guyssssss….Holla Forums is making fun of us again
they found our discord FFS
guyssssss….Holla Forums is making fun of us again
they found our discord FFS
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Who cares, also people that are dumb enough to think discord is some save place to post their pics apparently have to learn it the hard way.
A bunch of non-white white nationalists who fervently support a zionist are making fun of us? Fuck, so embarassing.
The discord is public, retard.
You have to go back.
Elena looks a lot like a girl I know, down to the hair color and glasses, it's kinda disturbing lol
Who cares
dunno why they're implying we tried to raid /monster/, when the fuck did that happen
also the /monster/ raid was a falseflag by Holla Forumsyps
You deserve all of this.
OP has no post history. Gee, I wonder who's behind this thread
Not surprising, why would we care about some shitty reactionary board about porn.
Not surprising either.
We have a trap this hot on the board and this is somehow a bad thing?
What has the world come too.
Mental illness isn't something to glorify.
nice falsefag thread Holla Forums
smhfamtbh you commies really have no taste at all.
falseflag even
I love the fact that Holla Forumstards try to justify killing people just because of their beliefs. It only pushes me harder to the Left, like I only exist to piss of crybaby scrawny white bois in high school who can't get their dream aryan waifu. sweet sweet tears
The irony in your post is of outstanding quality.
Holla Forums is so weak all they got is memes and falseflagging
You say while Holla Forums supports killing capitalists and bourgeois
Was this post sarcastic?
I don't just want to glorify that trap, I want to deify that motherfucking ass on the altar of sex. My power level may not be enough, but I'm about to start weeks of training for the ground pounding I'd give such a creature if given half a chance.
Good to know that you would support the Monarchy during feudalism
Tbh I don't take them seriously when they try to justify killing people who don't hold their beliefs because at the end of the day they're just edgy teens that think they're being intimidating when it really just makes them look really stupid with their threats that they will never carry out. It's really kind of sad once you realize how pathetic these NEETs who learned all of their politics off of Holla Forums support the politics which will in the end screw themselves over more than the people they want to hurt. In the past I would say they deserve it and that it was irony coming to bite them in the ass, but these people are so pathetic that I don't know how to even feel about them anymore.
And their supporters, fag
Lifting fried Mars bars to your mouth isn't "training".
Moster girls/Hentai are left wing tho.
The Right has Blacked and Cuckold porn.
good work, pol. anyways all this attention from Holla Forums is always flattering tbh
This shit isn't helping, stop taking the bait.
Discordfags were always fags. what did you expect?
he has heart. he's proving that the Holla Forums is retarded.
that was actually pretty great.
>>>Holla Forums9444777
burgers posting face are fucking retarded by the way.
all faces of Holla Forums should be latinos and africans (maybe our resident /brit/s but that's still pretty risky).
1st because those don't get doxxed and 2nd because it triggers Holla Forums
What country/state is Elena in? She's extremely cute.
No pretty sure he's just autistic.
Anyone who doesn't sage this thread should be banned tbh.
who /cuteboy/ here?
id fuck bout 90% of them
Who is that first guy holy fuck
I want to be more than comrades with him…
point being? I really don't see what you are trying to prove here?
But whatever not my business what you do with the pictures. After all its just someone else's fap material.
that trap gotta nice ass tho
I'd suck her dick
It's not because of what they believe. It's because of what they do. It's the difference between killing someone who thinks murder is okay. and killing someone who goes around murdering people.
Holy fuck is this from Holla Forums discord?
Shes hot af
Most traps i know like to be called she over he when they look more like girls
dude between flowers and Sabotcat is the second coming of Bordiga.
Guessed as much.
Could we make them come over to Holla Forums discord or nah…
The chosen NEET
This kid needs to buy a wall-sized bookshelf and an expensive armchair right now, he then needs to write polemics about muke.
How will we ever recover?
Thanks user, i'll make use of this.
Molotov-Ribbentropp bullying cancerous discord owner when?
I dunno dude. Sure he let the Holla Forumsyps in but it's more the fault of the retarded newfags who posted their own pictures anyway than the DO's for simply doing what he thought was right.
Just make another discord for circlejerking. Or use Mumble like Holla Forums suggested.
That guy's still around?
I've never joined the discord in my life, they just bring enough bullshit here that I've become fully aware of the situation there.
me neither but you want to crucify the guy for leaking photos that aren't even yours?
