Literal Judeo-Bolshevik creams Un de la Roo.
Jew Destroys The Roo
Turd Worldism is a gigantic spook.
תפסיקי לעשות את זה, סיוניסטה
t. nazbol gang
stop shilling your own video kike
No. Jason is robust at debate and you are a faggot.
This lady is even more autistic than the Roo
Third Worldism itself is a pretty irrational philosophy. Just imagine if a vanguard party tried to implement capitalism in 1400. It would have failed in no time at all. Similarly, how can you implement socialism in a country that's ass-backwards in terms of development? These "socialist" revolutions which Roo upholds like China, Korea, Cuba, Burkina Faso, Libya and Vietnam were not even communist but bourgeois-nationalist revolutions carried out under red flags which all lead right back to capitalism. Socialism can only come from the final breath of capitalism after it's worn itself out.
RIP Euronymous :'(
Into camp S-21 you go, fash.
"Euronymous called himself a Communist and, for a time, he was a member of the Norwegian Communist youth group Rød Ungdom.[66][67] According to fellow black metal musician Frost, here he may have honed the leadership skills he would use in the early Norwegian black metal scene, where he allegedly led a "Black Metal Inner Circle". He left Rød Ungdom, allegedly because he came to realize that they were "just a bunch of humanists".[67] Euronymous claimed to favor the totalitarian style of communism practiced by Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot.[68] According to Lords of Chaos, Nicolae Ceaușescu was one of his idols and he collected Eastern Bloc memorabilia.[67] Although he did not use the music of Mayhem to promote his political leanings, he saw them as mutually compatible with black metal.[68]"
No I'm the one posting from his moms attic, I sort of liked your video, so stop hating.
How I imagine Roo's response:
But that's not the idea of Third Worldism. You don't understand the idea at all.
You support anti-imperialist socialist parties in the Third World to deny the First World it's sweatshops and resources. If they end up installing Socialism, the better, if they fail, they end up building some bastardization between socialism, capitalism and tribalism which is still better than neocolonialism as they determined their being themself (this is the Heideggerian part of it).
Maoist Third Worldism is eventually targeted at the First World: Once the First World can not rely on First World exploitation anymore, it has no means to veil it's exploitive character towards its own proletariat anymore, and revolution can occur. It's related to accelerationism in way.
I'm all right with this.
mfw I'm already a Duginist-Maoist of sorts myself.
I would not mind pinning her down ;)
This video is insane but enjoyable overall
tfw no Jewess gf that creams you while you try to pin her down ;_;
No thanks OP
Yeah it's totally OP's video. Fuck it's even unlisted. We're probably the onlyones who have seen (the first few seconds of it).
Well OP I enjoyed the video, there's something comfy about the way you mixed footage of Maoist China with ambiance music, but you should have also linked the text you used since some, myself included, prefer to read.
I want to be her little baby
I want her to sing me lullabies
I want her to breastfeed me
I want her…
You guys are fucked up..
Serious question: Dasein is thrust upon the Welt and coeexists being as part of the Welt
Fuck I meant reply
I'm not Chaya, I'm Kalika, her friend and one of the authors on Sarvanash.
That's still retarded. A a third world socialist state would have a global capitalist hegemony colluding against them.
The United States and Europe have to fall before a third world socialist state can really build communism.
You want her to circumcise you?
This is a 'chan' what did you expect?
This is you?
Genuine Third Worldism seems pretty blackpill
All these fuckin pills man
I am unironically aroused by pics like this.
Just checked Roo's Twitter. He hasn't said anything about this yet.
Someone be a good comrade and send him the video. He will claim the vid is incomprehensible word salad and proceed to make ad homs without responding to the major points.
Also: turd worldism is a giant spook.
Are serious NazBols just proto- Third Worldists ?
Ah yes, because those two had such similar goals.
Any promoters of class collaboration and worker defeatism has a major component of their ideology in common.
So the answer is yes.
That shit is so distracting and unpleasing it's like you don't want us to watch it through without experienceing intense pain.
also why is the vid private?
It's a Jewish video. OP may show it to you, but you should know it's hers. Leave some shekels here if you've watched more than 2 minutes, hey, it's only fair. fucking pol destroyed jewjokes, now I feel dirty.
Somehow i keep running into these fagolas.
I had a phase where i studied the occult and looked up stuff about the Pulsa D'Nura, these guys literally made a video of themselves doing one on noam Chomsky, its pretty lel
Actually the first time i ran into these guys was when i was looking up stuff about sabbatean jews during a weird adventure down a rabbit hole on youtube.
