why is this so common
Tfw hentai artist you like is a libertarian
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also: you really follow that many hentai artists?
You only have yourself to blame.
Based Lightsource is this Leftist!
Because porn artists are invatiably autistic faggots.
somehow managed to guess it
how do you know?
He blocks alt-right weirdos on his twitter.
Idk why right wingers get weird about trap porn.
Because (good) hentai artists benefit best from libertarian policies. Open markets and free trade between countries help expand their potential consumer base.
Most of them make scat porn.
But I know you Germans think that is "good"
feels bad
Because a lot of people have better things to do than think about politics all day but know something has to change.
Libertarianism is just the most mainstream alternative to the status quo other than Sandersism which wasn't nearly as mainstream as libertarianism just 2 years ago. So people flock to it. The momentum was with Trump recently so people went there, before that (or concurrently I guess) it was Sanders, but a lot of people were never going to consider Sanders which left Trump.
Right now I'd argue there's these basic currents in American politics:
There's for example Trumpists that say they support smolgubmint but don't actually support anything that would entail.
Not gonna rye famiry I see someone with an anime avatar or who makes their entire identity anime and I avoid. Nine times out of ten it turns out I'm right. All these people have in their lives is anything that's very compatible with being an angry lowlife who masks their failings and insecurity in so many layers of irony it's impossible to be genuine with them so there's not even a point in considering if they're tolerable underneath all that irony because they never take it off. As it turns out reaction and anime is very appealing to these people.
Has anyone else noticed that both of these things promise men a woman's affection, real or simulated? Really makes you think.
…………….the internet is free from the restrictions of trade policy though
A lot of those guys are Nationalist/centrist trash tho.
Why do you care about their political views?
Just fap
Because I made the same discovery and can now never look at any of their stuff again without a deep sense of total disgust.
You don't hate fap?
American artists are better (for me)
Well for one, I actually don't like a lot of the stuff they produce. I'm attracted to physique more than genitals or whatever situation/kink is in the picture (this includes tiddy or lack thereof). Plus a lot of them draw dicks in a way that's just completely disgusting.
But yeah I don't really care about their politics.
Because porn is for reprovates.
wow dad
I've discovered that nothing kills my boner faster than AnCap.
A lot of Libertarians don't even know the Libertarian party is a right wing one. They mostly just want less laws and more freedoms. You could inform them of Libertarian Socialism if you want.
I keep telling you people, the left would see a massive surge if only we adopted some new name like "neo-socialism" or whatever and kept the authoritarians hidden under the rug.
Uno Makoto? Every time I see his/her(?) work I'm constantly reminded that they just stopped
Nah when people hear neo they think neo nazi. What about " Leftarian" or "Classarian" ?
Because of the self-employed meme. It's funny too because once people get bored of his style and those patreon bucks stop flowing he's fucked, then it's gonna take some strength of will to keep his literal ideology from evaporating away.
Every country without pornography laws is already in their market, but third worlders don't have western fetishes yet.
It literally is the status quo for pretty much the entire developed world.
Out of Heritage Foundation's Economic Freedom Index the US (it is rank 17) is the ONLY country among the top 20 freest without some kind of single payer healthcare.
Stop lying to yourself.
The Brazilian Mises.org page has more likes than the HispanaAmerican and Burger ones combined, not that you should trust facebook likes but that it's an impressive feat and rings true with current events like MBL, the Bolsonaro surge and increasing attrition towards academic SocDems and Socialist larpers.
There's a very dangerous monster being bred here.
Can Holla Forums recommend some good artists? I'm a pleb who only faps to generic cartoons and doujins (hitomi.la is good inb4 muh sad bear).
Bonus points for loli
This man was years ahead of his time.
Sounds gay as fuck. Just need to reaquaint the american pallet with the word "socialism" by being a socdem and calling it socialism, Sanders got hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, willing to but aside the state supported hate for the word. Are you not confident that Socialist policies should draw even more workers to it?
Well I don't immediately associate those words. For example, New Zealanders here are called neo-zelandeses.
I honestly think "neo" still has some… psychological shine I guess. Like it picks up a word that people have some familiarity and sympathy for, polishes it and implicitly removes the bits the listener didn't like, and thus is a better thing overall.
I'm sure marketing fags have all sorts of terms for this kinda crap.
I didn't say it could but it's stupid to be hung up on the name. It doesn't matter what it's called a long as it is appealing to others.
You're cancerous fucks and should go to >>>/reddit/
saw flag, didn't read
Names have power. Whether we like it or not, such labels influence people's initial perceptions and reactions to it.
Did I…did I just read the greatest smackdown of Nazi bullshit of all time?
because they both like to fuck kids, op
I've been proposing to do more or less the same thing by calling ourselves communalists instead of Marxists/socialists/communists. Gets the idea across immediately, no baggage unless Rojava goes crazy, and is actually honest.
Western artist JAB is an edgy alt-righter
but yeah, so many lolbert idiots in brasil, must be the water.
Total (no meme intended) sophistry. And I don't even disagree with the notion that people like waifus and kids at least in part because they won't object or fight. When losers talk about the "perfect wife" it usually sounds like they don't want the person in question to consider their own interests and just do everything they're told.
For the record though I don't think you should be having sex with kids until they've had the chance to explore their own sexuality, Puerto Rico's age of consent was 14 until 2004 and it never gave us any problems.
Probably for some.
Hey, I might be a loser, but /r9k/ tier 1 dimensional relationships sound like a worse cancer than loneliness.
Does anyone on leftypol have a list of good communist or anarchist hentai?
oooo those damn libertarians
I hate them and their freedom so much!
They don't consider it one dimensional as long as someone is showing them affection. You have to consider that these people have a warped understanding of how people work (key trait of autism). Also because they're selfish. Basically as long as someone genuinely loves them they don't care if they're actually happy. It's how abusive relationships work as well.
Seems about right. I tried visiting r9k because of my own feel when no gf, but I couldn't stomach the place.
It's just a meme. I wouldn't worry about it. Reminds me of the Tea Party 'surge'. Something momentary manufactured by moneyed interests (which Brazil certainly has as a BRIC) that goes nowhere and disappears when the money does
same. Thank god there's /qq/ now
still scary
If it's anything like the Tea Party it will in fact influence the right but it will mostly end up pushing people away from it.
Plus libertarians are mostly just stupid, not horrible, like fascists
Still it means that brazil has TONS of these dudes
he's garbage anyway
anime is reactionary
t. r/socialism
board volunteers anchor political threads without hesitation and leave this kind of shit up. makes no sense
really fires up those neurons
Aren't far leftists social outcasts too? I mean it's more acceptable nowadays, but I can't look at the early Bolsheviks and not imagine they were the nu-atheists of their time.
esse ai podia ta morto msm
Wait, I fucked up that double negative, didn't I?
this is good shit.
Which artists do you follow?