I wouldn't worry too much because they never have or will like us and it doesn't what you do, how you look, and what you think because the fact is that everybody else here hates us even ourselves.Yes Holla Forums has a large influence on Holla Forums, but the thing is is that we're growing and we have still grown despite all attempts to character assassinate this board. Yeah it may effect our image, but in the end we'll keep growing unless this board gets deleted and for those that actively use this place the image is just a shallow spectacle just like a lot of other things that have come out of Holla Forums. One day everyone will forget this incident like they forgot that drama with the Board Owner and Ferguson.
It's more for being Holla Forumss biggest success on leftypol. Every incoming raid is generally because of his ineptitude and the faggotry he lets fester on his server.
Totally agree, fucking Holla Forums ruined Holla Forums
they didn't, they still shitpost about it even though all BO did was contain the cancer into one thread, something that has been standard practice here since forever.
This last part makes me think you're a Holla Forumsyp but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, the rest of your post is valid.
if I ever had any consideration to join that Discord, every last remnant of it just disappeared
not really, that's a man's ass. She needs to do hip thrusts
Squats you pleb.
it was one of your spergs, it was a pretty pathetic attempt
How dare you.
whoop de do
I agree. He's an autistic faggot and the whole discord mocked him until he gave up on his pathetic raid attempt.
Snow is such a fucking useless moonfaced cunt.
too be fair, he tried to stop it
How do you fail to stop one person babbling about their failraid on your server, and how is that not textbook uselessness?
Squats will exercise your lower glutes and your upper legs, hip trusts will exercise your upper glutes, lower glutes and partly your legs.
If you want a big butt, you need to do hip thrusts primarily and treat squats as a supplementary exercise.
I actually wonder if most of you (not Holla Forums, but *chan users) are losers, or if it is usually just the kinds of people who attempt to socialize outsideo of *chans on Discord and so on.
Anyone who socializes inside or outside of chans inevitably ends up with all their faggotry on the internet.
Jesus christ, what happened to the destruction of identity politics?
You can be the Chaddiest of Chads and still shitpost as long as you're not a fucking retard.
That's the theme of >>>Holla Forums9439839 too.
Holla Forums has a long tradition of breaking chan culture (something that Holla Forums picked up, partially on purpuse and partially due to reddit)
Come on, we have to have at least one good looking person itt. Can someone bite the bullet if they're a hottie and post pics so we can shit on pol? Don't look at me, I look worse than BO
go away Holla Forums
Hello, Holla Forums
I gotchu fam.
See? You're not that bad looking. Throw a timestamp on that and tell pol to go pop shove it up their ass
Who would have expected?
Democratic voting for mode when.
Oh no, a bunch of retards are making fun of us. Sound the alarm.
I don't think that's that great of a thing user
Honestly don't know why they think we're gross looking children. Just because a few losers fell for the discord meme? Make fun of this, Holla Forumsyps. Don't worry. I'll wait.
Retards making fun of our retards.
Now this is the cool dude that represents us.
Shave that mop fam, Christ.
just more proof fascist retards are emotionally stunted narcissists obsessed with appearances
literally who cares about same old Holla Forums bullshit
It's not like you're wrong persay, but we should weed out our own people who are hypocritical before pointing out when the enemy is making a mistake. Allow Holla Forums to make a fool of themselves and don't do the exact same thing in the same sentence.
Holy shit Holla Forums is desperate
I'm good.
You look like a 50 year old pretending he's still 15 with that haircut, shave it off and actually grow a proper beard Porky.
I've done so much in the last 20 years while you were growing out of your mommy's diapers. I've donated, rioted, had a vasectomy, and set up my own small group in the town I live in.
We're fighting. Are you?
Can a mod please ban these Holla Forumsacks false-flagging with each other? At least bumplock the thread, ffs.
Then we'll be just like the Holla Forumstards.
Top kek
hello Holla Forums
Freeze peach is a Holla Forums meme, you Holla Forumstard. End your life.
Did you click the wrong post? Are you confused? Fresh from the donal?
>>>Holla Forums
Nice spacing, reddit.
Always check when dealing with waves of COINTELPRO and supposed Holla Forumsyps. They already linked to one thread here earlier.
goons = busted
hey, you don't have to go home but you can't stay here.
even we don't like you.
No idea what you're talking about, friendo :^)
Nice bait
Also gj posting an exhibitionist's ass, it's a public discord and she's probably more than aware that anyone can see it.
Alright so last night someone whose posts got deleted said that one of us that's cute/hot should post our faces to show that not all of us are just like the moonman DO, so I'll oblige and dox myself willingly. Pic related; I've been told I'm a 7.5/10 at worst
Mark Mothersbaugh is looking really weird nowadays