I've always made it with milk, the other options sound like some fatso tier solutions.
Stop bullying me or else i will make mashed potatoes
im sorry scoots
oh my word beat to it by one post twice in a row scoot
You aren't
Stop lying
No you aren't
perfect timing
my special hat c:
I got a $30 blue northface knitted one recently for free from zappos but its a little small on me :c
Does anyone else remember this show, or would capping it fall short of the joke?
who's is this?
i would have linked his but i forgot he made one
thats my pretty pucker
lewd :c
i like grim's anime figure pic better.
I love that show. Get me the ones of Orson Welles.
Mhmm, I am sure, my love.
why are you showing me your anus and scrotum i thought you were mad at me
iremember watching it.
but now i forgot all about it for the most part.
I went to make tea and missed the new thread.
Like what?
Seeing as Trump has a little less than half the population agreeing with whatever bullshit he pulls from his ass, I'd say a reasonable amount are.
That's the part about this election cycle that just bugs me. The elections in my lifetime still had similar sentiments of political machinations being flawed but ultimately, people still were overall rational about "choose the option that sucks less" as usual. This year has pretty much been nothing but the weirdest facades and aversion to even basic logic on all sides. It's just utterly baffling to me to even see what the main talking points are because they have neither metric or fact backing them. It's just vague nonsense that gets passed off as intellectualism when they say vague plans won't fix anything or can't because there's literally no substance to it.
It's just weird.
Tunnel snakes rule!
It's an peace offering with laurels and all.
btw sorry, whoever wrote this infernal mobile extension never added the option to spoiler images
it was me, i wrote it
dont be like that
i thought you were mad at me
maybe next time
i doubt hillary will get a second term
Ax was so lit
now I kinda wanna go back ffff
Waiting for my food delivery
Maybe the smart people just scurried away and don't want to be involved.
i want the red jacket fujiko sooo much!
Why is lewd? Yours is lewder!
How am I? Extremely attractive?
you have an expressive face
I want my F4F 1/4th Varia so much
but it's going to be delivered Q3 2017
rip my life
You haven't seen my face much.
Full of country goodness and green peaness.
i'm mad at you for being shitty and you're being shitty cause of irl problems, and i cannot reasonably be mad at you for having life problems. i can still be moderately irked that you're being shitty though, and oh boy am i moderately irked.
ive seen it enough
okie dokie
Never lewd
Want to see it more?
I hardly remember it from when I was younger. It's a lot better now that I get the humor more.
oh there's a new thread
where is bd
how long to hand craft your statue?
Totally haram.
im not opposed. want to see my depression beard?
they are adding in new lights so it is taking some time to achieve perfection
I dunno what that means.
reminder that i'm like an orphan rape victim
if you handle depression worse than me something monumentally horrible better have happened to you or i'm allowed to be mad at you for being a bitch
thats not how it works
It might have fared better if it had been released a decade ago. I always liked it, but I am glad that it did not do better because then it would have kept running forever and lost its charm.
Same number?
Oh, didn't know what that meant.
Not haram?
I feel bad for falling to idealism but I really want a valid third party for the sheer sake of removing financial influence from politics, which is nigh impossible.
Eh, most of what you'd label "smart" just sips the Koolaid of Clinton without ever making concession that there's a metric fuckton of baggage with that choice despite ultimately being better than the alternative.
wat it made out of?
You don't handle it at all though.
2 seasons is a respectable run time.
Anime could learn form that.
lets just make it a pissing contest about who had a worse childhood
was hoping bernie or romney would do something
company name
they have a dark souls line and are working on a fma line too
polystone mainly
24" tall
Smart, as in, looked into the politicians backgrounds and their actual plan and don't rely on last-minute boasting of either party.
I dunno what it means!
Back in like 20-30 minutes though!
Lost it.
Holy shit.
how so
really though again i have ended the conversation and she is instigating conflict
See yous in 20-30 maybe!
Plus that one Simpsons crossover episode.
uh... almost as big as my monitor?
You tend to escalate your problems without seeking positive resolutions.
I don't think I saw that one.
I always knew the fandom was big, but that's pretty much.
fight me you stupid shit
look at me instigating
actually my prior posts were nothing to do with you.
what do you mean?
i take my medication and try to get on with doing stuff with a fairly regular smile
that's handling depression pretty damn well
Bernie is/was a true independent despite being in the Democratic primary but he kind of made the agreement that him running in the primary, no matter how stacked against him it was, meant he couldn't pull out to run as an independent.
