Elections are in a week, should I vote socdem or should I stay in my armchair?

Elections are in a week, should I vote socdem or should I stay in my armchair?

There you are you old fucking liberal gnome.
Get the fuck out Chomsky.

Let the dialectics take the wheel famrade.


how long will you wait till the dialectics take the wheel on anything? you fucking loser.


Waar zou je dan überhaupt op willen stemmen? Onze centrum-linkse sociaal liberalen? Als je stemt, stem dan op Rutte of Wilders ten behoeve van het accelerationisme.

50 plus tbh

is that pannekoek and bordiga?


dit is vanaf nu een nederdraad

Till the objective and subjective conditions for a communist revolution line up

Used the opportunity look at your country's different parties, what is the "Partij voor Mens en Spirit"?
the wikipedia article just mentions they are based on "modern spiritual foundations" and that "Their main agenda is reorganizing the monetary system"
what does that mean?

Vote for whatever party you think will produce less shit, or go to vote without expressing a preference, or vote for a party that agrees 100% with you but has no chance to win.

they're scared of wifi and vaccines, but pro-ubi, market reforms and "alternative medicine"

Vote for the craziest guy who will fuck shit up the most

That's like waiting for an eclipse to happen.
in the case of a social revolution, you gotta keep pushing and agitating, if you just sit and wait it will never happen.

I recommend to vote for Socialistische Partij.
Please don't vote for Partij van de Arbeid.

At this point, vote socdem. A left-liberal environment is at least more receptive to socialist voices.

Vote for whichever one will fuck everything up the most. Accelerationism works, comrade.

Do you want the racist liberals or the really racist liberals?

they're no better than pvda

Voting Wilders could be good for keks since there's no chance he can win and nothing pisses people off more than the establishment bullying the little guy.


VVD might just come to an agreement with him. Never underestimate the moral bankruptcy of liberals. And really, the people feeling bad for Wilders is hardly a positive thing. They'll kick out the liberals and replace them with other liberals.

sluit je aan bij de nederdraad kameraden


Under which government will organising be easier? Thats the primary thing you should care about for now.

As some capitalist will rule anyway you can try to make sure that its the one that increases your neetbux and makes your favorite drugs legal.

I bet you think the French Revolution happened without no reforms to a constitutional monarchy first