ITT we talk about medical care, how screwed up it is right now, and how to fix it.
Big Pharma
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Figure out which porkies own which meds
2. Figure out which conditions the meds are for
3. Figure out what causes those conditions
4. Use chemical weapons to give porkies all the diseases they don't have the rights to, forcing them to pay out the ass for the medicine and ruining their lives the way so many proles have to deal with
Just a thought
this video contains some interesting points
more and more respected economists are singing from the same hymnsheet and moving closer to papa wolff
don't be crazy, the porkies will just move to a country with universal halthcare
Just some advice for other comrades who may be struggling to get their medicine: ask your local doctor's office if they have samples from the pharmaceutical companies. I'm a type 1 diabetic, but I can hardly afford my insulin and supplies. Thankfully, my endocrinologist always has a stock of insulin samples that they let me get, even when I don't have an appointment. If you have family and friends that work in a doctor's office, ask them too. I'd also recommend installing GoodRX, which helps you find the cheapest pharmacy in your area for what you need.
maybe you get a useful degree and engage in it you humanicuck
how embarassing
The working class are the first to be hurt by poor medical care.
A tall glass of bleach is the only cure you need, my bitch.
I dont give a fuck, if you want to change something then go into that field, but unfortunately you are working class scum or a liberal arts major.
try this
You are aware that even scientific researchers are working class right? If you don't have people working for you then you are so called working class scum.
good little classcuck
continue to eat out of your employer's ass
no I'm just shitting on a moron who spergs about muh rich pharma piggies while he has no grasp of the subject.
what is your plan comarade? autisticaly screeching at all the pharmacies in your vicinity will do the job?
you really showed me!
Watch the video, retard.
You're bad at this.
Try this shitposting flag instead.
I don't need to you fucking moron I know the pharma and medical field in contrast to you, fuckwits.
oh my god this guy has so much foamy spit in his mouth
really living up to the already frivolous "socialist" in the NSDAP's name
This is really shit bait my pretend nazi friend
Sandman did it and it went alright.
Trump did it to autocompanies too.
believe what you want, I'm not gonna engage in a dick measuring contest with some anonymous fag
This is bad trolling and you should feel bad.
At least you got that part of the character right.
3/10 apply yourself.
I'm not against his arugments, are you high? I know how the industry works. He doesnt have a speech impediment, he just needs to drink some water. Jesus.
are you that magnitude of pleb that you can't even imagine someone has a better degree than some dead-end humanistic bullshit?
So what lab do you work at? I'll pay you a visit.
I don't work at a lab. I'm an MD haha.
I also have a doctorate in medical field but i know however that is stupid to brag about it on an anonympous imageboard like it gives me some kind of authority.
Cool. Which one if may I ask
no, but it shows you know what you are talking about not just sperging about greedy pigs in fancy hats
No you can't ask
Where is your office. Let's talk.
In Poland, come see me.
you are the piggy of the medical field. Sad!
Be more specific.
You want to le report me for being an ebil nazi?
Why would I do that? I want to smooch you.
user doesn't need to. Keep shitposting so I can have an excuse to ban you.
Ok, are you an anime girl? 3D pigs are out of the question.
As opposed to sperging out about greedy jews with big noses?
Rich fucks acting for profit is tangible. A jewish conspiracy is not.
Of course it is.
I'm not gonna take the bait and fight this overplayed strawman
I listen to this guy and he is sperging out that researching more drugs to treat the same disease is waste, sigh. That's what you get for people outside of the field speaking about it.
You have to admit your flag is asking for it.
how's it feel to be lower than turks?
Someone politely asked for it to not be saged since the thread is ligitimate. Mr. Nazi is derailing the thread, but it isn't grounds to ban him.
I realised that after posting that.
I feel like these , , are sufficient grounds tbqh
so can we get this thread back on track
good video. based economist. I'm gonna add his book to my wish list.
dank maymay