If there's a write-in option here, I'll just choose him for the sake of it. My state has no chance of not being Republican anyways.
Oh, then yeah. Most of that group is the aforementioned "rational" people of choosing lesser evils.
They loathe both but choose Clinton because it won't make anything worse.
These eats
poor bernie was robbed
i loved him the most
Along with all the other stuff.............................(ad nauseam)
mandy how could you pick the joker for halloween what the fuck
what do you suggest dr peen
Eh, Clinton's fine if you don't want to see the world burning. Can't you vote for another than those two?
rip bernie
This number should help you.
(855) 770-8956
I want you to call it.
meh maybe we dont need free college just yet
I've always felt close with the Joker though....
what do we need?
a bank?
woof woof
He was closest to my own political ideals: authoritarian with government directly controlling and regulating the tenets of the civilized world and letting markets for non-vital be left as competitive, and socially ambivalent in that discrimination is actively discourage but at the same time, no real push for minority groups to unequally benefit from mentalities of just "give them shit to shut them up".
Those two are the only ones that can win.
There's "third parties" but their candidates are as big of jokes.
You can write-in in some states for whoever you feel best but it's far too small of a number to even be seen as a "protest vote".
maybe next time
he looks a lot older than he is
That is all you have to say is shameful?
Edge as fuvk
your hair is getting long
its nice
Okay, enough.
He does annoy me with the type of preachy "poor minorities/disenfranchised" rhetoric. I know it's vote pandering like any politician but it still annoys me.
I've always preferred longer hair...
Poor sods.
I have had a decent day and am in a rather good mood.
i mean gary johnson is dumber than sarah palin
it netted him similar enthusiasm as trump supports have so it was worth it
looks good on you
The lack of beard makes me sad though. It is growing back...
Time to hand over your man card.
you look good without it
To be blunt, it's pretty much the same in all countries.
It's more an illusion of choice than actual choice in politics.
Eh, I'm the type to admit there's issues but at the same time, I don't abscond every group from blame simply because it earns me their vote.
There's clear issues with race, sexuality, and sex in this country but just saying they exist is seen as apologetic and not saying they're all Jesus and dindu nuffin is considered racist/homophobic/sexist.
I'll hand over my cock for you to suck first.
Show me the goods.
I like to know what I'm working with.
Like you haven't seen it already.
Did you have a nom?
I have not.
So we should remedy that.
Even here?
I don't buy that.
Jumped in the shower cause my feet were cold so I got comfy mode
Honest to god.
I don't think I've even seen your face.
unfortunately it has gotten that polarized. on the other side of the coin someone like trump who has said racist shit can get away with it
I should jump in soon too, actually :3
nah it's true
im going shoe shopping tomorrow
Don't actually jump or anything though. Just step.
The problem with politics now is the polarising of each ideaologies opponents as "enemies".
That shit is unhealthy
at least im here for u
the problem with this thread now is that scoots is here
that shit is nasty
jk scoots ily
its hard because trump is a cancer on democracy
I'm not really sure about the inner workings of the Netherlands' politics but from all of the Anglosphere and whatever ones I even bothered to talk to people about, it seems to be par for the course everywhere.
You vote, but the choices you are given to choose from are forced upon you.
Oh, I agree. There's clear racial issues that need to be addressed but it's a complex topic that takes years of socioeconomic factors to truly fix. As it stands, there's nothing directly against minorities in terms of ability to go for higher education and job prospects, it's just that their situations make even being able to pursue that unrealistic. Such as inner urban schools utterly sucking and being mostly minorities isn't something that gets fixed overnight. It's more about fixing the base without the answer just being "throw money at minorities".
G-grim...... i 😭
Don't you ninja-run and dash everywhere?
How boring.
Oh? What kinda shoes?
You just don't turn me on 😐
when is new president gonna be elect?
I'd say the Netherlands is a lot more democratic since we have parties like the Party for Animals and the "The Pirate Party'' running and sometimes getting elected.
or political breakthroughs like Fortuyn and Wilders.
that shit's not shaped by some elite.
It helps if there are more than 2 real parties to choose from.
We have like 9 parties I acknowledge and then a bunch more 1-issue parties.
I have a new number.
