considering 90% of what they believe comes from FBI agents on stormfront, CIA honey pots, KGB disinfo that was repurposed after the cold war, Tsarist era propaganda, Nazi propaganda, Right wing McCarthyite (D E E P S T A T E) propaganda and then straight up Private Intel Ops who astro turf Reddit, 4chan and 8/pol/ calling them alpha soup is an understatement
Industries Holla Forums will never talk about unless they can connect to muh Israel, Obummer and """"""""Globalism""""""": Metals and Extractions, Biotech, Chemicals, Defense, Aerospace, Private Intelligence, Oil (unless Rotschild's can be connected), Real Estate (unless Jews or Chinese are connected).
Who are biggest winners from Trump's victory and also happen to be the biggest benefactors of the classic Military-Industrail-Intelligence-Tech nexus? The aforementioned industries. Who is our new sec of State? Exxon mobile man. Who is our treasury sec? Goldman sachs man. Who is going to be seeing profits increasing from Trump? Private prisons, Defense, Chemicals, Metals, Extractions, Private Intelligence. Right wing deep state just pushed out the Finance, Socialized Tech, Culture, Welfare, Media elite who are Liberal deep state. We witnessed a relatively silent coup. Pol is now a literal propaganda arm of the reactionary deep state. Full on pro-war on terror, pro-big oil, pro-military industrial complex, pro private prisons, pro big chemical (and thus big Pharma)
Another thing, who are the biggest political contributors? Hint: Not AIPAC, not Israelis. Its Big Pharma, Big Agro and Defense industries. Because, they are the most heavily subsidized and most involved with social engineering and imperialism. You will NEVER see pol discussing this because these are the very industries Hitler used to take over Germany and build his war machine. These are industries that are allied with Fascism and not at all coincidentally the source of the Business Plot that nearly assassinated FDR.
Skull and Bones is good, because its Germanic/WASP. Harriman, Perkins, Delano, Forbes, Luce are all good because they wete white and supported reactionary leaders. McCarthy and Hoover were good, Dulles was a good guy. The Israelis control the CIA, that's right the globalist commie jews support the same CIA that was fermenting right wing white supremacist dictatorships all over the New World. It makes sense if you focus on FUCKING KIKES, and ignore all the white people involved.
This is your brain on Holla Forums, it totally fucking ruined the alt media movement of the last 15 years and the radical political currents that were developing. Now i see leftists using right wing deep state narratives to attack Liberals. "Putin is anti-imperialist" no Putin is an imperialist, Xi is an imperialist, Iran is imperialist. These countries use others as proxies and expand their territories constantly. They are empires, if only small ones. You can oppose Israel, oppose international finance, oppose liberals, oppose Idpol AND reject Capitalism and Imperialism. They are all compatible, only the Left wing offers this logical coherence. Only we have an answer that doesn't require compromising one's philosophical understanding and logic.
TLDR: Holla Forums literally is an amalgamation of different reactionary propaganda campaigns and is indirectly led around by CIA and private intel ops who are opposed to Obama and Kerry and support Reagan, North, Dulles, Nixon, Eisenhower era right wing behavior