don't have praising capitalism as a signature trait the way lawyers have praising bourgeois judicial systems as a signature trait.
As I said, they are positivists. This doesn't mean they evolve capitalist convictions by themselves, rather that they interpret the laws porky gives them. You know that the Civil Law Codes you have in Europe would absolutely be fine as long as you outlaw private ownership of MoP and wagelabor? The GDR overtook their private law entirely from the BGB which was passed 1900. Laws are not bad per se, and our laws predate capitalism as well as they are just carbon copied from the Corpus Iuris Civilis which comes straight from the Romans.
That's because they are autistic idiots who are being trained to be subsumption machines instead of academic human beings. We still have classes like law history, law sociology, methodology etc but nobody goes there and they are unimportant for your degree. It was literally downgraded to be a craft instead of being academic by porky.
But the same way a lawyer blindly believes in the jurisdiction, pretty much everybody believes in the validity of bourgeoisie liberal democracy. They are all victims of ideology.
Agree, but I have a hard time sympathize with people who should know better but continue to be bourgeois bootlickers.
It's not that I don't like laws, I'm not an anarchist. I just don't like bourgeois lackey lawyers.
Again, I agree. I saw passive acceptance of the bourgeois liberal democracy in sociology and psychology, despite both disciplines producing tons of information that says "socioeconomic status produced by capitalism is THE most important defining factor for the quality of life in a population". Still, these academics rarely used their social position for propaganda and religious preaching the way lawyers (and economists) tend to do. At least the ones I know and the ones I've met.
Sure, maybe they can be comrades, but they are high on the list of professionals I have a hard time trusting.
Sounds like your professor was a capitalist economist in the mold of Keynes - instead of dismissing Marx as "lies and agitation", he tries to solve the contradictions within the capitalist system as presented by Marx.
Socialism frees both the prole and the bourg.
One of the problems in the modern left is that there isn't a proper or accepted redefinition of classes. The sort of bourgeois Marx writes about is usually a family at the summit of a vast vertical company. The post-war CEO or banker, who one would think of when discussing the bourgeois doesn't really fit this description. The highly-educated and paid professional is another category that doesn't fit well into the bourg-petitbourg-prole system. For example doctors, senior civil servants or professors don't cleanly fit into any of the categories, unless we make petit-bourg an extremely wide category.
Me neither, trust me. Every lawyer I know is a liberal (classical liberal, not the American type of liberal). But I guess what I was trying to say is that while "professions" like landlords or realtors are economically defined to be an exploitative profession, lawyers aren't.
lol no
She jawmogs this whole forums
I understand the guy's sentiment, but you can't expect poor college kids to willingly take on expensive degrees they won't be able to feed themselves with. I'd love to be a music major but I recognize I'm not melodically gifted, so I'd end up $40k in debt and working at mcdonalds.
I wonder who is behind this post