Are here any people redpilled on the JQ and other rightist politically incorrect subjects but just can't stand the rights' propensity to suck free market cock? How do we fight the yellow-black cancer spread through all rightwing movements?
Are here any people redpilled on the JQ and other rightist politically incorrect subjects but just can't stand the...
The original redpill, yeah:
You can't. Because the whole point of your rightists politicaly incorrect subjects is the same point of Liberal PC faggotry: to divert as most people as possible from capitalist relationships within society.
And no matter how hard you're faithful to your race, your fellow race conscious people will backstab you the moment you step out the Market gospel.
Seee what Hitler did to Stra.sserites.
See what Trump is doing under the cover of MAGA: nuking all regulations that could slightly hinder big businesses.
I'm glad you're anti-capitalist but you have to realize there are jewish workers which are our allies, while the jewish bourgeoisie is our enemy.
Say what you want on Richard Spencer (DUDE HE GOT PUNCHED LMAO) he started injecting some anticapitalist rhetoric into his ideology, too bad Holla Forums sperg out against him and he is universaly vilified. OH WELL
Sort of.
Early socialists like Proudhon and Bakunin all noticed their propensity to get involved in radical movements and exploitative industries. It definitely needs to be curbed.
where do you think the stereotypes about them come from?
the problem is you guys only see things through the lense of materialism. jewish trickery is more subtle than that. they use temptation to sin as a geopolitical weapon. but its hard to make this argument with people who can't into esotericism.
pic related is Solzhenitsyn's take incidentally.
Because the_donald invaded the place, and 4chan Holla Forums is just edgy teenagers at this point.
Holla Forums is dead. They might not realize it, but it's obvious how much that place has degenerated.
Look at what is popular opinion there these days: Pro-banker, pro-Iran war, Pro-China war, pro-Trump family even though they're Jews and squeezed whites in the past, pro-his Jewish Bilderberg cabinet.
I just can't take Holla Forums serious anymore.
Holla Forums is suffering from a plague of shills, but this too shall pass. soon we will go full cypherpunk, the tools are being built.
Sounds about right.
The people that stayed behind have been saying that for months. Outwardly it's all "Gas the kikes, Nazi masturbation fantasy now". But as far as actual issues go it's just pro-big business, supporting Trump no matter what he does, wall street deregulation, wanting to ban abortion, and hoping for a war with Iran because they're "shitskins".
They even cheer on rbobing white people of their healthcare so a bunch of jewish billionaires can have a tax cut lmao.
being Jewish isn't a political opinion, even if 99% of jews were dem ebil kikes working with lizard aliens, Jewishness still wouldn't be considered a political opinion by anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together.
just confirmed my point, i rest my case
It's even more curious when considering jews have been involved in pretty much every political movement. Not just socialism and liberalism, but also fascism, nationalism, libertarianism, monarchism, etc.
Was supposed to be "ra-ce wa-r n-ow"
I really wish this place would quit with the world filters. It's possible to use these terms in a critique and just makes it sound retarded to outsiders that do not know about the filter.
But it's rare since this board is 90% shitposts.
Wordfilters save lives.
if seen the shill take over half Holla Forums fist hand.
Holla Forums was already going to shit, but about 6 months before the election the started comming in waves.
and you could tell that those weren't the regular beseement dwelling moron autistically posting the shame shit over and over.
they're clearly payed and organized, they use trips, and their thread always have the same architecture which they make sure stay on the first page till they hit bump limit.
yes, there are professional Trump shills who were/are manipulating Holla Forumstard to vote for Trump.
how ironic the situation, they've been screaming shills for years, but they still fell for the b8 as obvious as it was.
now Holla Forums is mostly made of edgy 16 who think they're "red pilled" and see the world for what it is.
thread quality dropped so low that even most stormfags left.
as for 8ch Holla Forums, its not even worth mentioning,
the shills are mods, they will ban you if you say anything against the emperor.
tbh i'm pretty sure its a shill headquarter at this point.
just shills talking with each other.
kill yourself kike
Well, wordfilters are pretty easy to bypass, and it weed out retards unable to argue without memes.
