How many of you are ready at a moments notice for it?
How fucked prepared are you?
How many of you are ready at a moments notice for it?
How fucked prepared are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
theres like 4 knives behind me and a machete and antique spanish war sabre in the room beside me
the antique was my grandfathers and for the rest of the stuff, I'm just an outdoorsman
I keep my guns close and stormfags are too weak to kick in a door.
Right the people more autistic than the Krauts themselves can ever do shit in a primarily non white neighborhood that's a laugh
Should be more worried what the world will do to them than they could do to the world, they can only trust in bureaucrats
I'll use my strong gust of wind
Handmade hardwood club from Fiji hangs over my bed. I can crack skulls at moments notice.
what hoochie means to say is that she will act indignant and hope her rape fantasies play out
I didn't know men couldn't be raped.
I have a switchblade in a drawer next to me which I can grab in a pinch. Not a whole lot but good for situations such as this.
no? what?
It's a joke. Don't let the autism hold you back.
Your own autism is causing you to misread things I think
No, the joke was that there's nothing stopping me from raping a stormfag
Fascism is a dead movement and will never rise to international power. Same with Communism to be Frank.
if two storm fags kicked my door down i'd pick up my desktop and smash it on their heads. im a 400 pound neckbeard kek. i've got too much girth to be moved by some skinny stormies.
you people are seriously delusional
Really living up to that stereotype.
Last time I checked you came to Berkley, got pepper sprayed, and handled it worse than all the weak leftists you criticized in the past from your arm chair. That's fucking pathetic lol.
Average stormfag? Bet my bottom dollar he's a noodle armed failson tbh.
never been to berkeley in my life, but that's not what im referring to.
you're delusional because you think you're going to have a showdown with the far right in a collapse scenario, rather than just getting murdered in your house by underprivileged inner city youfs
That's a different version of what I remember, I recall ancaps beating the shit out of you.
The far right doesn't get power in collapse scenarios, it's usually coups and sometimes insurection.
Collapse scenarios are really just a meme-worthy idea that only happen in movies.
boy, no one is getting any power this time. its the apocalypse
No? I'm saying if a bunch of skinny bitches says "WHITES ONLY" in a primarily Hindu and Hispanic, Asian suburb
Like what people are just going to listen to you and not laugh at you.
Go get a gun and prove everyone that you're a psychopath, one and twenty five plus are great odds
Then go make a cult, without the charisma
That's why my katana is always at my side
I think you're taking the shitposting a little too far again. Walk it back a few steps.
When they break down the door, I open the window and watch them disintegrate
Never brought up a gun. I'm saying that if you really want us out just bring a gun and kill some families.
See how that ends up. Great PR for the autistic hive of rivers of cum that's Holla Forums, or the failiure of mental health care in America.
It was just pepper spray in self defense calm down. Perfectly legal.
And I'm saying your delusional because that's never going to happen. You will get murdered by nogs instead.
i've already got one, we've taken over the internet :^)(Ganga skal skala gestr vera ey í einum stað ljúfr verðr leiðr ef lengi sitr annars fletjum á)
that projection
I live near "nogs", pretty funny. I like them a lot.
Is the internet life and death to you lol. Go outside and talk to people face to face, debate them, see their point of view. I'm sure even a community college can accept your ilk however temporary.
I'm confused. You say I don't have a gun, you say I have whatever is in my room, which is it?
i'll leave you to your thread then tripfag, go ahead and work yourself up into a ridiculous tizzy over how the stormfags are coming for you. i'm only trying to help
I actually said in the beginning of the thread I'm not worried at all, actually.
you're the one who needs help
Such a nice guy.
Go help yourself to some cyanide pills and follow your leader.
Honestly, stormfags would probably think I'm on their side, between my shaved head and my lilly-white skin.
They wouldnt mare it through the door from not being strong enough.
They're easy to trick, if you're white.
Fam, I'm heavily armed and live in a 98% white town. I'm fine. You stormcucks that live in major cities are the ones who're a cunt-hair away from getting your shitpussy re-sized when you lose power during the next natural disaster or "peaceful protest".
Yeah that sounds about right.
Judging by HWNDU being nonwhite doesn't hurt all that much.
I have my laptop. Think I'll leave it open to Marx and maybe the Holla Forumstards will finally read a fucking book after they shoot me.
:_( A T S U I C I D E T I M E
Very tangential, but I literally have no problem with this, at least from an ethical perspective.
The right has never had any sympathy for us, why should we have sympathy for them?
There aren't any stormfags coming for any of you.
