Isn't it funny that the left, being all about collectivism, is a lot more fractured than the right?
Wait nevermind, it's actually fucking depressing.
Isn't it funny that the left, being all about collectivism, is a lot more fractured than the right?
Wait nevermind, it's actually fucking depressing.
Other urls found in this thread:
How exactly do you define "collectivism"?
collectivism =/= hive mind
The only reason the right isn't fractured is because they don't read.
You can't disagree with someone if you have no opinion.
Of course, the right is all about populism and appealing to reactionaries.
Collectivism is a buzzword. The left is fractious because it wrestles with big questions.
"sage is le downvote" – reddit
nice meme
Collectivism is good.
you're using ancap lingo
It has as much content as "freedom" or "virtue". It doesn't refer to any actual movement or school of thougt.
Sage is a nobump. This thread is shit and doesn't warrnat being on the front page.
Cooperation, planning, organizing are good. Collectivism is a boogeyman meme invented by the ruling class shilling Rugged Individualism. In reality, specialization and economy of scale (consequences of people working together) allow for more leisure time than Rugged Individualism, in which people have to be more generalist. This is the frame leftists should use when discussing the topic. If you unironically use individualism vs. collectivisim you are submitting yourself to a frame invented by shills, which puts you at a huge disadvantage for no reason.
Leftism usually claims to represent some sort of universal truth, which makes all deviation into heresy.
The Left, generally speaking, values individuality and rebellion over towing the party line. (Old-style communism notwithstanding.) This lessens groupthink but heightens in-fighting.
Consider it invalid if you will, it's still a recurring theme. The necessary progress of history and all that.
Yes, OP. It is very very depressing when you think about it.
I'm more of a != person.
But the Right is incredibly fractious, even if you account for nationalist and racial differences. Have you seen the number of white nationalist groups which have split off or re-formed in America alone?
>It is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be.
>Marx and [I have] fought harder all our lives against the alleged Socialists than against anyone else.
Sectarianism is inherently revolutionary.
Collectivism is how all social organizations function. The only political group that are seriously against this are the post-left anarchists
Actually the left is all about recognizing that classes exist and that fighting for a classless society it's in your own self interest.
One of capitalists greatest advantage is that the "haves" inherently have something to lose by being too disparate in opinion. One day you can be sippin fine wine, the next day you're covered in the Czars blood. Believe me the rich have learned the lessons of the past.
Our greatest advantage and weakness is that we do not have anything to lose and have not learned the lessons of the past. Not having anything to lose leaves open a mountain of possibilities and routes we can take we're almost given too much choice and a range of possibilities. Ironically have so many choices and nothing to lose makes us more risk averse in the sense of wanting large societal change.
It also means that the slightly well off are more likely to defend the system to the death because it worked for them in the mythological way it was supposed to. The real middle class like athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs etc are the systems most ardent defenders because they managed to ascend the pyramid.