And some friend of mine that I think is turning into a fascist, sent me David Cole's 1992 Holocaust denial documentary.
Does anyone have any good meme's against holocaust deniers?
And some friend of mine that I think is turning into a fascist, sent me David Cole's 1992 Holocaust denial documentary.
Does anyone have any good meme's against holocaust deniers?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just accuse them of being nazis.
That still works, right?
It didn't even faze him.
Hitchens basically get's the guy and his dad to admit being fascists.
What is so bad about being a fascist?
The Holocaust has been exaggerated in size and scope
Every major player in World War 2 had internment camps of some kind. The Nazis just had theirs go to shit because they were in the process of losing a war
If it wasn't for the war they would've just deported the Jews to Madagascar
mods mods mods
we found one
mods!! get him!!!!!
no u
Based, thanks user!
Based user
Not even saying the Holocaust did or didn't happen, but given the fact that the Jews were told to leave, offered to go to the area that is current day israel, and were responsible for numerous coups in the Weimar Republic years, I'd say it shouldn't be a surprise when a country kills the people you go to war against. "Judea declare war on Germany" circa 1933 is all that the Germans needed to justify ethnic cleansing.
One thing I will say about the deniers is that it does seem a bit strange to ship the people they're allegedly trying to exterminate all across Europe wasting time, men, and resources during a war… keeping them locked up in camps, supplied food and whatnot just to kill them? Why not shoot them and bury them in shallow graves? And what about that Ellie Wiesel guy's book that most of us probably had to read in school. The inmates were given the choice to stay in the camps and wait for the Soviets near the end or to follow the Germans on a march to retreat and they decided to follow the Germans, their "evil, sadistic captors" that were allegedly torturing and murdering them.
i feel sorry for you user. it must be hard being this autistic
The Holocaust (TM) is American and Soviet wartime propaganda.
Boycots are hardly a war, and if the "stab in the back" myth is any indication, they were going to do it anyway.
Fascism is an ideologically dishonest 'broad Church' - none of those policies were ever adopted by any Fascist state and existed as a way to scam people into believing Fascism was 'on there side'.
Also for anyone denying the Holocaust - read Hlilberg and Finkelstein.
pic related is also enough to justify their anti-jew attitudes
sure thing, satan
I've always found the "nu-uh! it was less than 6 million!" meme actually hilarious. Oh, the kill count is out of proportion? Wtf, I love nazis now!
if only 5 million Jews dead, they might have an argument
The point is that there was no planned genocide and that virtually all the deaths were due to Germany losing the war, and had they won the war they would have just shipped them off to israel or madagascar. Without the "genocidal nazi" narrative then people will ask more questions about why the nazis believed and did what they did. The few executions of jews were commie jews like pic related. the rest were typhoid and starvation brought on by allied bombings of the camps and their supply lines.
Without the holocaust narrative Germany wouldn't be so cucked today. The Nuremburg trials were then used to cull off the remaining cream of the crop. Understand that they use the holocaust to justify the current genocide of Germans.
you faggots are all the same. they were used as slave labor. they were never shipped more than a border away from where they were. the one's who survived were healthy enough to work. the one's who died were mostly old or women and children. The vast majority of deaths WERE pre-concentration camp machine gunning deaths in the woods of Germany, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine. Most jews were shot in mass graves as a collective. The ones who died in camps were almost always liquidated for practicality. Fuck yourself you fucking faggot
Holy shit, I had no clue the Jews did all that. They completely deserved the holocaust which totally never happened.
this is all neo-nazi propaganda that doesn't come close to casting doubt on the historical record. jews were killed in mass for being race enemies and subhuman squatters on German lands. German SS officers made countless references to murdering and attacking jews and jewish settlements. Most Jews were Zionist, not communist, by that point they were being purged by Stalin for dual loyalty. Jews in the East weren't fucking communist spies they were peasants. They died in mass graves in the woods and some of them in concentration camps from liquidation or working to death. You're a fucking blight on this planet i hope you realize how evil denying genocide is. I would never deny the holodomer
They deserved getting sent to concentration camps. Concentration camps aren't death camps- which the "death camps" were all apparently discovered by the soviets who are so trustworthy and would never lie.
interesting word choice, schlomo.
