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house nigger
I am really trying not to call That Guy T a stupid nigger right now
I like his ideas on social stuff but on economics he falls into the capitalist block.
That said, please stop with more eceleb threads.
Fuck off.
hello Holla Forums
I really don't like him because of his idiotic ancap tendencies but cap related
Not the guy you are responding to, but you are a retarded faggot.
Why can't you all just fuck off and let me ruin your board
Your own moderator calls people niggers. You can shut up.
Smelly dumb Holla Forumsyp scum
But I'm a communist. I'm just saying there's no reason to call that Retard T a nigger just because he's a retarded ancap. The use of that word degrades both you and the person you use it against.
Muke seemed to have BTFO'ed him on twitter.
When's he gonna debate him anyway?
Not the guy you are responding to, but you are a retarded nigger.
Using racial slurs in stead of rational criticism validates the Holla Forums approach of identity based politics. Context also obviously matters.
You don't have to be afraid of the word in order to see that in some instances it's counterproductive to our cause to use it .
Nigger nigger nigger.
I dunno if any of these are Holla Forumsyps, but fuck you guys. We should appropriate "nigger" so that it becomes a generalized, non-discriminate insult, like "faggot"
Fucking ableist.
actually he said more than just nigger, he said he's a house nigger. it's pretty much the equivalent of class traitor or uncle tom.
I love when crackers come in here teaching people when to use the n-word
shit left my shitposting flag up
Honestly the word "libertarian" already implies deeper retardation than any racial slur would anyway
was it necessary to make a new thread
Back to liberal retard land >>>/reddit/
Malcolm would have been the first to call That Guy That Can't Read a house nigger.
The left in a nutshell
hello idpol
I'd love to hear how that guy's post is "idpol".
It's negro actually, which is a lot less offensive than nigger, but thanks for trying.
negro is just as strong a word as nigger
Nigger has always been a strongly racist term, while negro only became that some decades ago.
and it became a strongly racist term in time that Malcolm said that
Another term, "negro," is erroneously used and is degrading in the eyes of informed and self-respecting persons of African heritage. It denotes stereotyped and debased traits of character and classifies a whole segment of humanity on the basis of false information. From all intelligent viewpoints, it is a badge of slavery and helps to prolong and perpetuate oppression and discrimination.
Persons who recognize the emotional thrust and plain show of disrespect in the Southerner's use of "nigra" and the general use of "nigger" must also realize that all three words are essentially the same. The other two, "nigra" and "nigger" are blunt and undeceptive. The one representing respectability, "negro," is merely the same substance in a polished package and spelled with a capital letter. This refinement is added so that a degrading terminology can be legitimately used in general literature and "polite" conversation without embarrassment.
The term "negro" developed from a word in the Spanish language which is actually an adjective (describing word) meaning "black," that is, the color black. In plain English, if someone said or was called a "black" or a "dark," even a young child would very naturally question: "a black what?" or "a dark what?" because adjectives do not name, they describe. Please take note that in order to make use of this mechanism, a word was transferred from another language and deceptively changed in function from an adjective to a noun, which is a naming word. Its application in the nominative (naming) sense was intentionally used to portray persons in a position of objects or "things." It stamps the article as being "all alike and all the same." It denotes: a "darkie," a slave, a subhuman, an ex-slave, a "negro."
Afro-Americans must re-analyze and particularly question our own use of this term, keeping in mind all the facts. In light of the historical meanings and current implications, all intelligent and informed Afro-Americans and Africans continue to reject its use in the noun form as well as a proper adjective. Its usage shall continue to be considered as unenlightened and objectionable or deliberately offensive whether in speech or writing.
We accept the use of Afro-American, African, and Black man in reference to persons of African heritage. To every other part of mankind goes this measure of just respect. We do not desire more nor shall we accept less.
– Malcolm X
Fuuuuuck, wrong picture.
You gotta stop using the term "idpol" so deliberately, it's already starting to lose meaning thanks to retards like you. I mean by your logic the first guy calling the dumb fucker in the OP would also be """"""idpol"""""", because he's the one focusing on the person's race, while two or three others were asking him to not spout racist shit.
In the end it's about being a decent person, comprende? Though to be honest I only joined the conversation because you started going "idpol! idpol!".
It doesn't make you racist, but it's still racist. Like you saying something stupid wouldn't make you a stupid person.
on the contrary lol, you're the ones focusing on race by calling someone a nigger already
this guy gets it
Well capitalism did push to destroy the natural gender roles because they could make more profit. By bringing women into the corporate work force they would instantly double the work force. By increasing the supply of labor you decrease the demand for the individual laborer. This depresses wages and is obviously against the self interest of the working class. Also destroying the family unit is an important step into turning everyone into atomized individuals who's only goals are to chase material wealth. If you don't have a healthy family then that is one less thing to care about that would get in the way of capitalist consumerism. Capitalism promotes social destruction because its profitable. Big corporations all support the feminist cause because they make more money. Just look at google, youtube and nike to name a few off the top of my head.
Not really, by making products "for men" and "for women" you can make a lot more profit. We only destroyed a single role, that women should stay in the kitchen. Everything else is good for us, like appropriating the "feminist" brand that used to belong to commies. We're pretty cool.
more spooks
started as a socialist movement
top kek
Also, no one told Stirner that the Ego is a spook
Yes they did and they still do to this day. Reminder that porky's only goal is monetary profit. They make more profit by having cheap labor. Flooding the corporate labor market with women drove down wages for the working class, increased competition among the working class and turned men and women into competing idpol groups. Porky loves to keep everyone fighting each other so no one goes after him. Now women and men have lots of animosity toward each other because porky helped destroy the gender roles out of pure profit motivation
nice strawman
Of course they always made products for women as well. My post was about getting women into the corporate workforce. Women don't have to work to consume products. Thats what their men were for
A doubled workforce wouldn't even be a problem if wages kept up with it like they were until the 70's when Porky realized credit was a thing. Also women have worked since basically forever.
Can't die fast enough.
Literally nothing wrong.
Innovations in technology will increasingly BTFO these as well.
Tl;dr stay spooked faggot.
Not an argument
go away tumblr.
Wow it's fucking nothing.
Why don't polcucks ever read the studies they link?
If you can't stop being a retard then stop posting.