everything you know is a lie.
Everything you know is a lie
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck you
because I was there when it happened.
Hey buddy, leather club is 2 blocks down.
hard to say
not sure how to even begin to imagine what a homo being strangled sounds like.
Oh, well I wasn't.
wanna find out?
I used to have sideburns as a joke.
Not muttonchops or anything.
Icing on the Maturity Cake.
nice try.
anyway, as fun as this is, I need to lie down. see you around, emma.
Crêpes avec beurre supplémentaire?
True story though
nigga looked pregnant for a good while back in the day
the comic is set in the 90s and the guy is Italian so he has an excuse
nah. that involves work and my grip isn't good right now.
Don't fat shame.
He'll end up bulimic.
If its done right it doesn't sound like anything.
True. I wonder if you can still strangle someone effectively while they scream though.
I think he might have gone through that already
Have you seen how skinny he is now?
You can't scream with a crushed throat.
but airflow. is any too much?
Has he gained a chin or neck yet?
Thread is boring. Not sure if I want to play more games or stick stuff up my ass.
Probably depends on how big your neck is actually.
you are always a source of good screen caps for me to repost and post elsewhere
What has the chafed dick?
Stick things in my ass for me.
I'm lazy but want to feel loved.
But without actually doing anything.
Who this?
I finally find a Sega game I enjoy in the later years and I think they finally did something right only to have the menu HUDs vanish from sight along with literally every other dynamic menu in the game.
would if i could
thought you were leaving
I have sorrow.
I just got here
how come
we have ids on this board
dunno. My dick folder is like my nuclear arsenal. They are like arms to me at this point.
no one special.
Lack of butt diddlers. I need it.
I already figured it out.
The only angle you can get of shot of his dick with.
That was a joke wow are u a speg cant understand a simple joke?
M-maybe I can do a show for you, m-master...
It is required the comment be funny for it to be a joke.
If not then the joke am becomes you.
nice try
I will consider it for another time.
up to you
really? really? are you this dumb
wonder if he thinks he is offending anybody
New IP, new chances.
He's Canadian, he does not know any better.
i thought i unbanned you anyway
Who is KS?
I'm using a proxy
I did not notice, I was not expecting to be un-banned.
Oh my god, Kiss.
Just put your name on.
can you explain to me what happened
I'm posting pictures of the actual users who use this pathetic board.
I do not have my trip on my laptop, and plenty of people call me KS
I reinforced my leaving forever with a perma-ban
Now I'm house sitting on a new IP and am bored so I gave up on that.
no ur not
i saw your appeal so i figured you regretted it
I am not able to keep up sometimes.
Post yourself, hot shot.
What did I put as my appeal? Something about mod abuse? I think I just did it as a joke, unbanned is fine though I was getting bored of being left alone all evening when my friends abandoned me to go out places.
it has been YEARS
i dont recall off the top of my head i didnt really bring it up with the other mods either
confirmed for emma
It does not really matter at this point.
I was the one who asked clockwork to ban me, I figured I could get it undone if I wanted to.
so much love
all over the place
It was funnier on Holla Forums
I need hug.
2 is plural
w e w
Oh lord.
not enough sir please
If he posts again I should just send it.
What's going on?
what are you doing
Squidge is being annoying
Threatening you with a good time
with 9 months of me being gone.
It will be 3 in january though.
You should have done this when Sci was posting CP.
But you are here.
You just made me realize how Luka would end a letter or email.
*Regards you kindly*
*Reports you kindly*
grim this is wrong and ip's count as dox. take a time out
yeah writing emails should be like writing letters, if you're a normie
how was your nap
But he posted it publically.
I wouldn't dare deprive you of my company anymore.
regardless you are threatening someone irl that is repulsive im going to add days if i see you evading
God forbid.
wahts happing
Who's Grim memeing on now?
Anyway, how has your day/night been? Are you working this weekend?
I am.
