We're all going to die. america is going to go up in a fiery inferno of hellflames. life as we know it is over...

we're all going to die. america is going to go up in a fiery inferno of hellflames. life as we know it is over. everything is the worst. I can't believe literally hitler is in charge of things now. don't worry hilary, I'm with her in four years. you better run, girl. we all got your back here on Holla Forums

Other urls found in this thread:



day five hundred and eighty five, they're still talking about politics

how can you be bitter while victorious

I hate you guys

Thanks, I'll add you guys


at least Canada is safe

it's unbelievably adorable that you think I'm bitter. or that I've literally ever been bitter about this.


Well, it is a major thing in the world.
Better than talking about loli ass.

Uno! ♥
Vri#1809 / on NA

But you do exist?

No problem, we haven't played in a while as a group, but I still play sometimes and Echo does too.

lets talk about loli ass

You realize our prime cuck kind of means that isn't true, right?



how would you describe the op if not rooted in disagreement

as long as you notice me, i do! :D

Thing does thing I don't want it to do.


gee I don't know moogs. perhaps I'm making a joke? not sure if you've ever heard of those.

At least if we have to leave the US I can fuck my dogs in Canada in peace.

you're cruisin' for a bullyin', son.

Are you a fairy then?


aww shit you got me
i only hate soto

**i don't play on NA but i'll hit you up**

Hit me up any time

You're about to get memed.

When am I not
in this goddamn place

can't catch a break


at the expense of people like me

because you disagree

hence bitter

catching breaks is overrated

some of this butthurt is magical

Alright, I'll see if you're ever on when I'm playing.

you're allowed to think whatever you want about it moogs, but you're the one coming off bitter here.

Car pool to Canada when?

B-but I have to work soon.

i'm made of magic

♥ uno so adorable~
yey do it!

i am so bitter

But you taste so sweet.

well I hope you realize this isn't the end of the world soon enough.

Magic, or sorcery?


I'll help you with the other issues!
What is the presentation on?

tbh it's p cool Trump is prez now

really proving how not bitter you are by stapling my supposed opinions to my person



internship though i should probably just stop thinking about anything rn and work on all of it tomorrow

it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

a bit rich coming from someone who continues even now to assume my thoughts and intentions. but I'll forgive you, I know you're going through a lot of emotions right now.

I'm making every poster every time I get drunk
I kept asking, you was there.

tell me your thoughts and intentions then

and I was literally trying to say something comforting there, moogs. but it's cool that you can only assume I'd be a total dick about this.

Doctor Strange

i wanna play! Make me a pretty Luka pls~


you lovable pokeyman you

i did it
i did the thing

Guys, just stop.

As long as I'm a dog.

so im to assume it was a 180

is that fair

I'd feel fine no matter how the world would end.
After my reign ends, that is.

Doctor Strange?

Don't think I can make dogs.
Maybe if I unlock more shit.
But for now, I'll just make a dude with an eyepatch. What color is your hair?

what thing?
i think you have to click
NA server to do that?

see, the fact that you think me not being a total dick about this would be a 180 is also insulting. this is part of why it's so very hard to be friends with you. you allow yourself to assume the absolute worst about people who actually like you.

oh stop it you

thank god trumby won
now we can all help undo the pussification of americur

would be a bit silly for me personally to worry about the end of the world, as I've been wishing for death for months.


hey are you cup



Trump is meme trump now meme's are president.


yes, yes I am, emily.

in spite of that, I've still never not liked you. for the record.

Can you edit characters?

If so, is there a shorter/flatter cut we can use for me?


lucky me

ok no just wonderring


i'm pretty sure servers are just for games

oh ok mb

i wanna get fucking drunk


depends on your point of view I guess. I think anyone who has to interact with me is most unfortunate.

oh jeez guys who can be sassier

*head pat*


I'll never forgive u

Me. I am sassyest.

I don't worry about it at all, I just think it would be kind of nice to have more time to do things.

I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know what magic.


I genuinely got confused a bit ok

the only things I ever do are waste my time anyway

okay! sorry for the confusion. I know I change names and avatars a lot.

Right, I;ll try and make a dude sorta like you; not sure if you're white or not, but I'll give it a go.


now i kms


my view point anyway

I am white.

don't do that on my account

Can't you give him a dog from one of the perks?


which is agreeing with my self disparaging post, or your original post stating lucky you?

no it's k i was gonna do it anyway

the latter

seems like a silly thing to do. what about all the anime and video games you'll miss?

oh, well thanks.

Same really, but I'd like to think there is more to achieve.

Will do later.

What character you want?
I've been asking this repeatedly a week ago after 4 cans of lager.



Is there still space for ikt

Friend of dogs.
Bard has that perk, wouldn't hurt to have two of them with the same perk, right?

they're all bad


no problemo


aren't you from /lewd/?


i want the pretty lady!

Have you unlocked any new traits or perks or whatever?

I don't see why you couldn't have multiple characters with the same perk.

