What should they have done differently?
What should they have done differently?
Shoulda gulaged Trotsky immediately.
Should not have happened.
No compromise with peasants / petty bourg / non-proletarian class interests.
Killed themselves tbh
Should've heeded Lenin's warning about Stalin. From his Testament:
Btw, how do Stalinists who admire Lenin, reckon with this?
I'm pretty sure they think the letter was fake.
Give the workers at the kronstad rebellion what they wanted.
Show us how to, o wise one.
Convince the left socialist revountionarys to break away from the rest of the party and then form a coaltition with them.
allowed other anti-capitalist parties to participate in government.
What would indicate that…?
Sounds about as believable as this story:
Stalin was speaking before an assembly of people and someone sneezed. He stopped and asked who sneezed. Nobody would answer up.
He had the first row of people in the room shot. He asked again, nobody would answer up.
He had the second row of people shot. He asked again, and feeling bad, the person who sneezed finally answered up.
Stalin looked at him and said "Bless you, Comrade." and continued his speech.
The very way the revolution was won, comrade: 7.62x54R to the dome
Heres something that acutally did happen
Source: Gulag archipeligo.
Party has a meating in east germany.
"Lets have a round of applause for comrade stalin!"
Stalin isn't here.
People clap for 11 minutes.
One guy finally stops.
Secret police kill him.
It's real, dummy: marxists.org
Your boy hid it, though:
I'm not sure how one is to do that. Won't you be a dear and demonstrate to the rest of us in practice?
I don`t think that members of anti-soviet organizations are the best sources on soviet union tbh.
Should've let the soviets run themselves and let the factory committees confederate to plan the economy. Socialism existed for the brief moment before the Bolsheviks cracked down on it because "LOL TRADE UNION CONSCIOUSNESS".
Why. What'd he do
Dismissed left-communism without an argument.
Wait for a non retarded country to be socialist first.
It was his aversion to reduce Marx's words to dogma and other comrades who did so without knowing anything about practical, revolutionary work that drove him to try. He saw how the Russians were open to new radical change as evident by the constant unrest and horrific conditions of the country. In all honesty you had the German and English revolutions but they both failed to achieve results so we don't really know how things might have turned out otherwise.
Said it himself in the tenth party congress: socialism in russia cannot succeed without the victory of socialism in other European countries.
Kept the NEP for longer.
That's no good excuse. The SRs won a majority in the soviets overall, and Lenin still dissolved any soviets which did not elect Bolshevik majorities specifically. Any soviets which resisted were quickly kronstadt'd. He didn't do this because he wanted to destroy socialism from the outset, but rather wanted to let Germany impose its socialism on Russia by supporting their revolution, getting to there with a militarized state-capitalist war economy.
If anything, Lenin was extremely dogmatic and un-Marxist in his own way for thinking that he had to connect with the Novemberrevolution in Germany to build socialism. Marx himself argued in a letter to Vera Zasulich that Russia could bypass capitalism and catapult itself into agrarian communism, industrializing from there - the implicit argument with regard to Russia presented in "The Conquest Of Bread".
Lenin would have built actual socialism immediately if he was a real Marxist or a real anarchist. He was neither. He was a well-intentioned, but ultimately misguided ideologue who took Marx's preliminary conclusions (that a liberating, grassroots-democratic revolution would bring about libertarian socialism in the West) as dogmas and accidentally built the foundations for a brutal state capitalist empire when they failed to come true.
They should have went with communism instead of czarism under a different name.
Well I guess it was ableist of me to assume you either had the mental capacity of a non-retard to figure it out yourself or the toes to pull the trigger on a Mosin
Well, not being power hungry authoritarian cunts could have helped a bit.
You're a complete philistine for this whole shitpost. The state of the obschchina was not even as formidable as it was in a profoundly pre-industrialized, pre-WWI (until Stolypin) Russia nor did it even exist at any scale by 1917.
The rest of your post is ML-tier shit, but not even aware of the actual context and issues which Lenin and others faced and why they did.
You left out the fact that a number of Left SRs attempted an "uprising" after they either resigned or were dismissed for being philistines in favor of continuing the War with no foreseeable peace and no consideration to the sentiments of the masses or any other practical matter.
The Left-SRs you romanticize about were literally a threat to securing the gains of the Revolution because they wished to connect to Europe through the War's continuation.
Gee I dunno, give the workers control of the means of production?
while needing to industrialize to compete and go to war with the capitalist world?
why are tankies so elitist?
Somehow a butthurt Nazi doesn't sound like a very credible source.
Lenin shouldn't have died so that his faction might possibly win the power struggle against the rising bureaucracy. He was surprisingly prescient about the problems the USSR was developing.