And, i have posted on imageboards for most of my life, somehow they post on leftypol too, maybe its a synchronicity as they say in the occult.
Anyways, both unruhe and you guys are pretty fucking cringe.
Ive been needing an excuse to tell someone this stuff
Communism = secularized Jewish theology. Chomsky is a traitor to Jewry and an exponent of positivism, atheism and poisonous liberalism. Foucault was a much better anarchist then he is. Just as the Unabomber conspired to kill Noam, we've attempted to finish the job via magick.
your theory would be fine and dandy if so-called anti-imperialists weren't responsible for so many First World sweatshops. maybe stop reading Mao and actually read Marx.
am I gay for wanting to fuck that voice?
but it failed and it will never work and it has never worked like that. America just collapsed the regime or isolates and demonizes them. On top of all that, the regime usually demonizes itself by being so brutal
yeah, if you can't clearly tell its a woman
New Roo on PressTV.
Makes you wonder why he's on the state network of a regime which routinely kills and imprisons communists…
What do you mean by this?
Communists who oppose a regime that opposes the US are Imperialists and enemies of Communism.
S-so this… is the power of… dasein…!?
Whew lad.
Great praxis 10/10.
I wonder what went wrong?
He's going to succumb to illness within the next few months.
stop shilling your shit, shittiest videos on the web are debunking "x" where the person has zero chance to defend themselves while another cherry picks certain phrases and views as being representative of everything he stands for and just going on and on about that so you make him look like an idiot who has never touched a book by marx in his life while yourself an expert on the subject
This is why we can't have nice things. This is painfully cringe-worthy. Stop LARPing. Go put on that nice dress your mom bought you for the dinner party, "Kalika".
I'm triggered by rich cunts role-playing as communist or socialist.
the problem isn't mao
That's pretty presumptuous of you, to call me a rich cunt. I'm not wealthy, far from it. Try lower middle class.
I wouldn't call it presumptuous. Anyone with that amount of time on their hands, to do such stupid bullshit clearly isn't struggling by any measure.
Grow up & make a proper thread next time instead of shilling for your equally autistic friends' videos. Take your teenage cancer elsewhere, pls.
I guess I'm equally retarded though, for forgetting to sage.
He's retarded.
Maoists are a joke in the west, they're slightly more popular than Hoxhaists and hard-line MLs but they are completely outnumbered by Trots and Leftcoms and even in places where they are relevant (the 3rd world) they take a much more standard ML line.
Third worldists are a bigger meme than Nazbols, they're what happens when you mix liberal muh privilege theory with revisionism.
Jew got so drunk on Purim she made the video public.
Someone tweet Roo this shit.
He will probably go into a fit of rage as he always does every time his ideas face criticism.
Take your Zionist bullshit somewhere else, Shlomo.
I'm halfway through the video, and eetchy-weetchy voice manipulator aside, what she's saying is essentially correct. Almost every anti-imperialist movement in the 3rd world has been quintessentially nationalist. Most 3rd world countries have only been capitalist for 60 years or so since decolonization, so they lack a real history of specifically anti-capitalist movements (compared to the west, where we have 200 years of bloody anti-capitalist struggle behind us). Now that the Soviet Union is gone, and the incentive for bourgeois nationalist anti-imperialist movements to call themselves "socialist" only for Soviet support is over, the only ways in which actual socialists in the 3rd world can draw up recruits is by appealing to religious metaphysics or dubious images of an idyllic pre-colonial society.
I don't get the guy she mentions at 10 minutes. The entire implementation of socialism relies on capitalism as a historically necessary stage. Claiming people who never had capitalism are the only authentic socialists is identical to when DGR and other primmies claim only Native Americans can be authentic anarchists because their indigenous languages lack a word for "work". It's bad Marxism all around.
The Great Helmsman has responded
The blog entry he refers to in the video:
thats how it was done before the internet tho
Shitty Youtube videos are for boys, written polemics are for men.
Why are the jews so hell-bent on forcing communism on the goyim? Can somebody answer?
6 million wasn't enough.
So who won: Roo or the Jew?
The capacity for socialism exists right now in the western countries, especially USA because it has massive amounts of capital, well developed infrastructure, large, skilled population and resources already located within its borders. Capitalism will cling on indefinitely, and devolve into fascism if it has to.
But yeah, tiny and relatively undeveloped countries like Cuba or DPRK would require much international trade to have any kind of robust socialism.