faces of Holla Forums
faces of Holla Forums
Leftists are hot, Rightists are fat and ugly. We get it.
Apparently the first guys wife is smoking hot.
This is just sad
wow lmao
Checkout this black Holla Forumsyp talking about black inferiority. Sad!
faces of Holla Forums
Admin of a neo-nazi discord server
Now now, you've got to post more Holla Forums lurkers than just jackie.
strange video..so the meme about Holla Forums not being white is real?
Fucking commies!
We're gonna get back at these corny ass Holla Forumsyps!
Server owner here
I am ready to kill leftist scum
-tips fedora-
Holla Forums is a combination of actual whites, mulattoes, mestizos, hapas, and self-hating Asians.
If you go to a socialist organization meeting, if you didn't know any better you would think you were at the local Aryan Brotherhood meeting. White, well-off Anglos/Germans everywhere.
Leftists are pure Aryans and Rights are all Multi-Cults
Funny how that works.
Opposition to ethnocentrism is primarily a north/west Euro thing. Why do you think idpol is such a problem? Socialism is more about ethnic nationalism for most minority groups in Western countries.
Holy fuck is he peruvian?
Holla Forums isn't white. that's all that matters. it's good that you guys accept your new branding :^) you admit that multiculturalism is good, then?
Holla Forums wins
Normies should have no rights to participate in politics.
I'm not from Holla Forums, its obvious that there's a significant mulatto/Asian component. Unless they're all American Southerners, the average white person is nowhere near as insecure about race as posters on Holla Forums are.
High representation of east and south asians on there. my boyf's brother is a chinese american poltard.
It's amusing how Holla Forumsyps seethe with impotent rage when you point out they don't live up to their own expectations.
When they realize they're the "shitskins" and "degenerates" they want to exterminate.
When it's obvious they're projecting their own moral rot on others, and assuming everyone shares their deviant cuckold rape irrelevant shiting scat fetishes.
When it's clear that they're not the tall, educated, blonde, blue-eyed, sexually active, successful rich demi-gods they aspire to be.
Are leftist e-celebs often autistic, fat, even ugly and insufferable? Yes. But there's much less emphasize on appearances and pretense of racial purity. Outside liberal circles it's clear that there are much greater issues than what two consenting adults do to eachother behind closed doors. Or what people they don't even care about watch on TV, which Holla Forums considers a degenerate waste of time anyway.
When it comes to Holla Forums I've seen nearly every form of sexual and moral deviancy practiced by their heroes over the years.
Rape, drugs, child rape, gambling, embezzlement, scat, fraud, and of course all the minor vices of lying, gluttony and the capital sin of irrelevant shiting.
And then of course there's the fact most of them have daddy issues and are obsessed with their tangerine-colored emperor.
All it takes are his incoherent words and the pol/yps fall back in line. His jewish banker cabinet and jewish family are based, israel is based, Iranians are shitskins that should be bombed, NSA is good, FBI is good, wall street is good, suddenly its important to ban abortion so all those millions of black babbies will be saved, war is good and China should be bombed as well.
Holla Forums has become it's own parody.
Irrelevant shiting should be ra-ce mi-xing
made the post kekworthy
First as a tragedy, then as a farce.
wtf I'm a turd positionist now?!
I'm starting to think that I'm the palest person on Holla Forums, and I just go there to post left-wing b8 threads.
Funny thing if you post any of these people on Holla Forums you will basically get "but they were charismatic shitskins" as an answer.
it's just damage control kek. it's embarrassing for them.
Inclusive on what?
The dumbness?
Maybe to dummies and "white" people that haven't gotten rid of the spooks that is compromised of idpol
You can tell this isn't a good representation because white Holla Forums are all insane trogs that hate sunlight.
You people say this shit over and over ike there aren't leftists out in the wild that we can see for ourselves.
OMG you are the absolute madman.
I pointed this out many times years ago before Holla Forums went full nazi, always fell on deaf years
Not exactly Holla Forums, but still relevant because he is from the Moonman forums.
That's really it.
>not real fascism!
Whatever helps you sleep at nights…
Are you actually adults? This seems so petty and childish.