And it can be a source of a few inside jokes chuckles.
But that shows a contradiction in this place: On one hand, we are socialists wanting to expose people to our ideas, one the other hand we're imageboard users wary about newfags making the board shitter.
No, it's not, for most of the filtered words. If you want to talk about racial conflict, then just use the proper naming for that, "racial conflict". If you want to talk about the so called "Rassenkrieg", then use the proper naming for that, Nazi masturbation fantas. Because that's what it is, a fantasy. Fascism truly is the promise of obscene enjoyment, and Zizek was right all along.
ikr, Holla Forums isn't about being rational.
its about rationalizing their hate of a target group.
they already know who's a guilty, they're looking for the crime.
sadly this odd way of thinking isn't exclusive to Holla Forumstard and i see it regularly in the comment section of newspapers.
It's almost as if Jews are individuals who act according to many unique backgrounds and values, rather than being an insidious hivemind of Hebraic perfidy
Holla Forums is about noticing things. like noticing that every deeply triggering and problematic opinion piece published in rags like slate, wapo, nyt, etc. since about 2013 have all been written by jewish journalists.
not really
Holla Forumsyps sucking the cock of a meme politician so hard as early as late 2015 combined with the TPP showing what the "free market" meme is all about is what made me end visiting Holla Forums and eventually despooking me.
Didn't that Oculus guy basically confess to give money to viral campaigns shilling for Trump?
Doubt he was the only one.
jesus fuck off with the wordfilters
did you notice the kippa on that Trumptard?
how do you rationalize that?
Yellow-black here, fucking kys stormfaggot
See. This is what I mean. I don't even know if it's a joke or just another worldfilter.
Holla Forums uses these terms. They're used on places like reddit and elsewhere. Books have been written on them in some cases.
That makes them relevant. And i'd rather write a critique that uses contemporary terminology than some obscure 1930s terms.
Conservatives sincerely need to purge lolbertarians, since they're basically just "liberals for lower taxes".
Space elevators thread are the only thing i truly miss from Holla Forums
i wander if he's still posting.
he always had good scientific threads, which didn't have much to do with politics but were very informative.
R8ce war. It's that easy.
Benjamin Disraeli was pretty happy to serve under queen Victoria and expand the empire.
Franz Haber is basically to thank for Germany's chemical weapons program.
A lot of people in the Neoreactionary/Dark Enlightenment movement are pro-monarchy, including Curtis Yarvin, who helped inspire Steve Bannon.
IIRC Space Elevator gave up on 8/pol/ after getting banned repeatedly because "hurr what does science have to do with saving the huwhyte race"
This was one of the first warning signs.
The jews push for every ideology that cripples nationalists because rise in nationalism corelates with antisemitism. Communism is the strongest one.
take the bleach pill OP
Sorry m8, Jews also have their fair share of Nationalists shills.
Even Andrew Breitbart was Jewish.
So explain pro-Trump jews, or conservative anti-immigration jews, or the jews that support politicians like Le Pen, Wilders, Frauke Petry, Farage and Putin.
To me it just increasingly looks like an excuse to not address the exploitation and globalism supported by white people. The Rockefellers and Koch brothers of this world that gladly sell out their people for profits.
Literature threads were purged as well. Basically anything that might prove to be too intellectual for the simpletons at the_donald.
I have to give the Holla Forums moderation this: They're working very hard to emulate their new illiterate reader.
Which is even funnier when you consider many of original Nazi founders were prolific readers.
Jewish nationalists currently run Israel and actively support the far-right in Western countries you fucking moron
Breitbart: The altright mouthpiece was founded by Israelis and jews.
It even experienced it's biggest growth under an editor-in-chief that happens to be an orthodox jew.
Was supposed to be Nat-Soc
They tend to be a comparatively small minority, or like neo-cons it's simply a tactical allegiance
Expose their appeals to the leftist horizon and either make them leave or join.