I have next friday to sunday off, and then Thursday to Monday off after that.
nobody believed it
but it happened
meme magic is real
I wouldn't call that memeing
Having weekends off is nice since you can stay up late with your friends.
I hate weekdays sometimes because some people go to bed early because of work/school, while I stay up all night because I have no self control or sense of responsibility.
I don't really have friends aside from you guys and people who live far away.
I was literally just on, why couldn't this have been done then lol I'll turn it back on I guess
But I said he had a chance.
By friends I meant you guys.
I have not had irl friends for over a year and a half now.
same smh
almost nobody
i thought he had gotten better too but no he acts like a scumbag and threatens someones safety and now he wants to make a new board because he got bitch slapped for it
take your fucking timeout and get over it
y-you are all I need
You also need to breath.
it's time for thread mortal kombat!
cum @ me bich
ill crush ur a$$ lik a fukn gob
I will go sip tea, watch youtube videos, and say mean things about myself outloud since I am alone.
Bye thread.
A necessary evil, time to go do stuff, bye squish
nigga I'll button mash all nite long, fuk u right up mate
supernanny timeout corner
[Insert your address here]
Get haxord.
I am a good boy.
this small purple blob of a thing is cute as fuck
o only if you do it in spanish and shave half ur head
Everything is memeing.
perfeeeeect I came this is done
but..... but then you're saying hillary is memeing and I refuse to believe that she is the attempted murderer of a meme though, poor pepe
assassin update is ass
i told you id add time
Neru how about you actually get good with Lulu for once
whenever I get good rito nerfs lulu so that Iam back to where I started
nice damage control fam
Support update is amazing, tho.
Why is this so addicting to listen to?
Ian your submissive ass would only be useful playing support tbh
ytse a heal slut? ytse a heal slut
What an exciting night.
Excellent observation.
You try.
where did the
Yeah, I'm not putting up with your shit this time, Grim.
Everyone agrees you deserve the ban. Stop making me your punching bag because you don't like getting banned for shit.
I'm good at Nasus okay
I'm not good at top, but I am good at him
Not in the mood.
Estonia has a pretty as fuck flag.
thank god ikarous has finally "quit" the internet
Another one bites the dust
You can never leave.
You told me to fuck off.
Make up your mind.
Implying she's ever "leaving" anyway.
Whats grim done now?
She requires quotes around it as well.
what rank are you then soto
What a big bummer.
My friend that I just leave behind and completely cut off contact with me finds me like this.
All of the stupid lewd shit i've done. The gay shit i've said and done. It's all so ohrrible.
We used to have plans to stick together forever.
enlist together
serve with each other through the buddy program
I miss him.
I'll never try and contact him again. Don't want him seeing me like this.
I'm gonna go. I think I need to leave all of this behind.
For good.
And move out into the real world, making something of myself.
He must have been so disappointed.
God wh y
You know by now youll nevee leave. Just accept your demons. We all have.
there's always one solution to that
I wish I had sexy demons.
that image is only funny because grim listed himself tbh
his body begs to differ
Bench me, daddy.
What did grim do? Ive just awoke and cant see posts.
Oh look it's Mordin
Hey Mordin
As long as you weight under 245 faggot
I'm suppose to piss off.
Molest me instead.
How fat do you think I am/?
i wonder who is the heaviest animus posteer is
I try not to assume genders
or maybe the lightest >///
How dare you knot know.
am i expected to know everything, god damn woman.
I am 190 and have soft brown fur.
Still my best moment in UT.
You are making me mad lisa
Honestly this was the coolest guy from UT
Nigga looked so faded
I love him.
I wanted George to post as him. I might instead.
Did you just want to say hi?
Have you and George messed around before?
Tons of times. We use to leave food shit all over the house.
It was a mess.
Fine. Im annoyed now. Thanks.
Pretty much
Glad to see you're not dead
Hi, Annoyed.
I'm Kyle.
Kill me.
Tsuchis face when
Hello. Yes. How can I help you?
Its like you enjoy my suffering.
I really do.
I'll take one joke with extra laughs please.
