Hey, let's get one of these going. Post your best examples "progressive" or "motivational" capitalism here!
"Progressive" Capitalism thread
Holla Forums supports capitalism in 2017. What are you, not PROGRESSIVE ENOUGH?!
Really make u think does it not? 🤔🤔🤔
People can see through this shit, right? This can't actually work on people can it?? At least I hope most people aren't that blind…
Let's murder women for women's rights!
lovin it
A little girl in the path of a charging bull. The symbolism may be unintentional, but goddamn is it ever fitting
Hey kids, we heard y'all like #feminism! We're #feminists too! Buy our stuff!
I think it was Zizek who said that this stage of capitalism has some faint cognizance of its own inhumanity and barbarism, and seeks to counter it by adding something "redemptive" as a feature in its commodities.
Maybe if we make capitalism cognizant enough of those flaws, it will commit sudoku.
That's the thing though, I honestly don't think there's a limit to the inhumanity and barbarism that capitalism is capable of, and that people will accept. Class consciousness is really low.
Ironically, it seems to me like it's the blatant, dishonest manipulation that really makes people angry. There's a Lacanian take on this, I'm sure, but I'm not well versed enough to make that point myself tbh.
I dunno, I think people are aware of very, very little about capitalism's evils. If I would hazard a guess, I'd say that 95% think the very worst thing (possibly the only really bad thing at all) capitalism does is just the ol' sweatshop-and-markup scheme.
Anger and hatred towards the gross lying of marketing and the attempts to hijack fucking anything and everything into an avenue to shill your companies worthless crap, is half of what drove me to socialism.
The other half was the way was how it seems like people are expected to reform their beliefs and ideas to be the best little shill for their fucking epmloyer or company they can.
It kind of seems like that's what drives people rightward also, they just blame the jews instead of the capitalists.
All capitalism is progressive. To acquire more wealth, more power, and more dominance they need to appeal to all of the niches, all markets must be cornered.
Kill this meme now pls.
This one made me legitimately mad
checks out
No, he said that *we* have the cognizance. He said that we know that all of this is shit, but because of ideology we think there's no alternative, so what we do to not go crazy is we adopt an ironic distance from this. We buy cappie products, but we joke about it and we like it when someone does charity (that's the reason porky does it. porky doesn't give a fuck about the kids.)