What is everyones view on the DPRK

hello I'm new to communism and wanted to know everyone's view on the DPRK. I know theres alot of Western propaganda about them but would anyone really want to live there.

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Bad but probably not as bad as the west says. Either way, they have the right to defend themselves against imperialists.

last bastion of socialism

Fascist ultra-nationalist dictatorship.


Cleanest race.

We have this thread every third day with exactly the same question. Stop it.

They are the closest thing in the world to being real representation of nazbols.

is there more of this video

Sure, its a video vlog about someone trip to North Korea though.


most successful example of socialism ever put into practice.

The DPRK pictured nationalism over globalism.

They are the last surviving Socialism in one nation

China's irrelevant drug-plantation.
But I wouldn't refuse their support if they offered it when it comes to guns/resources in the event of a revolution.

I would. Their military is a throwback from the 1960s. You can get better equipment at a sporting goods store.

It's not communist.

One of the most LARPey posts I've seen, congrats

but it is socialist, which is an important detail.



You're thinking of communism friendo


No you fucking dickwad, the abolishment of private property and the collectivisation of the MoP by the people, not the state, is socialism. A place where one man litterally owns everything and just allows his subjects to work on it as serfs without even a vote is pure slavery and the opposite of socialism.

If you are part of the "USSR was muh state capitalism" crowd then you really aren't the best judges I'm afraid

never go full tankie

Is there anyone here that's willing to start a Juche party in South Korea?

Where does your misplaced confidence come from friend? You talk as though you speak on behalf of a majority or consensus, where in reality the vast majority of socialists on earth recognise the USSR as a socialist state.

Just because you switch CEOs with a bureacracy doesn't mean you have achieved socialism you dingus


The vast majority of people do not accept the USSR as socialist.

Back dat claim up.

And no flubbing the numbers with localized, self-report studies either, bucko.



It literally was though, and you'd know this if you'd read Grundrisse, Capital, or even the fucking Critique of the Gotha Programme.

It's true though, if you had any contact whatsoever with real socialists (or virtually every non-socialist) you would accept what I'm saying as true. Even the fucking trots have realised the catastrophic effects of the collapse of the USSR and started being "neo-trots"





mad how many "socialists" spew imperialist propaganda on command

I agree the USA has no right to invade the DPRK but it definitely isn't a socialist state and neither was the soviet union.

Last time I check CNN called sweden socialist and the USSR communist

Holla Forumsites live in a fantasy world ffs. i suppose so do i in the mind of the average person but still. even every leftcom or trot i've met irl concedes the USSR was socialist.

Guess you've not met many girls.

DPRK is a nationalist utopia.

You can't have sex outside your race

Was looking for these, thank you

A tyranny that oppresses its workers, tankie style.

Its less soul crushing than the Khmer Rouge, though, I'll give them that.


juche is fuckin retarded but i hope they blow up the world

What happens if the mafia takes control of a country.

They get way too much shit that they deserve like all regimes the mainstream considers 'communist'. They are the dankest nazbol country there is.

What of Laos, Vietnam and Cuba?

Vietnam is no more socialist than China. Laos is a bit more so. Cuba is socialist, like DPRK.

they are all fucked up today because of imperialism.

america totally spooked them out.

don't blame them for being this way, they are a very developed nation even though america has completely screwed them

But by tankie standards tho.


lmao (laughing my ass off)

Best Korea is pretty good. It fundamentally isn't communist and it stresses their racial strength and purity. Anti capitalist and anti jewish international banking. I like it. Its closer to Nat Soc than Marxism.

This is why I like Best Korea

If I were a South Korean I would

Yeah its pretty great

Juche is really good actually

It used to be decent in the first few decades of its existence - better than South Korea at any rate. Nowadays, it's an impoverished shithole, though it is nowhere near as batshit insane and horrible as the media would have you believe. Obviously the political structure is closer to monarchism than socialism at this point, but economically it still has a lot of socialist traits. Nevertheless, it has started to turn to liberalism by allowing private enterprises and special economic zones for foreign corporations. Of course, as long as it remains embargoed and China gives zero fucks about it aside from it being a buffer zone, there is little chance of any real economical development.

North Korea has the right to exist

I hope there'll be an ML coup someday