This shit is plastered all over my fuckin town. How do we stop idpol?
This shit is plastered all over my fuckin town. How do we stop idpol?
no fuck you
idpol is only a problem when it takes away from class politics
this is good
There's nothing wrong with idpol when it's revolutionary
You really cant separate identity politics form class struggle since class is simply not just an economic but cultural and social group too.
Holla Forums has turned into a bunch of fags
stay mad
haha yeah it doesnt matter if we have no money as long as we can fuck eachother in the butt amirite
That's not what i said at all
Fags and trans people will not lead the revolution, that's all im saying
Taking away from class politics is the whole point of idpol.
Hopefully they'll master the use of English though.
We just have these everywhere which is better
Paint over it in a creative way that reverses the message.
Don't be seen or caught, wear a generic hoody.
Whats your beef, OP?
I found a bunch of those in the pilgrim and put them up, not even an anarhobabby, but it seemed right to have some more lefty stuff in peoples faces.
Hey, ive been defacing them all over L'pool, thanks for keeping me busy.
there's plenty of legit criticisms to be made about idpol but the amount of autistic screeching on this board that goes on in response to any mention of race or gender is fucking idiotic. Class struggle and the struggle of oppressed people based on their race, gender and sexuality go hand in hand. this isn't Holla Forums for a reason.
I haven't been putting them up, just started seeing them around a lot
Better than nothing I suppose.
hey Holla Forums watcha doin?
Give 'em time.
Agreed. Manarchists and MGTOWcialists welcome. not
Hey liberal COINTELPRO, whatcha doin? Keepin' the proletariat divided?
Found these downtown. Fight propaganda with ~P R O P A G A N D A~
Don't be a faggot. If you weren't such a LARPer or Holla Forums you'd know doing this has far more potential to end up being a petty tit for tat between OP and this group, ultimately wasting both parties time.
If OP is going to be a butthurt fuckboy about it he should just attempt to get more stickers up than them.
I think the concept of a queer revolutionary front is a bit silly, but that's not idpol.
Ignore it and focus on spreading awareness of economic issues. By engaging it, you let it win.
Yeah, let's have a revolution to replace all male CEOs with female CEOs! It must be good because we used the word revolution!
Are they focus on fighting Capitalism or are they fighting for acceptance in this Capitalist society? That's the only question that needs to be asked.
nice strawman
so long as you paint yourself in opposition to liberatory social issues, liberals will be able to call you out on it and claim the moral high-ground. the fact that this group is explicitly revolutionary is perhaps the biggest possible step in the right direction. It seems like the only reason why anyone on here would oppose this is because they're afraid of gay people or something. this shit ain't reactionary. you are if you oppose it.
You do understand there is no such thing as a queer revolution and this is not what revolution means. They have no understanding of revolution or that poster would never have been made.
You Holla Forumsyps need theory
You need some theory too my dude.
Stop calling everyone Holla Forums you annoying cunt.
Read some other shit before theory to make sure you can actually comprehend it.
then stop posting retarded shit.
Concurred. First we need to concern ourselves with whether 0.2% of the population can saw their dick off and be called Suzy with no fear of reprisal. Then we can turn to the millions of unclothed and unfed.
Go back to >>>/reddit/ with your retarded friends
God this board is pathetic
Ignore them.
They're just edgy assholes centering their revolutionary praxis around something that has no precedence in mobilizing a mass-movement. At worst they're irrelevant but well-intentioned rubes.
I didn't think they meant it that way. I thought it was just a queer group that advocates revolution in the same way anfems may advocate anarchism but they don't want a woman's only revolution or whatever. I suppose you have a point that they could be using "revolution" the same way libs use "resistance." I didn't read it that way, but I can see that now.
orchestrate a confrontation between then and some aut-right in town then grab some popcorn and watch
but the revolution has no gender
sure is Holla Forums in here
There's no stopping it. Nothing good ever happens, because nothing is good. Nothing bad happens either.
man there sure are a lot of alphabet soup in this thread
Anons how near in the future do you think we're gonna see "comrades" defending the progressive stack
Revolution just means liberal reform now thanks to Bernie.