My life.
That isn't nice. And you wonder why im so prude about sharing.
Send dick and I'll tell you.
[laugh track]
You disgust me.
You like them pretty blond dogs, eh?
I like em thin, and actual girls.
[Seinfeld theme]
How did you get my picture?
I'd hold hands with her so hard
and then fuck her.
You know that's a famous trap, right?
Lmao well that's cool
Yeah you guys seem really close
Oh I'm shitfaced btw
Sorry to put you on the spot bro
Is that supposed to be like a shota youmu or something?
wts is that
1: I doubt it.
2: I wouldn't care.
I know he'll mock me in call for this, but he is probably my closest friend. IRL or otherwise.
dont lie to me
Sow, really? You did that? No wonder you didn't want to share.
Also, Soto.
Pet my soft fur.
So if I had a penis would you still love me?
what's up?
1 week 2 days 12 hours.
in case you need to add onto it
Well you don't look like a grill so no.
So grim got banned because squash was posting illegal content???
kay duly noted
right on
Wow, do you always look for the penis?
we all have our interests.
someone post cute japanese girls for me.
*Memes externally*
someone post convincing cute japanese trapas for me please
- All of Mordin's boyfriends
wot mate
you doin good?
Grim didn't do anything wrong
little depressed
Here's a western goat man instead.
Why you ban grim
about the same, it's a mad world dog
Nobody is ever at fault.
We are all Godless monsters. Abhorrent walking sin. The physical manifestations of internal strife.
Shake these shackles of mine, Scoots. Let me know what it was like to live if only it means I must die. Life is fleeting. And how I grow tired of living.
I know someone here does.
Or this.
I haven't really gone out yet.
Nor do I have a car.
Next weekend probably.
Close enough
Is that ic?
would've been my first action, car or not
Brown nipples in Japan are considered bad.
Pink is pure and they sell fucking tit makeup for it.
threatening to report a poster to their isp
doxxing as well though he argues the person did that themselves
we'll be okay
Ultra bitchy this sounds
god damn are those tuggable
i do?
I agree that pink nips are master race
how about some more
What did he mean by this?
I have pink nipples.
I don't know where the I am yet, so just gimme a bit before I start hitting up cuties.
How cheesy lmao
So who's the dom?
Wow Mordin I tried my hardest to try and keep a civil conversation with you and not even 3 replies later we're talking about dicks
I'm disappointed in myself tbh
I'm sure but it'll take as everything does
gotta just say fuck it and get out there to get some of that sideways fun
Later scumbags
I don't make enough friends.
It's not my fault. You're a homo.
I did nothing.....
see ya memelord
meh gotta do it even when i know it will be taken poorly
he's just fucking with you
best of luck to you. keep an eye out. goodnight
night bae sleep well and feel better too
I'm moving up in the world.
You need to go out and make friends
Be more social :^)
What a fucking bully
I still don't see anyone posting cuties
That's pretty good
Yeah, I don't cope in social settings.
It's hard enough getting through work. I crap out and stop talking to people after 3 hours there.
You love penis.
Is this cute enough for you?
I was number 3 in another game.
Isn't that kinda unhealthy?
Nothing bad about being gay.
Some people get their happiness from being around people.
It just drains me. My neck is also fucked up so talking for too long starts to hurt. I can only talk for about an hour before I need a bit to recharge.
Colbert.....I think you are projecting
have you been number one yet?
You are only making me angery.
Here's a pic of me.
I have not.
You're getting angery? How about getting Beaned instead?
Too tired to wait for replies so I can close conversation, good night everyone.
hey you're kinda cute
How many are there on the list?
bean me up scotty
is this even a real person
It's not even that
You just give gays a bad name lmao
Wow Im like the opposite
That's crazy man
so what do you do on your time along? Just stay in your room and fap?
Hi lexi
A lot?
I don't know the exact number of people playing Xenoverse.
I try to just relax.
Did you expect anything less?
are beans even real
It is. Xi DaiDai
She has lewds and lewd videos.
