name 1 guy who's as much of a pseud, hypocrite and sophist, or just an asshole as reddit- le "lets be nice"- obesity
general containment thread for celebrity-trivial shit or other random topics
name 1 guy who's as much of a pseud, hypocrite and sophist, or just an asshole as reddit- le "lets be nice"- obesity
general containment thread for celebrity-trivial shit or other random topics
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Woah, what a surprise.
I actually have a large part of that Walsall cunt's info so if ever tries something you can count on Mr. Infantile over here to have your back.
whats that
Who is the best e-celeb? Besides the clear choice Bat'ko.
The name of the English city he lives in.
Top 3 anime heroes:
not something I'd want to be tbqh
Ginjeet is an asshole. Bat'ko and reg are OG tho
Is he this butthurt because I sent him £30 of pizza the other week?
Yeah but he's a smart and contributing asshole.
Reg Seh's the admin of the Holla Forums channel?
not the word I would use.
And yeah, I'm pretty sure that's Reg.
How is he not? His posts on Holla Forums (cigar flag) are almost always immaculate and I've seen him debate people in the Dubtrack to shreds. A few months ago when we also made commie threads on Holla Forums to shill on he was not just BTFOing Holla Forumsyps (anyone can do that), but actually doing so while convincing them to his side.
I have a difference of opinion. All cigar posting has been insufferable faggotry from what I've seen.
I'm glad that the faggot doesn't really browse here much anymore and that he's no longer the owner of the dubtrack room. Tbh I haven't thought of the nigger recently until this thread was posted.
Can you tell me more information about this faggot? Does it include his address?
Send all orders to Frederick Brennan and make the payment out to 'cash'!
Very interesting
Rebel is actually a polish guy living in Wolverhampton.
What did the post say?
The technocrat couldn't link properly, you fucking nonce.
Thread theme
Rebel is fine (slight hyperbole). He's an interesting enough perspective, which by default makes him the best tripfag this board has seen.
t. Rebel
Isn't 99% of what rebel says trolling ?
>you popularized Camus to the masses
>to the masses
delusions of grandeur
I'm planning to send a letter to Rebel once I find out how to send things overseas through mail. I already have some ideas on what to send him, but I am open to suggestions of some things to send him through the mail. Or we can crowdfund sending rebel a whole bunch of dildos and other things like what happened with the Oregon militia.
Meh. Cliché. Send him a box of mirrors.
kek, that's actually pretty good
We should write him a poem too, titled "Why am I so great?"
Should I go ahead and start a crowd fund to send Rebel a minimum of at least 100 mirrors?
what's the cheapest hand mirror you can find online that you can mass-order?
So a 100 hand mirrors + shipping fee would total at around 210 bucks?
I've just found cheaper though I'm not sure if the seller is legit
Amazon is for noobs, try alibaba for maximum keks
top kek, perfect
why not send him like 50 mirrors and other wedding gifts, with an invitation card for the "wedding of Rebel and Rebel?"
I'm about to deliver now
Can anyone explain why he's hated so much? I've only been here for a few months so I haven't seen the drama.
His vids are great too
How about whenever he annoys us or comes back here, we start sending him mirrors until he pisses off?
get out, newfag.
he's an intolerable dishonest prick
regularly shitup the forum
i think rebel is a cool guy
Yeah I've heard he used to shitpost a lot and that he'd tripfag. If that's true I'm pretty disappointed, but I still like his vids.
this isn't the shameful opinion thead
Ah, yess, the "pretentiously articulated, oft factually wrong and wikipedia-researched" vids. Highly recommended.
someone needs to a be a gadfly
What facts has he gotten wrong?
Several of these are US only. If you're going to do something with this you need things international or UK only
Did Rebel Absurdity really say that?
Why, was it because someone from Holla Forums called him fat.
I really want to know…
yes, he did.
do the one with fucking pineapples
I don't get the hate for Hawaiian pizza, it's perfectly ok
He deleted those tweets for what it's worth
whats his name
This thread makes me very happy
what kinda pizza says "narcissist?"
sweet and sour?
like he deleted all the rapey tweets he made about catgirldrawgirl?
jesus, got screencaps?
Jesus Christ Rebel instead of sperging out on Twitter and having to delete your tweets how about you go take a walk or something
If he deleted it that means he regrets it
He realizes it makes him look bad. If he regretted it, he would've apologized. Also get back to studying, Lares.
im new, is Rebel an MRA type but also painfully liberal?
we must go longer
He's a neo-keynesian Gnostic anarcho-monarchist.
There is a steady cycle, I've noticed, by which Holla Forums turns on the personalities it once kissed up to.
What a faggot.
I'm actually getting transferred to a school that will let me work at my own pace for the remainder of my senior year because I can't stay focused. I'm all worn out from overworking myself for years and kind of depressed at this juncture.
So until the end of March I don't really have much to study. I am working on that book of mine though. Maybe if I'm lucky it'll be released before year's end.
The only good e-celeb we have is Sceneable
so a tumblr special snowflake but for dead and gay ideologies?
Rebel is a pseud to be ignored. The most valuable thing you can learn from him is to never trust a namefag
Only a minority of posters, most likely new, ever kissed up to these posters after they first appeared because namefags tend to (with few exceptions) pretend to be intellectuals on here. Most people either don't care or wished they'd fucked off a long time ago.
That was a nice reply. Sorry, if I was aggressive in that earlier post.
Hey james if youre reading this, can you confirm you live on that address people posted here?
Are you serious or just shtting? is that what he's called?
His name is James. He gave out his facebook a year back or so to us on the IRC and if he can confirm his address I might send him a letter.
No, what usually happens is e-celebs start fighting each other on IRC and twitter and then they direct their disdain towards the whole board instead. The board rightfully proceeds to hate them back and they leave.
That's n1x, AW and now Rebel. Although their trajectories were somewhat different.
calling someone a "pseud" to accuse them of shallowness and inauthenticity makes you sound like a halfchan /lit/ retard. just say charlatan or fraud
It just keeps on getting worse and worse with them
Rebel is mentally and emotionally unstable, from what I can tell.
everyone who browses this site is.
I think you have a point, my self included, but Rebel more so than most.
Don't worry about it comrade
Also you're completely right about deleting tweets being cowardly, to me he seems like a textbook case of BPD and so I'm not going to hold his actions very much against him but I can still say they're bad actions
Never 4get
With indubitability, my dear sir!
Who else /unironically think dadtankie is cute/ here?
Nah, he's not going to age well. He'll look Goebbels by the time he's 35
Holy shit
Can't unsee
So why should I hate this guy ?
This thread has had a lot of rebel hate.
Should there be some muke hate to balance it out?
Looking forward to reading "How Millions of People Died because the Uprising Failed because I Didn't Write the Cool Nigga Uprising App Instead of this Gay Book" by Lares.