Is there any actual evidence that idpol is perpetuated by the feds/COINTELPRO?
Idpol and the Feds
What do you think COINTELPRO stands for?
Googling is hard.
Already googled, didn't really find anything that specifically looked at how COINTELPRO used identity to subvert a left wing group.
In specific instances? Yes. The ENTIRE thing being (at least by now) controlled oppo? No, but it is highly plausible.
Read Acid Dreams
just look up Gloria Stienman's CIA work
As I've said before the "progressive stack" is the logical extension of critical theory/privilege/grievance studies theory into the real world i.e. "white people, men and breeders are pretty much responsible for everything bad, so we need to advance women, minorities, and LGBT individuals to counter their unconscious discrimination" - not some alien thing cooked up in an FBI war room and grafted onto an otherwise-organic movement
Yes it's the logical outcome, but why are those theories so prevalent in leftist circles, and why have materialist analyses fallen by the wayside?
critical theory didn't start out saying that though and we know that the alphabet agencies have form for using idpol to destroy movements, it's not that outrageous to think they had a hand in developing it/making it popular in the first place
This is "Jews took over the universities and pushed cultural Marxism!" tier tinfoiling
Except that requires some sort of centralized Jewish consortium, meanwhile the CIA exists and has done similar things in the past.
For Americans to have a grasp on any sort of analysis, material or otherwise, they'd first have to know what materialism is. More likely than not they've never heard of such a thing. Even in advanced education. Except for the largest universities you can count the philosophy students on one hand, and then it would take only two.
Don't you know user? In this economy the only degree worth having
It doesn't even require any sort of centralized conspiracy, only the self interest of disconnected people looking for an easy in, which makes all the sense in the world given the cancer's structure as a colossal ponzi scheme that launder low-effort garbage as culturally and politically significant.
It's undeniably true that postmodern critical theory has completely swallowed up both the humanities and leftism, blurring the two together in such a way as to render both unfit for purpose.
You're blurting out a hodgepodge of several terms that have next to no relation to one another. muh privilege theory comes almost exclusively from post-colonial theory which explicitly abandons Marxism because Marxism is seen as Eurocentric and orientalist.
Theodore Allen, Noel Ignatiev, the Students for a Democratic Society and the New Left were all CIA operatives or dupes?
So you acknowledge that it's an organic outgrowth of previous ideas in academia, not some bizarre invention by the CIA to derail an "inevitable" socialist revolution?
Yes. The left has developed more than enough shitty ideas on its merry own, often by abandoning things purely for reasons that would remind one of [current year]-tier rhetoric.
Allen at least approached it from a class struggle perspective, Don't know much about Ignatiev, and SDS was totally infiltrated.
Also where did any of us say that the CIA created this out of whole cloth? It's entirely possible they promoted retarded readings of earlier theories to promote an agenda.
Didn't we just have a thread a few weeks ago about how the CIA was deeply interested in the anti-Marxist post-structuralist French philosophers because they were anti-Soviet as opposed to anti-Western?
yeah, CIA knows foucalt better than we do
I'm actually interested in this as well; I've only seen actual proof of the Steinem case.
While using idpol to control and remove leftist anti-system movements certainly fits in the COINTELPRO modus operandi, in case anyone has some evidence (if possible, less circumstancial than OWS infographic), I could certainly use it.
It's fascinating how little analysis is given to the disproportionate impact foundations have had on American society outside conspiracy circles
Thanks. Not precisely what I was looking for but very interesting nonetheless. Haven't heard of too many concrete examples of business interests directly trying to undermine leftist movements from inside.
No such thing. Professorships and media clout are an abstract form of private property no less real or demanding of analysis.than factories, and hiring decisions as well as funding reflect class interests as such.
The relative prominence of postmodern theorists and immaterialist analyses of society is not due to their outcompetition of others in a "free market of ideas."
Does the alphabet soup carry out boots-on-the-ground, direct subversion of specific movements? The evidence would seem to suggest this in the case of OWS, although not beyond a reasonable doubt, and the scope of this subversion would remain unclear. But I think zeroing in on that is really missing the big picture. Just as with natural selection, purely mechanical processes can often give the appearance of design and intentionality. It can appear that "the system" is guided by an intelligence, when really that appearance is an emergent property of the objective conditions on an evolving system. It's important to have a valid rationale for how the superstructure behaves which doesn't require an assumption that direct conspiracy is a major force shaping it.