What will be coming is your landlords kicking you out for not making rent because your asses are busy with your secret imaginary nazi war that you forgot to get a job.
I have a shaved head so I pretend to be one of them. Then I infiltrate them and steal all their sekrits.
landlords are shit too, much worse than all the stormfags of the world
I got a rusty tire iron?
What is this? Governor Reagan's California?
Anarchists really have you assblasted fam.
It's probably a newfag, most burgerfags here have more guns and are better marksmans than stormcucks, who have only used guns in vidya or on a range. If you don't and you're a burger get at least a handgun.
12 Gauge and a machete tho fam.
oh shut up frank
Anyway if some kind of armed group stormed my house guns blazing there isnt much I can do. What do you expect me to do?
I have a swiss army knight at home, not at uni, I don't think stormfags are gonna attack on a campus though.
They probably wouldn't in middle class suburbs either though.
Pick neither. What's wrong with you people. Do you faggots not own guns? Rectify that please, jesus.
There's a lamp on my bedside. Take off the lampshade, smash the bulb, and I'll have an extra arm's reach with some sharp broken glass on the end.
bend over and offer myself to them. I'll just close my eyes and let them finish
I have three separate pairs of large titanium scissors meant for chopping up fabric and leather and shit right here on my desk. There's a ceremonial weeb dagger hidden in the closet too, so depending on what constitutes my room I'd have that too.
Maybe I should keep my guns in my room.
I'm laughing. Leftist parties worldwide heavily shill for gun control.
I have a conceal-carry permit and live in a stand-your-ground state. I blow the leftists to meet Marx in the afterlife.
quit larping lol
Why don't you hurry up and get to the afterlife then? Sounds urgent
Read the FAQ or go back to reddit where you belong
I hope your sense of dignity stops you :~)
I have a 130 lb dog who doesn't like strangers and a revolver in my bedside drawer.
You may well be the biggest fan of Marx here, then.
I've got a nice pole and some staff training to beat people up with.
Upset anfaggot? Pull your shit in Texas. I pray a nigga would.
Preferably after dragging down some uppity violent leftists that glorious uprising with me.
You're dumb. Leftist parties worldwide shill for more gun control.
You guys dickride Hernie, and he's in favor of an AWB and more gun control in general.
I will cite Canada and Switzerland because they have the laxest gun laws in the developed world after the US.
In Canada, the left wing party and the left leaning party (NDP and Liberals) are in favor of stricter gun laws. The right-wing party oppose it.
In Switzerland, all the gun-grabbing is done by leftist parties. All the leftist parties are in favor of stricter gun laws.
Wew. Please cite your shitty Marx quote again, I pray you do. Communist regimes throughout history have implemented draconian gun laws. USSR had draconian gun laws, so did Tito's Yugoslavia, Hoxha's Albania, Castro's Cuba, Chavez's Venezuela, Maoist China, and communist Vietnam. The most far-right regime in history actually loosened gun rights greatly that was passed in Weimar Germany by Socialist Democrats.
I don't deny that there aren't pro-gun leftists, but pro-gun rights falls on the right-wing spectrum. All pro-gun rights organizations that oppose gun control are right-wing, the NRA, NFA in Canada, Pro-Tell in Switzerland. Commieshits are the greatest gun-grabbers in history, how else will they abolish private business and private property?
loosened gun control greatly*
Barney Sandals does not get a dickriding here, but leftypol will always be pro-socdem when it comes to elections, though the posters who believe primarily in social democracy are bullied and mocked at all times.
Pretty much everyone here is pro-guns (except the socdems), so it's a bit of a strawman. I'm not sure how you want me to respond that would further the conversation (even though my comment was actually joking at your phrasing of "blowing leftists to meet Marx").
I'm sorry socdems are such massive faggots who don't implement social democracy and instead grab guns, but that's why I call them faggots all the time. They fuck us over more often than the rich.
I own a legit pirate cutlass. I don't care how messy it gets, I'll hack those Nazi fucks to pieces with the utmost vigor.
I love you
And right wing parties have historically saught to censor media and video games, and would hate trap porn.
Whats your fucking point? We're not one of your countries political parties.
The point of this board is the actual ideas of leftism, in spite of and even explicitly turning away from the cancerous shit done and preached by the partie and movements associated with "the left" in society at large.
fuck off back to
>>>Holla Forums
I meant to reply to
This board is not representative of the left in the real world, just like Holla Forums isn't representative of the right wing in the same circumstance as well.
