What's your opinion on sex work, the nice name for Prostitution. Would a socialist society tolerate this?
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What's your opinion on sex work, the nice name for Prostitution. Would a socialist society tolerate this?
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Oh look, it's this thread again.
No. The Spanish Anarchists and the Bolsheviks helped a lot of prostituted women out of prostitution. The sex industry serves no purpose in a socialist system.
Agreed, its not really a sentiment I understand.
There's no reason to prohibit prostitution and pornography under socialism. If a worker would rather choose those occupations (in a socialist society where they have actual freedom to choose) who are you to prohibit them?
Some people got a kink for that though. I fully believe that under a socialist system I, or other people, would trade our bodies for semi-rare video game items or other such things we only make scarce for fun.
This. What's the point in banning it if in socialism you're not under the threat of starvation ? It would only make us look like puritans.
I can see this too.
I think it's degrading if it's a matter of not starving.
Commies really are this stupid.
That sounds like a reactionary train of thought. It's gross, so I want it gone.
Why ban it if the persons involved in it are not having the fruits of their labor extracted by a third party?
you guys have this silly belief that under socialism everyone will fuck for some reason. i swear sometimes talking to you seems like asking some protestant zealot about heaven.
and besides
100% of wage work is that. there's no reason why prostitution is more degrading than line assembly.
Sex is a basic human right. It is a woman's duty under communism to share her means of production.
I don't see why prostitution would be any different than any other line of work. You're serving a need and getting compensated for it. Nothing wrong with that.
With the element of fuck or starve gone, the nature of sex work loses any reason to be forbidden. In a socialist society, it would be utterly authoritarian to place bans on such work.
The sex industry is exploitative, so no.
It potentially stops Elliot Rogerses. If it wasn't so taboo you may see a dramatic improvement in western men's mental health.
No sex workers and no sex. Let robots make the babies.
I'm not saying it's gross. I'm saying it's degrading to one's personal dignity.
It's both degrading, but there are levels. Having to sit behind an assembly line all day, or behind a desk making clothes earning a few cents per item for a product with a 10,000% profit margin, not being allowed to talk or take a break, and being forced to sleep on overcrowded factory floors, is degrading.
However having to do the same, sitting naked in a brothel or a small room all day, performing all sorts of demeaning acts is next level.
If you haven't already: I suggest talking to some sex workers and asking what they have to put up with. It's the personal element, the direct interaction between the exploiter and the exploited that adds another layer of degradation.
How about cam girls? Strippers?
Every industry is exploitative you nut.
Have talked to actual sex workers, somehow I don't think you have, cause they tell an entirely different story.
The nature of the work is different, and some people do hate it but lack options, but its not everything bad about capitalism+, it's straight up not capitalism. Prostitutes own the means of production. That's not the way they put it, but they can easily go independent, and only work with pimps/madams if they can get more money/safety out of the deal, rather than because they lack choices.
Some enjoy it. I'm talking however about those that are essentially forced into the role because they absolutely have no other options.
I won't deny that. And it's totally possible to be a sex worker without degrading yourself.
But there's a difference between that and coming from an impoverished family, having no access to higher education or a job with a living wage, and having to sell yourself against your will.
The first is a completely legitimate and dignified profession, the second is disgusting.
Of course
Sex work will become more common as proles become more desperate and decent jobs are scarce. This in turn will create a labor surplus of escorts so they'll be getting paid relatively less than they are now, with obvious limits like 9/10 anything is cool going for more than 7/10 no anal or gangbang.
It won't be around under socialism because the material reasons for it would disappear. We'll probably still have porn though.
prostitutes are vile, despicable whore who exploit low SMV men and feed off of sexual inadequacy and unfulfilled lust. They're homewreckers, defilers of young women's minds, theives of virtue and spreaders of disease. Prostitution is vulgar, advertising it is insane and allowing it without scorning and ostracizing the prostitutes is absurd. Canada has it backwards, the Johns should get a funny look and no jail time, the prostitutes and pimps should be exiled or executed. Mistresses for powerful geniuses are a good idea, prostitution is a justification for adultery and hook-up hedonism. It should be snuffed out
Elliot didn't want paid for sex, he could afford a hooker already (he was affluent and fabulous), he wanted a woman to sleep with him BECAUSE he was fabulous and handsome. He wanted validation as a man, not pity sex for money
sex work and BDSM of all kinds is fine but "findom" / "financial domination" will not be tolerated in a socialist society.
see thread at
for why
first candidate for spook of the month so far
De-commodifying sex changes the nature of sexual relations and sexual dynamics. Socialists have better sex anyway, see the comparative studies made of west and east german sex.
Wrong sub you want /r9k/
Holla Forums and /r9k/ are the other way.
Eh, my impression of sex workers' position is that, yeah, it can be unpleasant, especially when the clients are jerks, but it sure beats wasting away at some assembly line for a small fraction of the income they're getting now.
I left Reddit 2 years ago but it still infects my soul ;_;
That is very true, but that would not be the case in a socialist society were people are not forced to sell their labor power.
It's legal to a point where I am now so I don't see why under a socialist society it should be criminalised. Although I could see the amount of escorts going down due to less people going into that line of work. Although some would probably still exist.
Means of reproduction more like.
hahahahahaha ok reddit
lol i never post on either, stop defending whores who ruin the dynamics of sexuality and men who can't keep their dick in their pants when they already have a partner. Women should never be allowed to commodify sex ever. Just like men shouldn't be allowed to use violence as a hedge against women. C'mon now, stop being fags and being degenerate for the sake of it. This is common sense, whores spread disease, ruin relationships and desensitize people to the consequences of sex.
you should render that same favor unto us
I went there years after I left imageboards during a time Holla Forums was up but I hadn't heard of it. I never lasted more than a month or so and went through a few accounts finishing them all off by being a total fucking dick to everyone. How did you do it? I find it far too passive aggressive, obtuse, and what I can only describe as corporate in nature, with the fake friendliness everyone offers each other ("reddiquette" irrc).
It's good for something to aggregate your local headlines but fuck it for anything else. From what I hear that's its tumblr/porn equivalence and I agree.
Fucking whores is for cucks. Objectifying women is what allowed them suffrage in the first place.
"Oh, we can let the dumb women vote, it's not like any of them actually will make a difference, right?"
Is there any interaction with women that isn't cuckoldry?
So are sluts basically socialized prostitutes?
Yes. That's why sluts are awesome.
Good thread guys, thanks for taking my question seriously. I honestly don't have strong opinions either way, I shouldn't have worded it initially as "tolerated".
Either way good discussion, gave me some food for thought.
having sex? yeah its not like socialist society has labour to be exploited or money exchanged for it
You still pay for them.
Like in all industries, the mode of production will be shifted from a capitalist one to a socialist one by outlawing pimping.
most people in sex work are desperate for money to survive but there are a few people who do it because they enjoy it who were already living cushy lives to begin with though keep in mind)
wanna be a prostitute just cause? ok whatever
but no human should have to /resort/ to prostitution
Already outlawed in Austria
All whores are self employed