George, get Sonic Racing and play with me later.

are you fucking retarded

allow me to rephrase my previous statement. I hope you feel better soon.

hmmm... i wonder why it's not shown up yet then...

what magic do u like?


Right, soon as I make two stops on Sunless SEa I'll get on making some people.

Not sure if new traits are unlockable, but I'll give it a try. And it won't hurt, just want as much variety as possible.

Like, what color hair, size? What perks and traits?

squash status:

told [ ]

super told [ ]

no country for told men [x]



No, I'm not :

oh, my bad. where are you from then?

Fair enough.

lite purple hair?
mech or gungineer?

im just disappointed in the dnc. i said before all this that they expected us to take a candidate we didnt like

they need to really figure out their nomination process because it was fucked

no money

4chan Holla Forums, I guess, back in the day



I agree completely. honestly if they hadn't pulled that bullshit and it had been bernie I would have actually bothered to go vote for him. I liked him better than the two we got. wasn't crazy about him either, but at least he seemed pretty genuine and had some good ideas.

cool cool, same. name is cupcake.
I switch what's in the namefield a lot though.

Ehh, not really that superstitious, but if I had to choose?
I guess pyromancy, since setting things on fire is always fun.

yeah im hearing he might have fared better

maybe not won but would've gotten farther

What trait?

considering how insanely close it was for so long between hildog and trump, I'd say bernie would have had a real shot. you know, if the dnc had just let democracy play out properly. but why would they ever do that LOL


We could have had Vermin.

tell me about fire

mysterios or charming maybe.

or hugh mungus

I'll try and keep track of that

assuming i don't pull my usual trick and disappear off the face of the planet for months at a time


Did you just fucking sexually assault me?

no worries from me on that, I've disappeared for up to three years before.



What's there to tell?

they took too much for granted


i don't know anymore...

pride comes before the fall. as I've said before, I really hope that this whole mess teaches us a collective lesson and we get our shit together in four years.

sure, that looks fine.

"you can microwave a baby or you can shoot it" - squash

Then I'll get Okami and then Megu on.

Neither do I.

I stand by that comment.

Flat enough?

to be fair that's the only stage at which they can fit in the microwave so he's not really wrong

If you'd be running for presidency with a slogan like that, I'd vote for you.

what are you referring to

You know what would have stopped Hitler?


Is that flat enough for you?



cute image
saved :)


cute pic


mother fucker


fuckin pedo :3

no mean

trump winning. it's like a bad joke that's gone way too far. but like you said, we deserve this. as a country we've allowed things to get to a point where enough people are willing to throw their vote at trump just in the hope he can do something about the ridiculous state our country is in now. I don't know if he'll be able to do anything, but the very fact that we're so jaded as a country to the political machine that we've elected someone with exactly zero political experience...it really proves they need to work on fixing the system.

yes oobles?



this one disgusts

im lonely :(



Hi Lonely.
I'm dad.


heh, yeah he really is.

Leave luka alone


kinda want spaghetti now

How's this?

at least cupcake likes me

make me u stinky lizard


what am I
chop liver


I'm gonna fucking destroy you

apparently grim does too



Sorry, was looking at stuff for DnD builds.
Yeah, that's a lot more identifiable for me.


i support term limits. thats about all i agree with for trump

hillary wasn't a good candidate

and i really hope he isnt able to do his more ridiculous promises. but having all branches of government isnt encouraging

you are good too.


Ironically my sister is making spaghetti and meatballs for lunch today

Well, he almost drowned as a kid after falling under ice, but a local priest saved him.
Also a British soldier in WW1 did not shoot Hitler upon finding him, because the policy was not to shoot unarmed men.
Imagine how those guys must have felt.

What's wrong Luka?


He ain't from Liverpool, if you're talking about Scoots.


the chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is that really irony though?



Can I get in on this?


destroy this dick nigguh



how rude.

we'll just have to see what happens, but as crazy as this all is, we've had ridiculous situations before and made it through. I think things will be okay, but I hope this sparks some kind of change in the way things are done in the future, even if it takes a while to implement it.

call him chop liver from now on, he said that is his favorite nickname

coincidence is not irony you fucking retard

that's it kiddo, you're fukken ded

i just feel like chop liver.


I didn't say stop

grim post the alex jones meme i showed you

the real culprit here is that the electoral system is built to benefit the two party system

lol, that's a funny one. i smiled a little bit.

Yeah, almost done with Megumin now.

how do you spell mungus

was this it


no it was the one with him making monster noises

this one?



good, good



Off to work.




i lost it then


Alright, if there's no white/pink dress available, I guess a tuxedo is fine too.

Have a great day Squash.





Megu, if you're not here, I'm just gonna make you with a red beret, I can't keep chasing people for weeks and then people keep saying 'make me'

I get drunk only so occasionally.


this is another good one

Scanners, is there a white shirt/black shorts clothing option that I could switch to?
I'm sorry, I'm making a lot of work for you.


because i haven't done anything bad... why am i treated this way?
i just don't know anymore.

I wanna be your abused housewife

back in the kitchen you skank

I'm not feeling angly at all today.




