Are there any good political ideology quizzes that aren't this piece of shit?
Are there any good political ideology quizzes that aren't this piece of shit?
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Anyone wanna r8 my policies?
I liked the 5 Dimensional Policial Compass from abtirsi, but a lot of people don't like it…
political ideology can't be visually mapped, so no
Filteries is the best in my opinion. It's the only one that conveys my radical centrism properly.
You are like little capitalist. Watch this.
The test that chart came from is shit but the chart itself is good.
Rate me comrades
Foreign invasions, mostly. Assuming this is a smaller state, it's imperative that we quickly reach parity with other regional powers.
Also, guns are cool.
Porky democrators will be happy
All of them have a bias. I think a proper chart should be at least 3 dimensional. Left-right for economics, up and down for authority, front and back for idpol.
Average porky military spending is 1-2%
But you'll have to fight all of them with your socialst empire
r8 me
Is building socialism in one state but starting and helping revolutions with supplies in other countries interventionist or what?
My empire did nothing wrong. We aren't the aggressors here.
That's essentially the USSR, so yes. North Korea would be isolationist.
Good luck working with capitalist countries.
That's pretty much Burger "Nation-Building", so yeah.
With UBI implemented why would any state set up specific pensions?
You need to be more collectivist.
nigga the employer-funded pensions part is only there because there's no option to set "no dedicated pensions". It would be redudant with UBI implemented.
Oh, come now. You don't really think you can pull a North Korea, right? Heck, even the Soviet Union saw the merit of allowing some measure of foreign investment.
It's a website to build your own fictional dreamstate. Why should I be factoring in real-world hypotheticals?
And see where that got them!
you have to go back
We will abolish money before the deficit is of any consequence.
Are you even trying?
How do you acieve 100% budget? I've only achieved kinda 75% by maximizing all taxes etc on the right side. Does something from the left side influences it or what?
You set the min to 100%, as well.
Bretty gud, aside from the moralfaggotry in restriction obscenity and gay rights. Also, spending 40% of your budget on the military is insane.
I don't understand what is meant by the percentage on "funding" and where that budget size comes from. What am i missing?
pls no bully
I'm just not used to hear swearing and watching pron on media. It'll also discredit state in the eyes of citizens for a bit. So I think that medias should be censored. Not so hard to contain only pure propaganda but it shouldn't show something what should not be inherent to a builder of communism.
I just think that being gay is kinda pervercy like BDSM or something. Not like something bad but not like something good too.
It is necessary considering that my foreign policy is interventionist. So i'd like to have battle-worthy army and nuclear parity with porkies. Army could also occupy some individuals which did not find themselves in any other sphere and re-educate them into something worthy.
makes sense
I just wanted to invest 100% into military and 100% into science to burn capitalists with orbital lasers, plasma guns and climatic weapons but it is impossible without a deficite
What does "Based as a percentage of the sector" mean?
Those percentages of funding are shit cuz they are not actually percentages of budget
show policies dummy
I'm a little annoyed at them calling me a liberal because I am for gun right 100%, if I restrict gun rights, then I just become socialist…
I dunno what to put for all the taxes and such. I am too lazy to see what other functional countries have so I am going in blind>>1460855
still ended up with a balanced budget tho :P
You're literally anarchist-lite. Calm down.
science and military are based as a percentage of your current budget, so if you put both at 100% is like making a 200% budget
Aren't anarchists DemSoc-lite, based on who accomplished something first?
Nah nigga
Communalism is superior to anarchism despite our agreement on liberty. (Though you anarkiddies don't actually understand power relations or collective liberation)
Saying communalism is anarchist is like saying that humans are neanderthals
This more complex version of the political spectrum is worse than the 4 section one, at least that understands the distinction between Liberalism and Socialism, even if it does lean towards making you a Libertarian for liking gay people.
I don't get what your problem is? you wanted to get "liberalism" result with one party state and less political rights?
No, the test gave me Liberalism throughout (even when I had chosen explicitly Socialist options) but when I changed Direct Democracy to One Party State then it gave me Socialism as if the distinction between Liberalism and Socialism were dependent on the state being a one party technocracy.
dude the economic results like "socialist" are not affected at all with your choice of government, you would get socialist result only from your economic choices
you can create socialist liberalism, socialist authoritarianism, socialist autocracy etc. It removed your "liberalism" part because you reduced liberalism with one party state
Socialist Liberalism is Social Democracy. Do they mean Socialist Libertarianism?
what's Socialist Libertarianism?
Not sure why I worded it so weirdly but what I meant was Libertarian Socialism.
I'm not sure how I went from a synonym for Social Democracy to actual Socialism by changing the State's preferences to One Party State from Direct Democracy unless they've mixed up their terminology. Am I dumb?
I don't think "socialist liberalism" is used as a synonym for social democracy, I think it even has the actual result of "social democracy" and also "social liberalism"
it just uses different kind of terminology than the political compass, for example libertarianism in this chart is exclusively in the minarchist/capitalist section
Enjoy shizos killing people for reasons known to them only and idiots who'll kill themselves and others because they don't know how to use guns
well at least you also get the "decentralized" government option
you do realize that gun rights are liberal right? liberal=freedom
not all terminology revolves around American politics
Just consider that anarchism don't work. You'll never achieve communism without proletarian state
I wished they add an option to pick multiple "classes" as well add a compulsory gun ownership option.
this is awful
There needs to be a worker's self-management option for wages. Or, at the very least, a "Union Set Wage" option.
explain your stance on prostitution, why brothels be illegal but not street prostitution and escorts?
Street prostitution is prohibited, but the prostitutes don't get sent to jail.
Brothels are illegal, since pimping is banned. (As well as all forms of wage labor.) I guess cooperative brothels would be allowed, but I would prefer if they stay off the public radar.
To be honest, it would depend on what the citizens of the locality want when it comes to minutia like this. If the people vote for prostitution to be legal, it will be legal. If not, then it will be illegal.
The same is true for drug laws and abortion. Let the people of cities, towns, and village decide on those issues in their popular assemblies.
plz no bully
More military.
Also no for rapefugees and assylym seekers since there is nothing ethical about them.
i belong to freedom lovers
N-no bully
Sanders isn't really libertarian left but other than that it is good.
what could go wrong?
He's definitely a radical centrist, but I think he could be considered moderately libleft
Nice deficit, ashol