How do we solve the twitter "leftist"/"anarchist" problem?
How do we solve the twitter "leftist"/"anarchist" problem?
Anti-idpol to the point of autism, ladies and gents
Europe needs national liberation too
how? it's inconsistent bullshit
Obsession with marginals and their nationalist localisms is hardly unique to the Twitter left tbh. This is actually fairly mild compared to the delusional autism you'll find on Reddit or most left-academic discourse.
Muh consistency argument doesn't apply here. This isn't even remotely the same as comparing sexism towards women with sexism towards men. This angry hippie is comparing two very specific things on the opposite sides of the political spectrum with white nationalists being always on the right and national liberationists (and anti-imperialist far leftists, dare I add) on the left except when they're liberals without any class character in their national liberation. There are no class-conscious white nationalists while there are loads of class-conscious national liberationists and anti-imperialists. Comparing them together and crying idpol where there is none is fucking autistic.
Ups, I left my shitposting flag on.
Before I forget to share it here's some really epic articles that highlight the level of discourse NatLibtards operate on, and their hot opinions are more than dominant:
Post-colonialism was a mistake. '68 was nothing but trash.
What the fuck is this??
You just switched it to another one. Also forgot to sage on my previous post.
bold assumption, and quite untrue I think
they are very much aware of class
You mean falsely conscious about the Jewish class which doesn't exist. If they do exist, show me then. Shouldn't be hard.
They appeal very much to the (white) working class. You can say it's false consciousness all you want but they are aware of class struggle. They just wish to channel it in a different way.
Some white nationalists are big on the working class ([email protected]/* */) others aren't so much but they're not a homogeneous entity. The white working class has largely been abandoned by the left so it should come as no surprise that they turn to movements which do care for them. Why do you think leftists bemoan the white working class so much these days? It's their own fault for brushing them off as racists for decades.
Which brings us back to the original point.
I get what it's trying to say, but it's poorly communicated. Using the Marxist term "working class" and the sociological/statistical term "middle class" in the same sentence is stupid, because the former denotes one's relation to production while the other denotes an ideal income level. Hence, any given working class person can fall into middle class income brackets or even upper class.
substitute "Middle class" for "petty-bourgeoisie" then
nation is a spook
That's already a vastly different message, but yeah.
How is it stupid to call out black and Chicano nationalists. Can you explain to me how ethno-nationalist groups can succeed in the US without carrying out ethnic cleansing and causing a Nazi masturbation fantasy. I guess they can always peacefully remove whites from their area's. Oh wait this literally exactly what Richard Spencer shills for.
Go back to reddit and stop fetishizing minorities you fuck mongoloid.
Race*war-→Nazi masturbation fantasy
do some self-crit :^)
this better be ironic
Anti-imp pls
It's still on.
Ignore them? Get off the internet and organize.
wow thanks i'm a third worldist now
Nationalism is a useful tool towards the formation of a socialist state, but will eventually be made redundant.
Third Worldists like ethnostates more than the actual neonazis do.
You stop dividing based off of early 20th century politics. You're either for PPG or against PPG.
Politics on Twitter is almost as bad if not worse than tumblr politics
ecks deeeeeeee
Of course they appeal to the white working class, because the working class is shafted in the capitalist mode of production so the working class is where they'll find people willing to be radical.
What they don't do is put forward a class-conscious line, how else could they come, at least in part, to endorse someone like trump? Sure they recruit from the working class, but they don't organize around class lines, but racial ones.
To be fair, they could go into areas that whites have already largely fled and improve them, I don't know of anyone doing this but it is a way to build racial enclaves without having to remove anyone.
That's not what was done though. OP compared whitenats with natlibs. You can point out fauts in both but comparing them is an apple-orange comparison.
How are you not able to differentiate between racial nationalists and separatists with national liberationists? How do you not get their fucking differences?
Men if I knew how to unite the left I wouldn't be shitposting around, I'd be commanding an unstoppable red-and-black horde accross the globe.
Yeah fair enough. I guess I got to caught up in the American mindset bc here a lot of talk about national liberation is really just a cover for racial separatism. Sorry for acting like a dick.
Okay, can someone explain to me why Twitter "anti-imperialist" tankies hate the YPG so much? Since the US will deport anyone to Turkey to die if they have ties with the PKK, it's obvious the Kurds are nothing more than useful idiots to the US.
There's stronger logic to say ISIS are tools of Saudi imperialism, and wouldn't that make the YPG anti-imperialist?
What about white national liberation movements?
You can't.
Yeah, this makes a lot of sense.