Tbh I don't think us two would be doing this if it wasn't for the fact that Holla Forums is so obsessed with the image of themselves as well as others to the point that they just gave up on rationality. So us at Holla Forums like Holla Forums tend to find images that we use against them because they are so obsessed with image that they ignore anything that makes them look bad or ugly. None of us here would care if it wasn't for the fact that chan culture is very image based and that Holla Forums are so obsessed with image. And tbh that's a problem with capitalist culture in general. Why think about leftist being right when you can just have an image of them as ugly insane hypocrites who own an iphone? Why think if you can have an image that leftist are skinny white boys that are 16 and are just jealous of those above them? Why think when you decide that leftist are mentally and are so unreasonable that they deserve to be thrown off of a helicopter to protect society?
You see people are obviously not reasonable. People are dumb enough to let things like looks influence they what they think about political points of view. And when others constantly attempt to character assassinate you have two options. Fight back and use the same tactics that they used on you or attempt to destroy part of the spectacle that harms us and the left.
This is why I think that in order to fight it we have to point out hey shallow and stupid it is. The most dedicated don't care enough to change their minds, but those who are neutral or don't have strong political convictions will more likely to lean our direction if they see Holla Forums's stupidity and shallowness. We can't just copy them in terms of tactics forever even if it is general image board culture.
If we dissect posts like this one then we can gain more of an influence. Just think about it what is this post attempting to do? It's attempting to make Holla Forumsacks look superior. How do you do this? You post an image of someone laughing or some animal that looks like it's laughing. Then you put snarky text about how those pictures where really not Holla Forums and frame the narrative to make it look like we're just threatened and we are all projecting. But there is no actual content to the post. The man provides no evidence that those pics were from Holla Forums and Holla Forums. In fact a lot of posters on those boards regularly browse Holla Forums as evidenced by the regular memes from Holla Forums coming in and out of those boards. Also, look at the text its self and imagine if it was true. Would it make us wrong to hold our beliefs? No, it would look like freaks yes, but it wouldn't make us automatically wrong. What he wrote was a glorified ad hominem. Also, look at the first point he makes. He says that "Holla Forums gets asshurt when it's revealed they are tumblr-tier special snowflakes. But how are we like tumblr? Is it because there are a few of us that look ugly? I thought that part of what made tumblr gain their reputation for being crazy was their beliefs? Beliefs such as otherkin, third wave feminism, and their obsession with how evil white straight men are? Is anybody who is not a rightwinger tumblrite by default now? Everything about this post is suspect. If you have critical enough eye you can see how stupid these posts are.
Yeah sure man
plz let us never slip into this Holla Forumstardtion mind set comrades..
Fucking degenerate capitalist subhumans.
We must exterminate the lesser races. It is the only way to ever have a chance at Communism.
This to be honest although I do still find hispanic white supremacists to be a bit silly
Eric Schwartz?
This damage control is so low-energy, it's embarassing! Sad!
Wait, someone actually did that?
No surprises here, everyone who is not a dedicated Holla Forumsack gets pretty tired of your cuckery. And they grow bolder by the day. Either do something or leave these places for good.
We were just the vanguard.
there are polish and black nazis. everything is possible.
i'm waiting for the day i see a jew sporting a swastika
If I remember correctly there was a Jewish neo nazi group in Israel that did exactly that
Unf… help… I wanna fuck these fascists…
man you are so fucking buttmad it's embarassing
that part made me laugh the most
There's no fucking way these guys aren't faggots.
class traitor!
Did Spike ever take his shirt off?
I hope so…
when the cognitive dissonance kicks in…
I believe that "adulthood" only exists because of the necessity of economic toil, and consider socialism to be partly the abolition of adulthood.
Calling things "childish" is a fundamentally class cucked insult. My real objection to Holla Forumsyps is that they refuse to promote NEET pride worldwide and want to monopolize it all for themselves while workers are exploited elsewhere, and have to be stoic and "Adult" to survive the crippling depression exploitation creates.
Holla Forums has master's level education
Are you fucking trying to ruse me?
I wish I was you.
I guess that means the priviIeged upper classes are always right.
Come on dude, shouldn't you be off on /r/thedonald or Facebook so you can "red pill the normies"?