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I'm handing out copy's of state and revolution at all the anti-trump protest's.
A call to our comrades to get off their ass and actually do something other than shitpost on leftypol all day
provide picture pls
picture of what?
Thats great, want to come organise with a bunch of like minded individuals with similar ideas as this?
here's one of old Kropotkin for ya, on the house
the Kropotkin poster/sticker
anarcho-grandpa just wants us all to work together happily
why not come speak with us?
gracias amigo
Why would a narcho want copies of Lenin's book on why the state is necessary to be handed out?
it's better than them being liberals
Not in the long term.
I'm writing a socialism101 leaflet. What should I include?
Non sectarian leftist fam. I would prefer more MLS to trumpfags any day of the week. Also ML will become superior Ancoms anyway.
I started out as a ML and found the light on my own. State and Rev is better than the propaganda they've been fed for years
We are also making informational posters and such material, you should come help us.
Eh, reading Lenin might see them turn into Trots or Bordigists also, or something special snowflakey like claiming to be an "orthodox" Leninist or whatever. Stalin wasn't the only one who built on Lenin.
How much does it cost you to print this shit?
How are you sticking it to things? How much does the sticky stuff cost?
hey, another body to throw at the capitalist bullets can't hurt us?
dude I literally just use an a4 home printer and the glue is wheatpaste that is flour and water. Its cheap as fuck
State and revolution was the only book I had like 20 of.
What purpose is there to doing this if you don't even name Kropotkin or give people any way to find out more?
The point is, left is better than right. When you get right down to a hairs width separates most Ancoms and MLs
Printing almost nothing.
Its just regular printing with acrylic sprayed over. Acrylic 2 pounds for a can that will last a year.
Paste is flour and water with a little sugar. 2/3 pounds will get so more than you will ever need
Just implanting the idea, also maybe they will want to know who it with face and quote, also mainly these were posted to amuse you guys so you would take notice
Does your printer track you?
we aim to do mostly like
but the Kropotkin ones are more for fun, we want to eventually have enough people do more advanced ops, right now we are recruiting and propaganda spreading
shit son, i didn't even know this was a thing. is it just a US thing? I'm a britbong so I don't know if we have that here
Whats this about?
Commie? Angry? Want to do something about it?
We are a collective of internet leftist who post propaganda. You're welcome to join us if you want, we're world wide and non sectarian
Oh, well your GHCQ works together with my NSA. They're really just one federated agency for global economic and political control.
Yeah, you're fucked m8.
I doubt they are about one anarkiddie sticking pictures to street walls
[email protected]/* */
At least this group gave me the motivation to at least project my communist ideology onto a bathroom stall
Socialism is:
a replacement for capitalism
Producing goods for need, not profit
People who contribute more can be compensated under socialism
socialism is democratic
I'm also going to talk about how property is theft.
what if you made some kind of property is theft poster and you had a team of people who like to distribute that kind of stuff?
The production for use rather than exchange is the most essential part so as to preempt any marketfaggotry capitalists might try to subvert it with.
You need to spell out the distinction between the bourg and the prole, the real one
Relationship to the means of production?
Sup guys here are some more pastes from the action front in aus. sign up today! and plaster some funny shit on the side of private property
lol nice
omg actual aus leftists who aren't stinkin trots
Just as a FYI, the EFF is pozzed in its own way too.
dude pls join our group, i need help with bigger wheatpastes
Explain and in a simple and non condescending way and try not to use to much of the typical socialist and marxist vocabulary. It only turns people away.
at first I thought you action front guys were LARPing but I kinda like where this is going
we understand that we can only start small, but we aim to build until we have enough people to do more meaningful action. Why don't you mail the mail and we can discuss it further, see if its for you?
Here's an idea, get a shape or whatever it's called in English of an interestingly looking anarchist (like Kropotkin but someone who'd be fitting) and spray his (or just place the poster) beneath a stealthily hidden surveillance camera with the words "Look up" beneath him. Only these two words words, with maybe a tiny but noticeable signature at the corner of his figure.
This could intrigue the average Joe, but it will be more effective in intriguing tin hatters, who are often than not reactionaries as well. It could be a slick way to introduce them to Leftist theory.
Every post they make just gets better and better
You seem to have a good grasp of what grabs attention, we could use thoughts like this.
Thanks, want to be part of it?
I like this idea.
It could be implemented very easily
[email protected]/* */
Should there be a category on the booru for Black&White images with succinct messages about anarchism?
#wheatpasteables ?
you seem like you have a lot of good ideas, We can spread them for you if you like, come and have a chat.
Someone please post this so I can print it off.
Come join us
the absolute madman
if slowly building an international network of like minded left wing individuals sounds like a constructive use of your time, give us a message [email protected]/* */>>1460735
did some of these tonight lads, pls join our group
These posters keep getting better.
YES Holla Forums Autism is leaking out to the real world and it's going to agitate the masses!
Can we have some PDFs or PNGs pictures please?
Also what's the shit that you smother over the posters?
Their own cum.
Come help us comrades we need you
Can some of our Deutschfags plaster up YPG flags everywhere?
holy shit, yes. that would be great
Wait, we have a German thread. I will ask there instead.