Holocaust denial should be banned on Holla Forums
because it isn't a leftist position and adherents of the denier position are not sincere revisionists. actual holocaust historians should rightly be called revisionists, because to become a historian you must submit new work, or revise the previously understood narrative of history. Deniers on the other hand will only use lies, cherry-picking, innuendo, and misrepresentation to diminish the crimes of Nazi Germany and the lessons of history. Denialism is completely inseparable from antisemitism.
What do the sources tell us the conditions were like at Mauthausen-Gusen (A concentration camp in Austria liberated by the allies)?
yes it makes you a reactionary because there's no reason to doubt it at all. the only people who doubt it are people who cry about "muh germany" and "muh anuddah shoah" and "muh kike media". there is no other path to doubting it. The only reason i ever entertained doubting it was a hatred of British-American geo-politics and culture and an infatutuation with german idealism and art. i thankfully bothered to read literature refuting holocaust denial and i found nothing in the entire denial literature that adequately addresses the arguments against holocaust revisionism. 5.3-5.5 million Jews were systematically murdered by the German military, police, puppet governments and paramilitaries along with peasants and other reactionary militants. 2.5-4 million poles, 2 million slovenes, some 2-3 million russians, 1-2 million Ukrainians murdered systematically by the same elements. none of it is fake, its real, the holodomer is real all of its real. people deserve to be dominated by evil if they deny evil
Is there any autopsy report that you can show me on any of these "victims?"
interesting name choice, stormnigger
lol faggot, pol made you less human. no better than a fucking christfag
The reason people question it is because the math doesn't add up, obvious lies are told, and it's used to milk sympathy out of the goyim for monetary and political gain.
Yeah, that 6 million jews + 5 million non jews was drummed up by this kike that wanted goyim to feel hatred towards Germany while not having more deaths to make jews seem as the greater victim.
Wasn't just the soviets who discovered them, moron.
The U.S. did, too.
Gee, I have no clue what could've happened, but I'm sure a jpg about Prussian blue in concrete can eliminate my doubts.
no it does add up, only neo-nazis and right wing lunatics believe it doesn't and they've been denying the holocaust since the Nuremburg trials. They know that it stains fascism as a death cult and a homicidal political philosophy. Which is what it is, i know this because i've spoken with actual intelligent fascists and they admit it is a death cult and its purpose is to dominate the other races and wipe them out/depopulate them as necessary. If you weren't a stormnigg whigger nationalist subhuman faggot you'd have the balls to own up to Hitler's vision and the purpose of white supremacist political theory, which is Nazi masturbation fantasy. You fucking grotesque mental midget
lmao how much $4 billion a year for weapons and sattelites in Israel? the US gov spends $700 billion on weapons and defense you faggot. it spends allegedly around $400-700 billion in black budget ops. Who gives a fuck? The issue is the State and Capitalism. The reason so much resources are wasted on defense, which is where the "goyim's" money goes, is because of the military industrial complex which your side supports unceasingly.
Look at the second picture in
Do you think Genghis Khan dindu nuffin too?
Even Finkelstein admits the Holocaust story is drummed up for dubious political purposes and milked for money by jews/Israelis, he wrote "The holocaust Industry" describing how they do it, couple that with the fact that questioning the holocaust is illegal in over 16 european countries and it sparks alarms in people, makes them curious about its legitimacy.
Like says once you start researching it you realize how many "revisions" its had officially, by normie historians, then you find out how the math makes no sense and there's basically no physical evidence to support it. It's not something hard to undermine
no the number comes from the Polish, Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian, German, French, British and American historians, forensic analysts and demographers who calculated the dead in the late 40's and 50's and has been revised countless times by h'whyte historians since then. The number is currently 5.3-5.5 million jews and some 5-9 million Slavs (no one really knows because the Germans would just torch whole villages and kill ever last person in the settlement without counting them). There's even handwritten documents you can find on wikipedia detailing the SS mass murdering Russian, Hungarian, Slovene and Polish villagers. The german race is autistic and keeps absolutely impeccable notes about their military expeditions. Its all there, go to your local university and ask to talk to their historian of 20th century europe. he'll gladly argue with you using primary sources all day long. all you have are the arguments of disgusting sophists and con artists trying to rehabilitate fascism.
i told another poster that fascists who don't embrace the death cult aspect of their belief system are weaklings. You're dishonest puny minds that aren't even worthy of the inheritence you lay claim to. Fuck yourself
you're a zealot the type of shrieking monkey that helped sack alexandria and blew up the buddhist statues in afghanistan
kek. do you know how many anti-nazi/pro-jew/holocaust movies, books, video games, and other media that's created just about every month? That's billions of dollars plus the benefit of psychological and cultural manipulation.
the number comes from the 🍀🍀🍀Polish, Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian, German, French, British and American historians, forensic analysts and demographers🍀🍀🍀
color me surprised.
nice false dichotomy.
maed meh think
Whatever you say, satan.
classic denier innuendo. Finklestein is not a denier, and his family was killed in the holocaust. His statements in the book aren't out of character or in anyway related to holocaust denialism. Raul Hilberg supports his book.
not an argument.
except for the 6 million vanishing Jews? Should be easy enough for you to find them and prove the holocaust didn't happen.
