Can we do a twitter thread, I'm getting flamed hard by people and have no followers.
Can we do a twitter thread, I'm getting flamed hard by people and have no followers
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followed you user
mine is @comrade_boi
Cool man followed you as well. Btw this is bretty funny.
Cool following you guys.
official Holla Forums twitter directory
you're welcome anons
by the way im @fuckmuir x
hit me up
thank you
Could you maybe add @alt_bookchin, @comrade_boi, and @cptcoherent to that list as we are all Holla Forums users?
Daily reminder that Jeremy Corbyn follows Phil Greaves on Twitter.
holy shit kek
Awesome thanks.
i'm seeing this ☭ more and more
make better content, stop being a pussy, learn to rhetoric, learn to argue, pick your battles
I really triggered @workersspatuala by comparing his support for black/chicano nationalism to an alt-right POV
Thanks for the back up boys.
spatula is a satire blog account and you have autism.
If only.
nope, he's deadly seriously with his separatism
To be honest I see where he's coming from. If Native Americans have like sorta sub-states that defend their interests I don't see why chicano and black dominant areas and hawaii and puerto rico can't have the same.
Hawaiians and Puerto Ricans, I agree, they're basically colonies.
But blacks and chicanos? I don't think so.
Think of it like the Jewish state. If there isn't a place devoted to protecting minority interests they're going to get fucked over by everyone else and end up with nowhere to go. It's a safeguard more than anything.
Like, of course nationalism is a spook and of course it can lead to supremacy and jingoism, but I think we still need it around.
Pic Rel.
Worked really well with Israel
Only because of US backing and they crowd that went back. They have a decent-sized left over there, don't be fooled.
@ a l t _ k i a (without the spaces)
You're a fucking retard m8, the effect of communalism or communism in the Black Belt of the USA would inevitably be a black national region.
Thats a completely different thing from calling for decolonisation and proclaiming you have to work with black nationalists.
Hit me up. Glory to Mother Russia!
"Black Nationalists" can include groups like the BPP, which was fucking based.
You fall into the trap of thinking the (white) majority is inherently racist.
so what happens to the non-Hispanics in Aztlan and non-Blacks in New Afrika?
ethnic cleansing?
I'd post mine but I hardly ever talk about politics on my own and only do it when replying to others.
They obviously stay
Did they call for an independent black ethno state?
My Twitter is
No, I don't. I'm just saying that minorities need a place where they're a majority and their interests are defended.
They get to stay as minorities? Obviously.
kekromancy is my twitter, comrades and fags
This doesn't stop being dogpiled and flamed. There are large groups of retards in every political persuasion who will call their friends into shitfling.