Let's mock right wingers, Ayn Rand fanboys, ancaps, libertarians and porky apologists.
Right Wing Hate Thread
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And this is why I hate Holla Forums&/r9k/ now.
Anything with the phrase "jewish trickery" in it
As soon as that fucking music in the first link started playing with the fucking SPOOOOOOOKYYYYYY backwards talking I fucking laughed my ass off.
"Communism doesn't work, because human nature!"
What about social welfare?
"Charity will take care of it. Thats just what people do!"
You should visit some non-American chan boards, you can find some real gems in their respective Holla Forumss. In a Brazilian one, they're cry about the fucking French Revolution.
Lol have you got to the part where they have Gramsci quotes they give him like a disney tier villain voice.
The fact that Holla Forums harps endlessly about pizzagate. it's tinfoil tier conspiracy shit and it boggles the mind why people actually believe it.
Well it wouldn't be the first time a nation's political and cultural elites were engaged in pedophile practices
Holy shit imagine being the autist that put the time into making those last 2 screencaps
It's on its fourth incarnation after being taken down three times and I'm still not entirely sure whether it's ironic or sincere
Here's plenty more "fun" for you. Dunno why older pics are missing.
Us and Bunkermag even get namedropped once.
Little missy, I'm anti-AOC.
Jesus christ, is this what Holla Forums actually believes…
I almost wanna read Red Cocaine now.
I don't understand what this page is, but it's making me hard
Holy fucking shit that last one
Go hog-wild. It seems like the author gave the coveted role of Saboteur of Western Civilization to Gramsci instead of the Frankfurt School for a change.
Yeah it's a bit suspicious.
It's a really old image, from when there were more factions on Holla Forums
2 degrees of separation between sargon and david duke
That's honestly one more degree than I'd imagine it to be.
BPS might claim to be a pigeon but his fans only like him because he's a fucking parrot for them.