Find an actual source, kid.
infographs lifted from Holla Forums are a poor substitute.
fake number, the onus is on you to prove that many jews "vanished" where is the physical evidence? You know how genocides work? people don't just vanish into thin air with 100% efficiency.
Can you find any autopsy reports for the Volga Germans?
The Russians made it all up right, there is no reason why a western liberated camp would be thought to have killed hundreds of thousands of Jews. what do you think?
no one questions the holocaust who is not a lunatic anti-semite. no one does. David Icke who is literally a raving anti-Israel dip shit, he hates Israel, constantly condemns them and talks about how the Rothschild's control banking (they don't, but i like his spirit); he doesn't even deny the holocaust. No one fucking denies the holocaust who isn't an anti-semite. I've never ever met a single person who doubted it even a little bit who wasn't an antisemite. Its never happened. There is zero reason to doubt it otherwise. You have to ASSUME jews are liars and the British conspired with Jews to create a fake genocide. Which is a presupposition only a fascist would make because the only people who would benefit from that theory are fascists. This isn't an indictment of fascism its an indictment of the disingenuous rhetoric that is holocaust denial. its an untennable starting point for history. You want us to go re-check ever war and genocide and succession and empire? Do we need to pick only leftist and jewish events or is it cool if i doubt the murder of 2 million germans post-ww2 or the slaughter of german volk in Poland post-ww1? is it cool if i suggest Hitler was actually a zionist or maybe that Nazism is really just capitalism? i mean its a little implausible that a movement funded by industrialists and bankers was anti-capitalism don't you think? fuck yourself, you're not curious you're either stupid, which isn't something to be patted on the head for (go educate yourself) or a fascist (in which case be honest about it). its that simple. the smartest fascists i've ever met spent little to no time denying the holocaust because they openly espouse white supremacist views and want to depopulate the other races. Which is honest and respectable politics, i like up-front people, you fuckers are deceitful idiots by comparison. You probably think Evola is the pinnacle of reactionary thought; and probably haven't read Spengler, Junger, Rousseau or Heidegger. Have you even read Neitzsche? fucking idiots
you're aware that the global population is still lower than it was in 1939, right?
They do if you burn them to ashes and scatter them to the wind.
or if you take them out into the woods in Slovenia and Hungary and Poland and shoot them all and then bury them in mass graves where no one will look for them. which is what happened to most holocaust victims. they were shot like dogs, not worked to death or gassed (which was uncommon/happened later in the war). People don't realize it was mostly rampages and the military rounding people up and then machine gunning them to death.
pic related
and so on
at the historical conversion of lets say 12-1 Reichsmark to usd (
WTF I love nazis now!
holy shit you really *are* a fucking cretin among windowlickers.
See, getting a cremation done of a relative that passed away involves a lot of nonsense like death certificates, licensing, insurance, body storage, paying all the staff. Also cremations are sequential, you can't do a bunch of bodies at once. Also the funeral home / cremation industry in the US is KNOWN for overcharging like FUCK because they know you wont bargain down their prices like at a used-car lot if your gramps died a week ago.
the actual cost needed to set up brick ovens at an extermination camp is not much, and NONE of the factors above apply, so your cost estimates are fucktarded and useless.
the only operating costs were those of fuel (which were reduced a lot by keeping the ovens hot and running all the time). also smarter holocaust denialists than you have done shitty math to estimate the amount of fuel used. you COULD at least plagiarise THAT or something??
no, it wasn't about money. there was a fuel shortage in Germany at the time that they had to devise their own time-consuming, laborious way of deriving oil from coal.
yeah, and how do you think they do that?
look here, you two.
yeah, why don't you tell your local crematorium that you don't need to use any fuel for their ovens and that they just need to light up the guy's ass with a lighter and it'll all burn to ash.
typical tricks, schlomo.
Here's proof that Hitler ordered the extermination of jews.
