Why are leftist subs on reddit overrun by liberals?

Why are leftist subs on reddit overrun by liberals?

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Marx is a cishet scum and a classist as well - Somewhere in r/Socialism

Reddit and Twitter are just online extensions of the MSM media apparatus and are total bullshit. You really think every asinine "LMAO DRUMPF BTFO" post is suddenly getting 12k upvotes? It's a sockpuppet show. Also every subreddit is modded by SJW goons.

"I'm an anarchist but I had to vote for Hillary."

Because they celebrate lifestylism and let all the idpol trotskyiests and idpol tankies take power in the other subs.

The ultraleft/leftcom sub and the communalist subs are decent though.

very simple: Reddit is an American site

Because the people that run them generally fall into three groups: the ignorant but well meaning, the power hungry, and the saboteur. Some of the smaller ones are all right, but whatever purpose the larger ones serve, it isn't spreading socialism.


a mainstream* american site

I though its pretty clear that lifestylism includes that. To destinguish general anti-tankie ranting from hating reddit idiots I just added idpol in front.

Not everything is meant as bad as it looks friendo


They like the edge without doing any of the work, the self education, getting involved on the streets, ect.

Complete anarchy and ultraleft and mildly entertaining but thats about all I use. Reading politics discussions on reddit is just worthless.

Daily reminder that most people that call themselves "socialist" or "leftist" etc. are reformists and reformism will always devolve into liberalism.

Is there a name for this level of false priorities?

Ok guys, serius question.
Why won't we create our own subreddit, embassy so to speak, to get in all the leftists there who are displeased with the state of the big left subreddits right now?
We probably have enough people to make it more or less hyped, and with enough snowballing the result of it could actually be big.
I mean of course it's "leddit" and so on, and so on, but I believe that our struggle is above some petty tribal disputes over internet sites, and reddit being such a big social platform as it is, it may actually help us to spread our word to more people.

Because it would get overrun with liberals

t. liberal

OP that post is literally CIA copypasta.

Because then it will be taken by undercover /r/socialism mods.

We can just have our own revolutionary vanguard of mods who would send all the especially problemmatic liberals to GULAG.
Let's organize here, keep things transparent and try to be aware of the counterrevolutionary spies getting into our moderation ranks.

We'd have to create a site of our own. Even if we made a subreddit and followed every rule to the letter we'd still just get banned, our mods expelled and replaced, or some other bullshit.

this actually. also a shit-ton of utopian and reformist trash (building coops, voting green, edgy university student action and "educating" as a means to revolution rather than crisis and working class uprising). Leddit is pretty heavily saturated with people who have this voluntarist trash sort of view of revolution and they have a pretty hostile relationship with communities that call them out on this shit (leftcom subs especially, but here to an extent as well). Even their ridiculous emphasis on sterilizing language seems to be motivated by this sort of delusion in a way. There's this notion that getting people to talk differently somehow affects bigotry which seems like kind of a liberal, "marketplace of ideas" view of how racism comes about. It's much more often the case that there are structural reasons why people will have an incentive to be racist or perhaps are kind of socialized to be racist because of actual housing discrimination and things like that. Talking differently of course may make people feel more comfortable, but I sometimes get the sense that they view talking differently as a part of the actual solution to these problems or that these problems of sexism, racism, etc can somehow be addressed within a capitalist society. To me all this stems from the fact that most of them haven't read theory. They still have a very liberal idea of how to deal with capitalism, racism, sexism, etc. because they don't really bother familiarizing themselves with Marx's criticisms of liberalism among others.

Well I mean why, the current global moderation of reddit seems to be too occupied with right-wingers and r/the_Donald in particular right now.
Left wingers seems to be below the radar at the moment, so out of all things the "leftist subreddit with memes and no idpol" would definetly be in the safe zone. If we would have posts against Trump there once in a while then we would almost certanly be in the green.
Even if it'd go down it would still create some awareness in the people. Worth a try I think.



Looks good, even though the name choise is a bit unfortunate imo, as if it's for some orthodox tankies. And it's dead, but the intention is respectable.

It's just a Holla Forums caption reposting tbh.

Well, there is your answer. Every new (and therefore incredibly obscure) sub which is started dies almost immediately. And really, most people here have no interest in Reddit and will not go there to post, so any popularity you do achieve will bring in the Reddit liberal crowd which will result in subversion.

That's why I'm saying that we must combine both having clear rules and a competent moderation, and to snowball it for it to become popular.
I mean, many people complain how shitty reddit leftism is, and yet reddit is one of the most poplual platform to reach for the people and many people who are getting into leftism go through it and get indocrinated with this cancerous idpol ideology.
I'm just trying to come up with a solution. Obviously I can't do it alone, but I belive it can potentially be done.

because it's reddit

Because they are all made by liberals and Trotskyists.


The only good sub

Yeah, remember that time when Trotsky wrote a book about how important identity politics are compared to class struggle and how he advocated the ban of anime catgirls?
Fun times.

and yet twitter is where the most controversial online sub cultures live and gather. and if you aren't or weren't a part of that you'd never understand the power you can weild on there. i've told Times reporters they were imperialist lying whores and embarassed them for calling for the blood of Syrians. Right after the Paris attacks i got an opportunity to chastize some columnist for the Times. I told Desus Nice (Black Guy Code faggot from MTV) that BLM was black supremacist and i've never felt so powerful. Twitter is a level beyond imageboards and it takes actual talent and tenacity to master

This does sound like something a Trot would do.

Oh look, you've recreated the problem!

Actually we know full well that policing language won't lead to revolution. It's fucking reddit, I doubt if we had real power we'd be ordering the secret police to check people's language. But it makes our Neuro-divergent subscribers feel more at home, which was our goal. It's the same reason we try to promote women's subs as well. Not cause it'll lead to revolution, but cause it'll make the sub more appealing to them(at least, that's what we hope).

Tbh, the hate reddit mods get is due to subscribing malice to incompetence.

I agree, we need to convert as much militant teenagers with too much free time as possible, after all it worked out so well in the past.

Half of it is government bots and actual shills, the rest are idiots who see all the posts and just always believe what they see to be the majority.

"im a leftist but i dont vote for the candidate who's better for the working class because im an ivy tower ideological purist who can afford to watch people die without healthcare"


"i'm a liberal"

"I'm a leftist but I'm okay with voting for someone who wants commies tossed out of helicopters (for fuck's sake, she praised Kissinger) because at least they won't dismantle the welfare state domestically"

fuck, it's even worse

"I trust this neoliberal to be better for the working class even though she's married to the man who signed welfare 'reform' into law"

Liberals get the bullet too.

Did you not learn anything from Wikileaks yesterday? Those places are filled with infiltrated feds.