Meme surveyor here. Last time I came to Holla Forums I was very unimpressed with your memeing. Let's see your best memes ITT. Žižek posting was incredibly underwhelming.
Meme surveyor here. Last time I came to Holla Forums I was very unimpressed with your memeing...
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We are not primarily board for memes or being edgy. You are looking for Holla Forums.
delet ur tred
I dig it, but memes are a good way of spreading your message. The Holla Forums memes I've seen in the past were way too complicated and/or involved. Just curious if you got any better
Just check , most stuff is backed up there.
Sage thread with gore
sage with gore
Had a bit of a chuckle with the 2nd one, but it went too 2random at the end
rationalized reutilization of old memes is part of our party's programme
get out Holla Forums
cuckchan blur/filter image, very uninspiring
too busy
pretty good, but the photophop is awful
reminds me of cuckchan reply compilations like the india poo in loo one
Does Holla Forums have a lot of overlap with cuckchan? I'm starting to see a pattern
I mostly post on here and 420chan, but yes, of course there's a lot of overlap. Most people should have came here from 4chan, and nowhere else.
Right but the shift must have happened very recently. These are all more recent meme trends. Now the uninspiring cuckchan migrants are just slapping a filter on everything and then blurring and calling it a new meme. Look at how many permutations the 'brain wojak' meme got.
No, it wasn't a shift. Let me explain, Holla Forums was originally very lolbert, it was only after, later, when Holla Forums got memed, that they flooded here, so when the stormfags took over it ruined the site, forcing many people back to 4chan, considering they only left because of censoring moderation, and now Holla Forums has become the biggest home of censorship on chans.
Isn't the whole basis of 8ch user moderated boards? Each BO can moderate as he sees fit, as you are welcome to make your own board as you did here. The only moderation the admins did was with /hebe/ after Codemonkey took over. That isn't something you can put on Codemonkey's plate since he lets all BOs moderate as they wish. Holla Forums dropped libertarianism after it was clear it never had any purchase. WN/natsoc does seem to have purchase though, and the board understandably took a bent in that direction.
alright, some crap from deep in my hd
ended up finding a vintage porky
Yes and we did make our own board, this doesn't do anything to combat the fact that all the major boards require you to spout or ignore stormfag propaganda to avoid getting banned. Best of luck trying to post anything sane. They've effectively claimed every major board for themselves.
Ah! A fellow meme connoisseur.
On average, the memes at Holla Forums are mediocre. Most of them are based off of templates, with a few original and genuinely enjoyable or displaying a memetic quality.
But this board has potential and creativity, what it lacks is photoshop prowess. Take a look at the first three images: all of them are Ben Garrison edits. Holla Forums might decry it as "appropriation" but they don't have a monopoly on editing political cartoons. The problem lies at its sloppiness, it has great potential. If instead of modifying Stefan's already bald head to resemble Lenin they copypasted clip art over it, or left it as it is, they didn't even bother to change the people in the bubbles.
My paint edit (4th pic) is a quick example: a modification that preserves the original's quality while imbuing it with the board's essence.
The 5th pic however is a good meme: clean, relevant, expressible. No clusters of words, no painfully obvious MS Paint leftovers. It comes to convey a casual feeling of banter. A good meme.
This guy knows. The Lenin head has a lot more AA than the image it's over and especially the Marx head. Pretty jarring. Nevertheless you seem to have a better grasp on memeing than the rest of your board kin.
To add, that 5th pic isn't perfect either. Would have been easy to slap an antique filter layer on the hand/beer layer.
That would look shit tbh, the contrast now is pretty nice imo
On the contrary, the contrast is what gives it its quality. Like this user said
I know it could be effective to do it, like in pic related. But then the color of the beer will be drowned out, taking out the explicit element which conveys the original feeling.