The only reason why you reject the holocaust is because you're a brain dead Holla Forumsyp who feels the need to justify his hatred towards jews cuz """"muh anuddah shoah""" which, by the way, has also been debunked.
But please, continue calling everything you don't like Jewish.
Forgot image
Jesus Christ Holla Forums, this is low even for you
Where's page 2?
He's just retarded. Rejecting evidence and resorting to memes is typical of a stormnigger.
Also you do realise that not all of the Jews were killed via oven and gas chamber? They were killed outside of the concentration camps.
But fuck it, what do I know? To you I'm just an edgy anarkiddie who gets paid by Soros to go to protests.
That's what you really believe? I don't believe the mainstream narrative about the holocaust because "muh annudah shoah" and me being a dumb-dumb among other things? What do you mean "which has been debunked;" that jews don't claim the next holocaust is around the corner? There are articles dating back to the sixties from jews about how "anti semitism is on the rise" and all sorts of alarmist bullshit for decades. That's not the reason people are skeptical about the holocaust, though.
You haven't even attempted to look from the other side of this issue, and your long-winded infographs whose creator couldn't help but make fun of his opposition in the snarkiest ways possible are just that. It's signalling that the claimed evidence isn't sufficient enough on its own to make your opponent look stupid so you have to insert a bunch of ad hom.
Your infographic contains the old BS mistranslation that confuses the word for physical removal as murder.
This one doesn't even include the glass windows and flimsy wooden door? Why wouldn't the jews at Auschwitz just break the windows and escape the supposed gas chamber?
so where are the mass graves? where did all the bodies go?
Thanks, thinking of putting together a video or two dubunking stormfaggotry that shouldn't even need debunking. But here we are and these gnats don't have the attention span for 4 relatively short infographics.
"annudah shoah" is a wordfilter for *white* genocide, newfag
I'm just a piece of shit for not going on Holla Forums all the time.
And still, huwyte genocide is not the reason people are skeptical of the holocaust, either.
Lol you're such a dipshit. I literally just got this off a holocaust denial webpage where it explains that the *proof* of mass graves doesn't prove the holocaust. Not even your own people agree with you
But it's certainly the reason you hate Jews, Holla Forumsroach
Eric Hunt, the big player in holocaust denial, and the one who made the most denial documentaries on YT, has denounced his revisionism as bullshit. That's all I have to say, folks.
Looks like a bunch of typhus victims to me.
It's one of the reasons, sure. You ever hear of a Barbara Spectre?
Lol, kys.
Oh, so what, the Nazis MISINTERPRETED Hitler? Hmmmmmm. Really makes you think.
And read
Stay BTFO.
It just keeps getting better
So you admit the mass graves exist? Because in you explicitly ask "where are the mass graves" and imply there were none. Why should anyone listen to your flip-flopping faggotry?
I'm sure the next step is to spam ((eric hunt))
Oh, you go ahead and wew, lad. The deaths were around 300k jews so yes there were deaths, but we would have seen as many deaths if, say, the japanese internment camps in the US had their supply lines destroyed. The Germans were suffering from lack of food and medicine as were the inmates.
There are graves at some camps but they're not enough to account for muh six gorillion
Debunked in
Stay BTFO, stormnigger. Leave, and take your bullshit infographs with you
No one claimed 6 million were in those mass graves you fucking imbecile. People are up and down this thread explaining to you all the varying execution and disposal methods. You think the ones that got turned to ash are in there with the rest just doing their best corpse impression?
Holy fuck these autists are hilarious
no shit, the point is that there's nowhere to put 6 million carcasses with those mass graves plus the ovens.
yeah, the only part where it says the 1948 report is wrong follows it up with some 1970's report. it claims that the full numbers aren't included but doesn't provide those numbers from the 1948 study? All of that clutter is useless and it doesn't even provide the evidence it says it there to debunk the ~300k Red Cross number.
Yeah, totally made up by that kike Wiesenthal to garner goyim support.
Really makes you think
Ok, and once again, nobody said all 6 million went in mass graves. Your reading comprehension is so bad I honestly am starting to feel sorry for you.
ah, if only the Nazis had found a way to force people in extermination camps to do work to cut down trees to get fuel for the incinerators. Too bad they didn't and none of the camps were anywhere near any forests, so they ran out of wood, coke, coal, and gasoline to fuel the ovens.