Wut, is that lexi? I don't remember where I got the pic.
Yeah, just look at the shirt/skirt
It's lexi's
Just smoke weed I guess
Its a picture of Lexi that literally everyone has.
Esto es un arroz con mango
Nah, beans are a figment of your imagination.
So is this picture of a cute nipon goat man
u tellin me that that is actually a poster in this communittty
Probably tens of thousands...
Don't worry they don't have a penis anymore.
Its a girl no.
Lexi hates me cause I'd always call him a guy and he actually cared about pronouns
the best
I didn't know lexi had a specific shirt/skirt to her name.
Maybe I got it from here then, don't remember saving it, just saw it in my folder.
I don't speak not english.
I hate you so much.
good I was afraid of being called gay
They weren't such a bitch before taking all those hormones.
uhhhhh but you live in japan?? ? ?
I know its been posted here before but who knows.
They also cam whored on 4chan too.
100% not gay.
Well, if it's any consolation, you can have this free goat man pic.
On the house.
It's gonna take me at least a year before I can speak it somewhat decently.
picture related
it's me
Lewd stuff.
picture related
it's you
How do I take this?
That's a funny way of spelling "all"
Projecting a video of Mordin being gay, sure
What about Korean goat men?
I don't know......
Almost Friday
And payday
im not in korea anymore so no
y...you're amazing....
What about goat man from somewhere.
Thanks for the support.
Mine is maybe a little over five inches long, thin and has a lovely delicate upward curve to it and it is almost feminine looking in a way. I know girls don't have cocks, but if they did they would look like mine, or at least that is what I think.
Is this fresh pasta?
Going to bed.
night squash, sleep well
goodnighgt squashers
same here
they're all dead
someone post some lewd for me.
how so?
Take a little minute and tell me the story all about how your life got flipped & turned upside down.
Post more of that cutie.
Its me irl bro
I don't believe you, but she's pretty cute.
I literally had my alias written on my forehead and posted a timestamp.
Well if it is you, you're pretty cute.
You got that going for you.
You got some sauce on that buddy
sorry I dont like condiments
you continue to disappoint my penis, bard.
Now tell me this.
Am I a boy or a girl?
oon the upside
I nnow understand how relative minors and majors work
Now I can play in A Minor!!!
Shes cute Whoever she is
A pretty cute girl.
I don't know what any of that means my dude
Where do I get one.
there are 8 given different notes, with sharps or flats
A/# B C/# D/# E F/# and G/#
every one of these has scales that corelate to them, with the basic being a Major Scale (a diatonic scale with the pattern of going from the root note to a Whole step, whole step, half step, whole step whole step, whole step, half step) or Minor Scales (W, H, W, W, H, W, W. W)
the way that this plays out leads to each of the major scales having something known as a relative minor key
for example, the Key of C contains the notes
C (root), D, E,F,G,A,B
while the A Minor Scale would also contain the notes
How disappointing. Cuties are so hard to find.
Look harder
Omg hai ^ I’m user-san and I absolutely luuuv @@ anime and my fav is naurto!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot husband sasuke!!
im so proud of you i could cry
I'm very picky.
H-haha t-thanks
It finally clciked for me so I am super happy :3
so what are you up to tonight ori?
Just chillin in my hotel and watching Breaking Bad
Sounds like a problem.
I a want to play fallout
but I am playng my guitar and vaporing a bowl uwu
Such is life in the zone.
God I knew you were gay but I didn't know you were a faggot too
I have a tabletop vaporizer for Dry herbs thank you very much
don't listen to him, you're chill
I'm vaping right now and I don't give a single fuck.
I showed you my dick answer me
I don't smoke or vape, i don't know what any of that means.
Show me your anime butt instead.
a pretty decent thing
and she's RUSSIAN!!!!!
A true statement indeed.
You've posted this before...?
do you have anythign else like it? I just discovered it from an answer on quora and I am loving it
you're welcome.
Your well cum
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