This is as much as a tuxedo as I can get, perks and traits?

which one is your face?

Can never please everyone with the choices you make.

Oops I used the wrong word
Man the lingering after high of a strong edible the next is always so tiring

I need some coffee

Sorry about that fam

I'll get around to it, I just wish I got this done whilst I was shitfaced a week ago.

Oh man, I already like the sound of those 2.

I forgive you

those meatballs look fucking delicious

Soto, I'm making you a character; you're jst too awesome to be forgotten about.


is dressing up as a girl really necessary to become a good programmer?

These are like personality traits


And these are the perks

Fucking flood

Yeah I love the way she does them
When are you going to come over?
I need to impress you with my sick ass cooking skillz

I'm down

It happens.
Looks fucking delicious.



I'd love to come over for dinner but I think the distance would make that difficult.

this is one of my favorite webms moogs

Lol, I got that same webm

Let's take nurturing and health care, I'm certain there's no medic already.

wtf is this russia

But what benefit does it serve?

half of the webm is the filename


if you have to ask that you clearly haven't dressed in women's clothing enough

Also my grandma hates gays so you'd probably get harassed and shoo'd out

You look fucking delicious

blondie leaning back to see you~

or even choices i dont get to make.
we should play games together someday...

Traps exist in a perpetual state of being the best of both worlds.

So they clearly just have a preternatural sense for what makes something best.

I got Manaka as that, but fuck em, he ain't here to complain.


we don't have to tell her I'm gay, you know. although she might realize it when she hears all the noise coming from your room after dinner...

she's qt

I'll try harder.
It's hard to buy little girls' clothing at size Large.
And I always get a hardon

I just end up feeling lewd

I sorta imagined you to have that wimpy/whiny gay voice

You already have the gingery colored hair
So I could see it happening

Sanders/Warren 2020

that's part of the magic.

Perhaps, it's just how it is.
Maybe, but I'm going to play csgo in 15 mins.

There's never enough medics.


Sh-shut up idiot!


Rin, is this ok?

they are great couple ^ ^

u should try out overwatch :)

You responded to that twice. ;~;

Maybe you should stop being a filthy pervo.
Or just get railed a couple hundred times until you can be a real trap.

Works great.
Thank you scanners.


I didn't change it, don't worry.

That's the whitest shit and blackest shorts I have.


You sound like Boo lmao

Don't tell me to shut up
MAKE me shut up

I really don't, but congrats on talking your way out of ever getting to fuck me


I think I said too much


I want TRD stickers so I can paste them on my Peugeot


It just felt weird not seeing Rin when that's what I was reading.

Wh-what are you implying!?




fuck, i accidentally pressed my controller wire into the shift key





but he's so cute!

Okay the stuttering is starting to trigger me



I've been playing on EU lately a bit.
Dropped from 2500 to 2400 in competitive, I sure do love SoloQ.

I saw that thread.
Why does he have so many keyboards?

Me in the green.

If you were any more triggered, you'd be a firearm?

Whatchu think of this?



why is c++'s "cin" function so fucking horrible?

Nah, I'd probably pin you down and take advantage of you
But close enough

sounds p good
I do know a couple of things about cars so its not entirely false

Fucking awesome.
Drunk stream next time I'm off.

kind of want to try bernie as vader throwing hillary down



Well, I guess it works.

bernie will always be my president


i should try out soloq someday... wat is 2500? ._.


I lost my shit so hard to this rn

what movie is that?



atlantis lost empire

make moar webms from it!


2500 is platinum, I got plat with 2507 and got up to 2530 on solo and then fell to 2400.
Anyhow I'm off to play some csgo, bye Luka.

She'll love you someday.

that ur cat?

play with me!!!

yup. she's behind me right now, giving me dirty looks because I'm not paying enough attention to her.

That almost sounds lewd


that almost sounds lewd

You find it on youtube in sub then, slut.

Time to get cigs and energy drink, whilst wearing pjs under my clothes.

i want freinds!

*pets the irl cupcake behind cupcake*
soo soft~

You have no friends?

she's ridiculously soft. not sure how she does it, she doesn't even use conditioner, the savage beast.


Effort wank???

i have some thread freinds at the very least.
but yeah, no, this is all i have now.


she groom herself lots and rest on your soft looking bed making her fluffy~


if you fuck a dolphin in its blowhole, is it a blowjob? What is that even called? A blowfuck?

youre like
fucking its trachea

holy shit, I thought twitter was funny last night. I had no idea.

must be it


im done

you think things are bad now...

it gets better. you're to blame.


think of the women...

Kill me in the butt with your dick daddy.

we're all fucked.

im bored~

don't worry though, brianna wu said she'd fix it

brianna wu is gonna kill trump

women genocide when?

there's a vast internet to explore.

gosh I hope so. that would take care of two problems our country is facing.

What is up with the + at the end of LGBT? I also saw it with a Q on it once.

they can't stop adding letters because special snowflakes need to be more special than the other special snowflakes.

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

That's President literally Hitler to you, little anime girl.

go to other thread