There will be over 100 million climate refugees by 2050.
If your political theory doesn't have a comprehensive way to manage this mass migration and prevent the mass death of these refugees, and you don't recognize this as one of the MAJOR crises we need to confront, your political theory is SHIT.
There will be over 100 million climate refugees by 2050
Other urls found in this thread:
What's your proposed solution to this incoming crisis?
Stop bombing Syria and support Assad.
Russia is better than the USA at dealing with problems.
Capitalism has failed in the Middle East and Africa.
Why do Rightists have autism about this fact?
t. "Just offer some of them asylum, surely that will slow the intake down"
protip: EVERYTHING fails in the Middle East and Africa.
Anyway, just settle the refugees in Siberia. It will be warmer by 2050.
Forced migrant quotas based on city population. If every city gets a proportional number of refugees, you don't get a problem of having all the refugees in big ghettos, and locals freaking out about sudden cultural change. But you also have to arrest and re-educate the few fascists who stir up trouble, as well as refugees who refuse to comply with socialist cultural standards. And the refugees should be allowed to list their ideal cities to go to, but ultimately they will have to accept wherever they get relocated to. Refugees and locals will be required to attend cultural exchanges and education sessions so they don't see each other as mysterious or alien, and can integrate better.
A fourth thread…
mods pls ban
Climatic migration is far wider than Syria.
I'm against exponential population growth ,or for that matter, any population growth. Fewer people will lead to objectively better conditions for said people under a distributivist system.
fuck off retard, climate change is the ultimate crisis of our lifetime, we should have ten threads. and I'm not the OP of those threads.
This is totally irrelevant and fucking stupid.
By slowing and eventually stopping climate change.
I'm justifying the death of 100 million humans based on current consumption practices and population projections
As compared to your sentence that offers little by way of refutation?
Not an option. The climate crisis is going to happen because of pollution we are putting in the air right now. You have to deal with the crisis (and eventually reverse it), you can't prevent it.
The people who will become refugees AREN'T the people consuming a fuckton of resources. Kill yourself.
These are interesting. Looks like China would be consuming 30 to 40 million barrels per day when their middle class mimics the U.S.'s. India has done well without consuming more petrol but I doubt that will be sustained. This is probably why I'm hearing the carbon tax rhetoric and the necessity to have solar take over. Doubt China will be able to it before global peak oil but I wish them goodluck. Also polite fuck you for justifying the death of anyone even if somewhat rational.
What are our options in terms of technological solutions? Carbon sequestration and shit? Shoot a bunch of ash up in the stratosphere to block sunlight?
One of the rockefellers made the comment in 1992 at a climate summit before they had the Kyoto protocol in 1997 and the UN summit that year, that they could mass produce dry ice and haul it to the Arctic. He was completely serious.
Interesting. I've also heard shit about pumping CO2 down into seafloor caches:
There is no silver bullet that will prevent the crisis, but there are some things that will mitigate it. We can put cooling particles in the atmosphere, we can do carbon capture and reforestation, we can build levees, pumps, and dams in some case, and of course we will have to move to green energy or nuclear.
As well, we will have to change society itself. We need to restructure all of our cities around efficient public transport, walking, and bicycles. We need to install geothermal heating and cooling in all buildings. Strict standards for insulation. Urban farming and gardening.
But again, none of this will be able to prevent two to three meters of sea level rise by 2100, or deadly scorching summers.
If you go fast i developing technology that can reverse damage enough you might be able to avoid disaster before it happens since although humans have an impact there is a very slight delay of that impact.
No, the first wave of real serious climate disasters is coming by 2040 or earlier. We simply will not have a communist revolution in time to prevent it, and capitalism won't prevent it either. And by then, there will be so much CO2 in the air that we'll be locked in for several centuries of warming.