So I guess
really? he was a shady manipulator, If he was then WOW what a coincidence. Please don't insult me by supposing I take this rag seriously. At the time of the GamerGate debacle I understood it's a one sided edgy rag pushing for civic nationalism.
freemarket shills
white people with -berg at the end of their names
wasn't Bibi thrashing Trump about the wall before the election? What a fucking suprise huh? huh?
alt-right is a white nationalism movement, sad that media labels alt-right anyone who isn't a liberal. Oops, too bad the media doesn't care about you far leftists.
Finger slipped
So I guess nationalism is bad now because Israelis support it? Make up your mind Holla Forums.
Except no ideology shares a majority among jews: You have liberals, libertarianis, nationalists, socialists.
Are you just going to claim this whenever it's proven jews are not a hivemind. Like just about every ethno-religious group out there?
So who should they support instead? Liberals?
I've not heard him speak up against the wall even once. Feel free to post a source.
Oh look, the age old defense mechanism: When the facts cause cognitive dissonance just claim your enemies are jews without proof.
I guess all those people at Breitbart and in Trump's cabinet are just "honorary aryans" right?
You're not fooling anyone.
Yea he is. That is literally how neo-nazism works.
Thanks for the bumplock fucks.
maybe form a socdem nationalist movement instead
well I fucked up a little
never posted that
I don't give a fuck about Trump and his breitbart stooges
How is it controversial to state that jews support movements that defuse nationalism?
Don't bother this board is full of Jews who regularly defend Israel saying it should maintain its apartheid policies while shilling for internationalism they don't even try to hide it. The Jews are shameless and brazen. The rest of the board is standard purple haired tumblr and tranny fare.
I'm not really suprised
The Muslim ban is not the same thing as the wall. Do you even read what you post?
"Jews support X", like Jews are some kind of hivemind existing with a sole purpose, is the controverse. No matter what X is.
Are you high?
How long have you been lurking? Most posters here oppose Israel, and the tranny tumblrites.
yes totaly different and doesn't show what caliber of a turncoat Bibi is
is acting in your interest being a hivemind?
where did you get that line from
Many American Jews (like pic related) are pretty hypocritical on when nationalism is appropriate (Israel) and when it supposedly isn't (US)
That's just sophistry - you can point at the tiny minority of black Republicans and say that it "proves" that you can't make any sort of general statement about the political behavior of African-Americans
I'm well aware that Jews aren't a hivemind, the belief that they are is a strawman used to bash anyone that hints that certain Jewish denominations may lean towards certain political ideologies than others
That's practically what you're proposing. If you want to end this internationalist globalist open borders liberal democratic cancer you'd support people like Le Pen as at least somewhat realistic mainstream candidates. If only to accelerate the decline.
Socdem is what brought you open borders and the European union, liberal democracy has brought you today's global political order. Both generally want to expand the EU and further erode borders.
Yeah, he's a hypocrite. But what does that have to do with jews that support American and European nationalism and isolationism right now. Is this another example of the 100d chess they're supposedly playing?
I'm talking globally. But if we're using that line. Yes. In 2016 American jews (both secular and religious) overwhelmingly voted for Clinton. 29% did not
Explain to me: How does this make jews part of some massive global hivemind, while white people are just voting what they believe to be in their best interests? If the hivemind theory is true, why didn't 100% of the jews vote for either Trump or Clinton?
Except this is exactly the basis of the argument. If jews can support and do support a wide range of ideologies, if they can be secular and religious, if they can be 1/16th or completely jewish, than how are they always the enemy no matter who they are, or what they support?
Anyway this seems to boil down to a sort of "Jews vote in their own best interests, but those interests cannot align with white people" type of affair.
It's obvious you have to jump trough increasingly difficult loops and dilute your definitions and your arguments in order to justify both the fanatical opposition to "The Jews" and why they're somehow behind all of society's ills, even if they oppose them.
besides her, all european le alt-right are freemarket shills, fuck that. The idea is to form anticap nationalist movement, not vote for incompetent fuck like drumpf and his european stooges who will trick their voters in the same way (to clarify, I'm not from the US or mentioned above countries)
because neocons and cuckservatives are staunch open border supporters - Bill Kristol said that whites should be replaced by cheap foreing workers.
