Who are you rooting for in the Dutch elections?
Who are you rooting for in the Dutch elections?
Nobody because this is one of those countries that don't matter
Dank je daarvoor kameraad
SP natuurlijk
PvdD dankzij de pamfletten van sociaal ecoloog Ewald "Bookchin" Engelen.
Alsof een van hen ooit Bookchin gelezen heeft.
De befaamde Mark/Geert coalitie. Zet 'm in de hoogste versnelling, kameraden!
vergeet roemer
Willen jullie meer of minder intifadas?!
er is al een nederdraad, eikels
nederfriends tell us, who is the Holla Forums approved candidate? I only know Mark Rutte and Gert Wilders, and I doubt any of you lot are supporting them.
Pff, that's what someone who doesn't believe in the immortal science of dialectical accelerationism would say.
Every Dutch election is between Goldmember and a software engineer wearing blackface, and you'd better believe I pull for the guy in blackface each time
accelerationalism only works if you have a vote. who i support as a non-dykefucker does not matter.
So that's why us Dutch accelerationists will vote for Geert, as it will put us in the highest gear right alongside our American overlords.
Emile Roemer of the SP, if you're a Tankie or just do what Holla Forums tells you.
Jesse Klaver of GroenLinks, if you're a Greenie, or a wide-eyed idealist like myself.
The rest of the motley crew is either voting for one of the fringe parties or not at all. (Really hope our pirate party gets some seats.)
Socdems and the like will vote for Alexander Pechtold of the D66, or Lodewijk Asscher of the PvdA. This is dependent on the voters commitment to actually progressing democracy.
Here, have their profile.
Keep in mind we vote for parties and their programs here, rather than people. (Though the latter is becoming more and more prudent, sadly.)
Genuinely curious: is anyone going to vote for DENK? What makes them compelling to you? (Voting for them without irony, mind.)
He's a moderate SocDem who doesn't even commit to being socialist in any sense at all and favors the idea of a "Social" party. Roemer belongs in the gulag, not in the prime minster's seat.
What's there to be idealist about? He's just a Green. I can't imagine what you expect from him.
D66 is a Social Liberal party; it doesn't even pretend to be SocDem. The PvdA has shifted so far right it's essentially become entirely centrist. Actual SocDems will vote SP or GL.
dat is een knusse lenin
thanks for the response user
Read any party program before you splay your illiterate drivel into a post.
Nothing I said was incorrect. Nor did I even go all that far into specific policies, so I have no clue what party programs are supposed to clarify. Or are you here to tell me that the SP is actually a socialist revolutionary party which would abolish capitalism when they're elected? Or that the PvdA is a far left socialist party despite being the VVD's partner in crime ever since Kok?
lol what is up with this party? They are all… brown. not a problem ofc but very intriguing
It'a the dutch branch of Erdogan's AKP.
je gaat ons toch niet wijs maken dat de SP socialistisch is?
they're turkish idpol socdems, pvda is pretty much dead now that immigrants are voting on denk instead
mijn god