Ex-socialist countries also happen to live in close proximity with subhumans like sand niggers and mongolians so they're understandably distrustful of non-whites. likewise, countries like Germany, Uk, France, and Sweden were only surrounded by other Europeans so when they take in violent brown people they try to "kill them with kindness."
yeah, want to read the part where I mention graves and ovens? What was that about reading comprehension? I don't know where else holohoaxers claim that cadavers went so the point is how did the nazis do away with so many corpses?
Do you know how much firewood it would take to incinerate a body to ash?
as long as we're talking about fuel, they had open-air burn pits that were used to do lots of the dehydration work (often, prior to actual cremation), and also they fucking exhumed bodies from mass graves after a few months and put the decomposed, dehydrated bodies into the incinerators.
As well as in personal correspondence, the ICRC has also addressed this misrepresentation by several other means. In 1975, the ICRC wrote to the Board of Deputies of British Jews in London regarding Harwood's citations, stating:
The figures cited by the author of the booklet are based upon statistics falsely attributed to us, evidently for the purpose of giving them credibility, despite the fact that we never publish information of this kind.
— Françoise Perret, Comité International de la Croix-Rouge, to Jacob Gerwitz, August 22, 1975.
Suzman, Arthur; Diamond, Denis (1978). Six million did die: the truth shall prevail Arthur Suzman and Denis Diamond. South African Jewish Board of Deputies. p. 10. ISBN 978-0620031288.
Kill yourself
You actually are illiterate. God help you.
actually, yes, given the proper amount of air circulation and heat retention, you need a little more than half as much weight of wood as corpse. you can find this data from open-field incineration of livestock corpses.
Fuel requirements go way down if the bodies are buried a bit underground for a few weeks – this gets rid of lots of fluids (AKA WATER, AKA THE THING THAT MAKES CREMATION ENDOTHERMIC):
also lmao the Reich was willing to spare some gasoline to incinerate corpses, you dumb fuck, look at the photos of cremated victims of Dresden bombing (which were incinerated to prevent disease spreading).
So you just want to go in circles? The image I linked to refuted your point well enough and the rest of your linked image was refuted by a whole slew of people explaining to you with way too much patience that the standards for modern cremation are not the same as haphazardly burning people en masse, as any average *IQ human being could have correctly guessed.
Show me where I used ad-hom.
So you're telling me that this ~300k number was just floating around for nearly thirty years until they revise it? based on what?
no u
makes sense in times of emergency. You'd think the Germans would have thought through how they would dispose of millions of people if that was their plan. Also, why didn't the Germans just kill all the jews in their camps when the allies were going to come, anyway? They could just bash their heads with hammers, even. and It's simply not that easy to burn people to ash.
yeah, if "not the same" you mean "funeral homes don't bury bodies in mass graves for a month or two until they decompose and exude enough water to make incineration exothermic", i do indeed concur
Your whole argument basically centers around the view that if any country did something they did it well and with great forethought. Is the "sometimes countries don't make the best, most efficient decisions" pill not offered over in Holla Forums?
Also, bones burn at around 1500 degrees while wood fires only reach about 900 degrees so where are all the bones, then? To burn bones to ash you'd need some serious fuel that would have been scarce in wartime.
Is that your definition of ad hom?
It's not an ad hom at all. I'm actually of the opinion that you're such a boot licker (now that's an ad hom) that you legitimately haven't considered that maybe nazi germany didn't plan everything well.
If you're not the holohoaxer than we're on the same side here and I'm not sure why you read my post ironically or something
I see, I'm just waiting on that one user to get back to me on my use for ad hom. Holla Forums sucks for not using IDs.
The point is that it was obvious the plans weren't made to dispose of millions of people so they didn't have the means to do so at any time.
I like that you unironically expressed the same belief that if it was their goal they must have planned it out well as your rebuttal to me saying that's your mindset.
Oh god. We've reached it, we've reached the literal "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" level of pseudo-scientific reasoning.
how do holohoaxers explain the einsatzgruppe?
Well they really only killed 4 million so the whole thing is a lie
not an argument.
read, nigger. I'm saying that even if the goal was to exterminate the jews they didn't even have the means to do away with the bodies of millions. There is no evidence of millions of bodies to be found, so the ultimate conclusion that can be reached from that is that millions of people didn't die.
So your actual rebuttal after this whole thread is that I need to read more when you have either not read or not understood all the proof and explanations of where the bodies were? Just leave and go tell your Holla Forums buddies you won, since that's what you were going to do anyway and I have only so many ways of telling you to go back and look at the rebuttals we've all posted until you actually comprehend the words in front of you.
