If it wasn't for Europe:

If it wasn't for Europe:

Islamic civilizations would still be somewhat stable and technological
China would retain its Confucian identity and power over Asia, remaining isolated
Japan would never have made anime
The New World and African civilizations would thrive and eventually reach a comparable social, economical and technological state to the East
Paganism, Tengriism and Polytheism would still be major religions
Jews would never control the monetary system
Israel wouldn't exist

Wouldn't that be a better world?

That world never existed because of material conditions.

China is Confucian as fuck m8. And Confucianism sucks tremendously.
Without horses? Without advanced metallurgy or iron? There was a reason they were so far behind, and it wasn't because they were dumb. Regardless, North Africans or Asians would have found them eventually and done much the same.
Why would this be a good thing?
14/88 lmao

fuck off third worldist


If it wasnt for tight leftist boypussi i would be dead


If the continents never seperated all shitskins would be dead.

You can't be a faggot and communist at the same time, you filthy HIV+ degenerate.

but y?

I'm intrigued and require more of this content to scientifically analyze your point of view.

True communism goes only against Kike religions.

wtf? I love communism now.

All the West did was is invent modernity. Think it wouldn't have happened anywhere else, that those peoples then would not have been as we were?

No! Because they would be driven by underlying material facts and laws that propelled the West.

aka if it wasn't for Roman empire.

That's not even logic, it's a fallacy.

thanks Mao

this is a terrible thing

No. They didn't thrive before and they would be in the same position they were in prior to European intervention. Or get raped by arabs.

Catholic and Orthodox theology > Pagans tbh fam

they'd do the same in the middle east as they did to europe


Islamic civilizations and the Golden Age of Islam were destroyed by the Mongols not Europe


Still not an argument, or logical for that matter.

The crusaders lost. The plague and the destruction of Baghdad were far more severe.


Haha, good joke.

The basis are material conditions, "Europe", whatever you might mean by it, is the result of them, not their reason



Lmao he's not upholding those ideas he's using them as identifiers


Yeah, top lmao, don't let the ideology hit you on the way out.

In Full Communism money would by pointless.

Jews hate Communism becasue they know this fact.


There will come a time when Jews have to choose between their wealth and influence and revolution, and there will be a lot of backlash from it, it is the final boss of a revolution and will be the hardest to win as the resources and propaganda will be fiercely wielded and Communists will become the Nazis in the intellectual political and media classes.


Jews pick whatever side they like because they're nomadic. Stop being fucking stupid.

No, because some other power at the time would do the same that they did, resulting in a different but similar outcome.

Yet they're always the ones pushing it, try again.

how do I get that timeline?

Jews hate Communism, Soros ended Communism in Eastern Europe and put up shitty capitalism.

98% of the Far-Right are Jews. Wake up.

9/10 garbage thread

If Stalin didn't invade Manchuria, US would have carpet bombed Japan with nukes instead of just 2 to scare him.

this is the worst thread I've seen in while. Pure cancer. Worse than e-celeb shitting.

If we accept your asinine reductionist view of history, and also accept that indeed the world would have been "better" if Europe never existed, what then? Completely useless discussion.