When will Leftypol understand that communism can only happen in a whites only society where women maintain the role of a caregiver?(Mildir frœknir menn bazt lifa sjaldan sút ala en ósnjallr maðr uggir hotvetna sýtir æ gløggr við gjöfum)
When will Leftypol understand that communism can only happen in a whites only society where women maintain the role of...
Yet slavs and asians managed it
When will you understand you can't use socialism as a vehicle for reactionary thought?
Reminder to report all nazbol shitposts
When will you understand that socialism had more of a presence in agrarian christian communes and the like than in any attempt by communists?
That's why anarchists need to be shot.
Socialism can't come out of a gun barrel.
Holla Forums summarized in 6 posts
He's right. Why should we try to make women act like men? Gender roles exist for a reason.
nowhere do you explain why this is necessary.
check chiapas/rojava/hunter gatherers
if gender roles exist "naturally" then why is state repression needed to uphold patriarchy?
also the acts associated with men and women wouldnt even exist if it weren't for gender roles. your begging the question.
fucking KEK
He's right. Why should we try to make slaves act like free men? Slavery exist for a reason.
Sure is spooky in here
He's right. Why should we try to change the system? Status quo exists for a reason.
This. "Whiteness" is a harmful meme that needs to die already. It just serves the purpose of making a certain category of people who happen to be of European descent feel like they're part of the elite of the world, when they're as much of disposable garbage as their darkest fellow countryman.
make this a meme of sorts
But it's already a meme.
Fuck, all we'd need is Hoochie and it'd be perfect.
It most certainly can
USSR now dead…
China now capitalist…
I don't think they did.
Why does Holla Forums come in here and shitpost with the nazbol flag and not realize that nazbols are just plain nationalist tankies and not ethno-nationalists?
It would have happened already if it could. Dialectics has since left it behind. You should too.
And that reason is conflict avoidance through threat of violence. A tankie should be able to understand that.
Where did I shitpost as an enthno nationalist?
I am not OP.
Yeah but "exists for a reason" is not an argument for anything, it's just a claim that such an argument exists.
Patriarchy exists for very similar reasons private property does.
Then you are fucking retarded because the guy said "Holla Forums comes here and shitposts as an ethno nationalist with a nazbol flag", not "all the retareds on Holla Forums are ethno nationalist" most are, the other retarrds are ancaps
That wasn't real Communism. might as well call N.Korea Communist if you think that.
Property rights came about to stop people from killing each other over who owns what. That shit is ancient and we know most men in prehistory died by the hand of another over stuff, and women or whatever.
Thanks for the back up friend. I can make a blanket statement that Holla Forums has no reading comprehension now.
I am a Holla Forumsack and I am not an ethno or a white nationalist. Try to comprehend that, I know it is hard but try.
Flag checks out
Human nature strikes again!
nobody is against religion. im not even nazbol im just a christian socialist.