wow… I think we can safely say… marxist-leninists btfo…
Wow… I think we can safely say… marxist-leninists btfo…
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holy shit he sounds like he's going to cry
Mein Gott.
Like most right wingers he has a shaky voice.
Stalins gost prob cucked his wife
Sage this thread mod
Do your jobs
Indeed, it would be impossible to do better then someone who already did nothing wrong.
Actually I would have tbh
The immortal science of Deng Xiaoping Theory
You realise that "that wasn't real marxism" is an argument favoured by leftcoms and trots, not MLs, right?
This is based on assumptions if you actually listen to it. If you pay attention closely when he says this. He's basically implying that Marxist want the same planned and they want to do the same thing that was done under Lenin with the vanguard party. He doesn't seem to get that there are multiple approaches to Marxism and communism. Not only that, but the fucker doesn't even take material conditions into consideration for both Marxists and for the USSR as well as previous revolutions. While I do not agree with everything Lenin did and I sure as hell do not agree with a lot of things Stalin did a lot of what was going on was due to the material conditions at the time. Specifically this applies to Lenin more than Stalin, but it still applies. Lenin did a lot of the things he did because of several things, but mainly because World War I wrecked the economy of Russia and that Russia was a feudalist country with capitalist elements before the revolution. It did not have the benefits and infrastructure from capitalism that we have now so of course while they did some socialism early on after world war I they ended up using central planning and limited privatization. Then Stalin took over and he kept on with the central planning and then focused on industrialization which was something Russia needed. Also, this is not even taking into account socialist countries that didn't end with a Stalin like dictatorship, but got crushed through external forces. It's ironic how a man who accused Marxists of being arrogant just one of the most arrogant and misinformed statements to the point it was a bit painful to hear what Peterson said. Honestly I hope that Peterson gets in a debate with someone who knows what they are talking about and gets his mind blown when he realizes how stupid he sounds saying this.
the bar isn't exactly high for right-wing intellectuals nowadays
This is literally all you have to do. If I was an opportunist, if I ever actually got a professorship I would become a right-wing intellectual. The market is not very competitive and the consumer base is fucking stupid.
wow, he's repeating some utterly trite and banal points with passion, I think I'm capitalist now
read the gulag book you illiterate commies
hmm… which one of these people would a normal person trust more…
Hey guys look wee have a professional Jordan Peterson impersonator here!
Kulak detected
where are the arguments in that video
There are none
if you try to be nice you get killed so be a capitalist instead
"LEFTISTS" BTFO! Some EPIC redpills dropped in this video XD
How much of the right's time is taken up with fighting ridiculous strawmen of leftist arguments?
the right wouldn't exist without strawmen
Rightists: "Feelz over realz"
The Right only exist becasue we let them.
Whenever I see someone quote Reagan non-ironically i wanna kill myself