It wasn't floating around you dumb stormnigger.
Here's your adhom. Kill yourself
hold that thought
all i had to do was wait a sec and you said something more retarded than the initial sentence.
What do you mean didn't have the means? They had a war machine unlike anything in the history of the world, the most advanced furnace engineering and technology on the planet, the best scientific minds in the world and massive amounts of raw materials and open space. They poured endless funds and resources into all kinds of retarded projects and unfeasible new weapons and expeditions to tibet looking for Agartha. They easily could have manufactured hundreds if not thouasands of camps and furnaces for housing, liquidating and disposing of unwanted untermensch. Their was no technical limitation to the Holocaust.
Now as for the second inane utterance i quoted, there are photographs from multiple sites of thousands of bodies. There are photos of villagers in Poland and Hungary and Ukraine being forced to help SS dig mass graves and dispose of Jews they were forced to out. You are lying, by omission, but its a flat out lie. The holocaust really happened and you don't even attempt to deny the murder of all those slavs, masons, commies, german dissidents and frenchies. You don't give a fuck, because you're an idiot whose been weaponized by a predatory ideology. Go ask the people in Russia and Poland about the Holocaust, anyone will tell you it was real. The Russian government punishes holocaust denial because they lost 2 million peasants to Hitler's death machine. That's why Putin is a staunch opponent of holocaust revisionism. Slavs who aren't literally niggers know it happened and are conscientious of the fact that Germans have on multiple occasions tried to conquer and exterminate them.
I could say the same that you guys didn't read my rebuttals.
alrighty, then.
That first screenshot there are numbers from the "Wannsee Conference." Is the ICRC the Wannsee Conference? Also "Kill yourself" is not ad hom. Fucking Angry Cat posters are the worst.
They had means to kill, perhaps, but not the means to make millions of carcasses disappear. I don't know how many times I have to say that.
hahaha so you're saying they had crematory ovens that could incinerate dozens of people in minutes with hardly any fuel and that this kraut space magic technology just somehow disappeared?
Yeah, but they didn't. We have aerial photographs from the allies as well as modern sonar detection. These photographs from spy planes never caught huge mass graves/burials or billowing smoke from an operation that needed to have run as superhuman speed 24/7 in order to have happened.
yeah, it was a big fucking war. people died all the time of starvation, illness, and all sorts of things. Pictures of dead people doesn't tell you how they died. The allies even had the nerve to post piles of dead Germans and claim that they were Jews and shit like that.
CTRL+F Search: Wiesenthal
Ha so what do you say about the Stalin worship on here? Even the most jewish estimates of the death toll responsible for the Third Reich doesn't come close to the atrocities of the Soviet Union under Stalin.
Simply not true. People read the kiked up version of Der Untermensch and take the part about the Russian gov't mistreating it's people and having them live in shit as some attack against the slavic people. You think all the Eastern Europeans hate Hitler or something? Top fucking Kek. Try Estonia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Croatia- Hitler freed these people from the Soviets. When they saw the Germans riding in wearing the symbol of their ancestors, liberating them from this cold, impersonal, anti-nationalist, oppressive force, well, there's a reason why they have mock SS marches to this day.
Holy shit, you guys can really get autistic. Holocaust happened, however, 50% of those proofs that it happened are fabricated to make Nazis looks worse than they were. Being a reactionary who wants to go to war with the entire world and is willing to kill anyone in their way is already pretty bad. Putting millions of Jews, Gypsies, and Slavs into camps and ghettos is also bad. Killing them if they resisted or tried to flee is also pretty bad. Also, any Nazi who claims that the prisoners only died because of lack of rations. Ask yourself if you could keep prisoners who you can't feed. And not call it killing them.
But the Nazis didn't burn people alive or gas them alive. These are not only inefficient methods of killing. They didn't turn people into soap or lampshades. These were all claims made to see how much the Allies could demonize the Germans and how far they could push their propaganda. Then again Nazis who believe that the existence this propaganda means the holocaust didn't happen are retarded and delusional.
fuck off cunt
Are you a liberal or a nazi. I can't tell the difference anymore.
You could but you'd be lying to yourself, since you know as well as I do we addressed all your points
Imagine believing all of those crimes happened and still autistically screeching like the bottom 4 claims make all the difference
except most lolocaust obsessives only care because they do also deny everything else on the picture