How the fuck is this controversial to see patterns.
well they don't align 99% percent of the time, also how do you define white people interest, some would say that nazis fucked over whites and caused a lot of suffering for them
Getting an anticap nationalist movement is a lot easier without the EU in place and politicians in charge that are sympathetic to both civic and ethnonationalism.
Or do you think you'll have an easier time establishing this under a Eurocrat Federation?
Except those weren't all the jews that supported trump. A lot of them are (as Breitbart shows) genuinely anti-Islam, anti-amnesty and pro-nationalist (though perhaps mostly in the civic sense).
True. Some people like Bill Kristol thought they could pull a fast one on the new administration, but they aren't a supermajority among the jewish support for Trump or against open borders.
Except the the reigning consensus on Holla Forums is that the jews are behind almost everything. And this worldview just doesn't hold up. There are a lot of reasons to oppose these jews (especially the ones listed in this thread) that are fucking over the world. But them being some sort of unanimous gestalt intelligence isn't one of them.
Even if we assume that figure is true, do the interests of individual whites, muslims, asians, etc. align 99% of the time? Do the interests of a white liberal New York yuppie align with white Appalachian worker? Do the interests of a salafist Saudi sheik align with a shia woman in Tehran?
Real world politics is a lot more individual.
well, maybe. But looking at the financing sources of Le Pen and Wilders I doubt an independent one can arise anytime soon.
that's the catch
I'm not a typical Holla Forums bitch (or maybe I'm), I'm just stating there is truth to the JQ, but not in some hivemind sense, but they vote in their interest and are unussualy overrepresented in the positions of power(why, are they geneticaly more inteligent even though they inbreed on a large scale or is it tribalism?) also they are very tribalistic, a trait which they shame in whites (ussualy)
you are right, I'm not gonna dispute that
It's not just finances. Without the necessary conditions the existing system will neither be abolished or substituted.
Take a look at Syria. The Kurds had close to nothing in terms of finances, resources or international support compared to the other combatants. But they have now created an alternative that reaches beyond the Kurdish populated areas.
The key is to organise before the crisis happens, and not be overly reliant on finances to get things off the ground. You can create the framework for anti-liberal confederalism now.
Obviously state power is very entrenched in the western world, so I think your best bet is to crate the conditions that will cause the collapse of the system.
France and the Netherlands leaving the EU would be part of that.
Jewish ethnonationalists do exist however. Fascism was heavily backed by both jewish intellectuals and bankers. (little known fact)
One of the most prominent paramilitary organizations in British Palestine was fascist, and it's one of the reasons why Israel is so ethnonationalist.
Even Germany had it's share of ethnic jews. Though they obviously converted to Christianity.
What? Burger Jews are the group that outmarry the most;
Yeah, but in few days there will be a showdown in the british parlament about Brexit preliminary votes show that the 'establishment' is trying to find new excuses to block the process. Im afriad that both LePen and Wilders are too incompetent just like Trump to do anything.
Wasnt USSR also backed by western bankers in the brgining?
Ashkenazis have a high incidence of genetic diseases which they got by breeding recessive genes. I think Gaucher disease is common in jews.
There is nothing special about the usage of anticapitalist rhetoric in nazi ideologies. They want to display themselves as the "tird way" between socialism and capitalism. But of course it always stays rhetoric, since fascism are like a protective mode for capitalism, ensuring the systems stays alive, often by force and by silencing all actually anticapitalist movements.
Zionism and white supremacy have been tied together for years now, and it's funny as hell to see naziman try to explain it away
Fascism is capitalism in decline, trying it's hardest to stay, while on life support.
You also had Western backers for the White army.
The ruling class follows the law of capital. They are not homogenous when it comes to ideology, they makes differents calculation to establish what their interest is.