This explodes my autism into murderous Stalinism.
yes, but the sort of discrimination they face in a capitalist society probably is gendered, so at the very least I could see a justification for women's groups or queer groups or things along these lines in some circumstances. I see your point though, ultimately we need organization not separated by identity. I suppose I see that arising more organically out of the proper circumstances rather than through us telling gay people for example that they're wrong to form groups like this.
Concurred. Instead of fighting for socialism and against oppression LGBT people should first wait 150 years until the revolution happens.
Go swallow a steering wheel
Either this is anti-idpol to the point of autism or a false flag to make us look bad, I've not yet decided which
This is not just mentioning lgbt issues. It is putting it at the forefront. Going off the image alone one would expect who ever sprayed it is drowning in idpol. The anarchist 'A' doesn't mean anything in this context.
Based on your feels, ofc
I normally say this as an insult, but in this case I genuinely mean it.
You seriously should consider going to /r/Socialism and /r/FULLCOMMUNISM.
While I do disagree with you, the community over there might be better suited to your perspective. Just a kind suggestion.
seems like plenty of people in this thread share my opinion, so no thanks.
The Base evolves on its own, as does the Superstruture.
You don't need to "fix" shit, history takes care of itself.
lol I love how you just can resort to strawmanning.
You took it too literally, dumb tankie.
Don't expect these autists to realize that though.
you retards are almost as bad as reactionaries getting triggered over some fags using words like "queer" alongside words like "revolution" lmfao
there's no way of knowing whether whoever made that poster is trying to make potential comrades more comfortable while still treating all workers as equal or a loser swimming in idpol and pure ideology
don't worry guys i got you covered
Last couple of months theres been vastly more autistic screeching on this board ABOUT the apparent autistic screeching against idpol then there has actually been of the latter.
Join the real actions front instead
idpol socdem
reddit go
When I was doing actual, on the ground gay rights activist work a decade ago it was the self proclaimed "radicals" (ie. The sort of people that put up stuff like this) who were the most annoying and obstructionist cunts. They were and from what I've seen of the current crop still are mostly straight teenage girls looking for an edgy subculture to fit into. They would show up to demos and yell at people for no reason, flash their tits (the hilarious 'lesbian separatists' did the most of this) and generally get in the way and make a spectacle of themselves. The only positive memory I have of them is when this one androgynous little fella who looked like a reject from a low budget drag show started getting in the face of one our group at a demo and accused her of, I shit you not, being a "collaborator" because shed dolled herself up a bit for the event. Little shit didn't know what hit him when this girls trucky girlfriend put him on his arse.
I know people like to think there's some glorious struggle going on with LGBT politics, you can even see this when they talk grandly about "fighting" for this or that, but there really isn't. It's not the American civil rights movement and it never was. Every gain we made, every legal change, every new opinion poll showing we were making progress, every public dollar spent on helping LGBT youth came on the back "respectability politics". I know that upsets the kids who like to think they're the queer black panthers or whatever but it's true. It isn't and wasn't the Queer Punk Revolutionary Battalion (Anarcha-Feminist) that got us anywhere. Ultimately it was the nice lesbian couple at the park with their 3yo son, the gay couple next door with the golden retriever who brought cupcakes to the church fund-raiser, the well dressed activist sitting in a parliamentarians office and the normal guy you'd been best friends with all through high school coming out to you after a night on the piss.
Trans acceptance will, dare I say it, come the same way. And as much as I can't stand the bitch for her politics generally, every Blaire White is worth a hundred radlib non-binary demigirl student activists putting up edgy posters.
Any political radical who is serious about making gains for social acceptance of LGBT people under the current system (since you're all about "our" revolution not having to wait for YOURS, you filthy manarchist) would be better off very deliberately separating the two because associating LGBT acceptance with revolutionary LARPing actually hurts us at this point more than it helps.
Idpol can never be revolutionary, you stupid faggot.