What is so bad about obama care?

why is the right trying to destroy it? what do you guys think?

obamacare is bad IMO
but the republicans can't come up with a better alternative

They're not. Trump's plan leaves most of it intact.

It forces people to buy private healthcare. It's like when Pinochet forced people to buy private Social Security.

Republicans are trying to destroy it because the democrats did it even though it was among the most market friendly alternatives possible.
It's for the same reason SocDems in europe hate it when rightwing populists protect local communities and help proles, they wish they were the ones doing it but are either too politically lazy or extremist to do it so they hate that it's done.

so why even bother then? is it symbolic?

Less taxes for the rich.

Evil busty leftist nurses will destroy ancapistand!

Make half measures look like massive achievements are modern politics in a nutshell.
It's part of the Spectacle.

Yes. Changing it the way he plans to is utterly useless (although the changes do benefit the insurance industry), but he said that he would do it. It is just like his border wall/fence. It is a completely worthless project, but he needs to do it to give his idiot followers something to rally around.

Completely wrong. They're removing the most important parts, like individual mandate, which will make it unworkable in the long term. 15 million will lose healthcare in the short term. Whatever is remaining is a hollow shell.

Because a democrat implemented it

There are a few nuggets of good in there, but by and large its a huge gift to the insurance industry and we're seeing its disastrous results especially now.

All those votes to abolish it under Obama were symbolic, if you're being charitable. Now though their hand is forced because they literally have no excuse not to.

It's going to be a clusterfuck of historical proportions.

it is not single payer universal health care, like the rest of the world.

republicans want free markets and enslaved humans

Last I heard, they were keeping the "preexisting injury" rule. They found a sneaky way to replace the mandate as well. They plan to charge an outrageous fine for allowing coverage to lapse, which means that all of the people who currently have insurance will be forced to keep it under threat of a penalty that will be almost as harsh as the actual bill. It is still a mandate that is forcing people to have private insurance but enforced in such a way that it is not technically the case. It's a cheap legal trick.

I've been thinking about this lately and some review of the politics is in order. Some of the answers to your questions are contained within:

So now we're at the point where:

The democrats have been sort of funny about the republican opposition to ACA lately. Basically their "intellectual" class has come to the (right) conclusion that republicans CANT present an alternative to the ACA because the ACA is their idea, it was the brainchild of the Heritage foundation and the big-money, market-based solution they wanted. Which is likeā€¦ Yeah. We've been saying this for 6 years.

Because it still involves insurance instead of not running the system for profit.

What? The U.S. insurance system has permitted massive, opaque increases in health care costs and profits that a more direct system wouldn't allow.

From what I'd heard the mandate wasn't actually being enforced under the ACA.

BRAAAAP *pffft*

It's a trick that won't work. Without immediate penalties most young people will pull out of insurance making it even more expensive for older people. Given a choice between long term benefits and immediate gratification most people will choose the latter. Then they get to blame "irresponsible" people for fucking up healthcare instead of the way they designed it.

Sonico is not a healthcare professional of any kind, she's a marine biology student.

its corporate welfare, it punishes young people

It's not supposed to work anymore than the ACA was. That is, except as a huge give-away to the insurance industry.


Production for profit is getting us killed fams.

Obamacare is crappy, but in the absence of a real alternative i support it. Better than the "Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017" or whatever its called.