When people cite that Marx quote, I laugh. Marx is opposing that workers be disarmed because you obviously needed arms for a communist revolution (in his time, peaceful revolutions didn't really exist). Marx says nothing about gun rights DURING a socialist/communist society.
What evidence does show however, is that when Marxist nations are established, they go full gun-grab and implement extremely restrictive gun laws. For example if Castro is so loved by Cubans unconditionally, why are gun laws in Cuba downright Orwellian? And again, with the previous governments I cited such as the USSR. The most far-right wing regime in history (I.E Nazi Germany) greatly loosened gun control.
You are aware that different social policies fall on different ends of the political spectrum, correct? For example abortion and LGBT rights fall on the left. Gun-rights fall on the right. There is nothing contradictory about holding certain positions in opposition to your political stance. I fall on the right-wing and I give no fucks if gays are allowed to marry, or if a woman has an abortion.
That will never happen in my country. The far right had 0,7% of votes in the last election. They better keep on their places and shut their mouths, because if it's anyone that's going to be squashed here, it's them.
Yes, you guys are the TRUE LEFTISTS. All those parties are fake left.
Unlike you, I'm not in denial about the right generally wanting to censor gay midget nig porn because muh christian values.
And I dont give a shit, user.
Im pro-gun on purely leftist grounds, and I dont really like or support the european socdems or the american democrats, so again, what the fuck are you trying to say?
Exactly, to establish your "utopia" that will have its government go full gun-grab once the armed revolution is over.
I don't give a fuck if you don't support these left parties. Just don't pretend that the vast majority of gun grabbing isn't done by parties that fall on the left-wing spectrum. I'll vote for the right because they seek to protect gun rights from erosion by leftists.
This is entirely an invention of your imagination. No one's done anything to you. You want to feel oppressed because it makes you feel special. This entire thread is ridiculous because no one on the right is talking about murdering you. You are the only nutjobs talking about violence.
Let me guess, liberals too? Why can't the left stop being gun grabbing cunts?
Well, I'd put a hole in your skull during the revolution for sure, but no, everyone else can keep their guns after if I have a say.
Again, what the fuck are you trying to get across here?
Nobody cares about your individual opinion you fucking tool. Historically and to this present day the left-wing has been in massive favor of gun control the vast majority of the time. You don't represent the left you fucking idiot.
Immolate yourself. LARPing idiot. The vast majority of gun owners are right-wing, so is the military and police. What you will do is get shot like your antifa buddy in Seattle in justifiable self-defense, or get whacked with a stick. It isn't a concidence that you keep your violent riots to safe spaces like leftist states and cities such as California, Portland, Chicago, New York or DC. All of whom severely restrict guns, severely restrict carrying of guns and lack stand your ground laws. Pro-gun rights are a right-wing position.
Jump off the nearest bridge. Your link has nothing to do with what I say.
oh, so its the femenist telling me how I'm really a femenist, or how I Have to bow down and kiss her and her ilks feet if I think women should vote because thats femenism.
just hang yourself already, kek.
You're a tool. Your cancerous side of the political spectrum is heavily in favor of gun control. So were the leftist regimes and leaders you worship on here.
Your opinion matters jack shit, this board is not representative of the left in the real world. I'm tired and I might reply when I wake up if you actually have something thay is worthwhile (assuming I don't get ding dong bannu again).
One last thing, it isn't just liberals who push for more gun control, but actual left-wing parties (not center left) and governments as I have cited repeatedly.
the cpusa is garbage.
Im still not sure what the fuck you were trying to say.
I owe the rest of your ideology's retarded rambling some kind of tribute because you decide you own one particular thing we agree on?
I need to answer for what other people who believe totally different shit say and do?
I shouldnt say I'm 'left' if othe rpeople who use that word say things I dont agree with? Call me a fucking gay pan-african transhumanist, I dont care.
Fuck off.
Fine and i'll vote left because the right supports corruption and giving my tax money to useless banks.
Tenants of gay pan-african transhumanism-
Cpusa isn't the only example of leftist parties supporting more onerous gun control you autistic cunt. Read
The difference between me and you is that I support gun rights not to further my political aims, but because people should have the right to use lethal force to defend themselves from violent crime, or defend their property from dindu burglars, etc. Also because guns are fun, sport-shooting is fun and generally because more negative liberty is a good thing.
You """""""support""""""" gun rights because you hope to fulfill your autistic larping fantasies and then vote for leftist parties who are almost all universally favor of far stricter gun laws.
If you feel triggered stormie, you can get the fuck back to your safe space though.