We'll know on wednesday 😐
2 days from now
Life is suffering
Nyuu, I'm lazy :c
minorities have a lot of options in terms of scholarships. its just a fact that lower income equals higher crime, etc.
im optimistic if the right stays on the same path they will never win
these kind
RIP WW3 on wednesday.
the assassinations are revving up!
Can I come live with u
Comfy, energy-preserving Wish.
I don't wanna move but I want to shower.
I don't like those....
Hopefully Hillary is elected
Gets assassinated
As trump dies from hearts attack
iunno if i want tim kaine he gives me weird vibes
might be a baby rapist
why not
When is bed?
nah it was just some fuckass fighting people really close to trump
yo do you do anything around your town?
I kinda wanna vaycay to canada
I have the option of seeing you or seeing the majority of the rest of the Canadian posters
how are you at pvp on rust
finna get on
In an hour, probably. Shower now, probably. See ya in ~30!
Im at work atm
I mainly play rust to play with others.
Even if I cause havoc by accident XD
Look weird as fuck.
I agree. I even stated earlier I wished it wasn't two party because that makes it far more "us vs them" mentality that just starts to further overlook anything to the contrary of the message being fed to them.
That's kind of what I meant about disproportionate responses to minorities and the reason the majority/in power groups have regressed: because they feel they're getting less in the name of progessivism when reality is far more nuanced than that. I'm just against direct aid of that sort. Give money to urban schools to improve their education, making their base more stable for when they do get to higher education. Don't just doll out scholarships to kids that would be utterly unprepared for it.
i have rust
never got into it
Wow, you'll be in the shower just as long as you'll be talking to me! Unfair.
daaww ok
get through that shit
the fun multiplies exponentially when you get with a group of friends
Shouldnplay with me grim guero and oobles and the gang
Its fun as a group imo
and if you get into it squash will probably get it too~
i think they look cool
you wouldnt like a ubi then
i would imagine those kinds of games are
i appreciate the offer
Thatd be hilarious
stage akuu
you should go see the majority
instead of me, honestly.
there's nothing over here, excluding natural beauty.
i go to the movie theater tonight, but that's pretty much it.
i mean sure, there's a bowling alley and generic swimming pool, and bars and bistros... but it's pretty much mostly accommodations up here ... and trails.
nothing really... exciting :\
i'm sure you will find, east canada wayy more interactive and exciting with the amount of people you'll be able to hang out with over there.
Hard pass.
I can imagine him panicking in that 4x bear server
or he'd be a lunatic and just 1v1 them with a rock
yeah, we'd love to have ya
I have nothing against it as it's the same for everyone regardless of literally every factor that makes them.
You can't have a bias when it's the same for everyone.
I'm incredibly in favor of expanded social programs at the cost of higher taxes.
I'm against affirmative action that is just throwing money at one group without addressing what's fundamentally wrong and leading to it to begin with.
I guess they have anime north and shit
I wanna meet you someday tho
ah cuz i love the idea of a ubi or free college as tech ruins lesser jobs
i always imagined erin as the type to maybe have a little bit of hair down there
ive no idea why
i've never had the joy of going to fancy events like conventions unfortunately...
eh... i think that convention is over in the east anyways...
yeah, no rush, i'll still be right here in thread at the very least.
ew no
I'm for FDR mentality of programs: give people a means to exist but it comes with the cost of doing inconsequential shit for the government simply as "payment" for it. Where it just requires something from recipients so they're not just allowed to do nothing, be it community service hours, volunteering, or Civilian Conservation Corps where it's utterly trivial public works you're helping with. Hell, even making a group dedicated to cleaning up cities (literally).
nothing too out of the ordinary about having a little bit of hair above the goods
would be neat to see her hairy ass
i shave everywhere
post your butthole already
ayy fam, nothing wrong with either approach
omg ur instigating
do it
shave your head
I don't want to see Erin's asshole.
squash pls
me either
oh god more thread drama
I can only take pride that my nudes remain private.
stop this madness guys
post duckling in pooper
oh wow now she is instigating
jeez us
No I wouldn't.
I have SOME pride. Unlike you people.
what did he do
btw moogs i did my stocks just fine
im looking at 3000% tomorrow
dog inside your ass
duck inside your ass
if you're drawing a line somewhere between them i really can't see why
but if it stops animals having to go in your ass by all means draw away
You said you'd go to be in an hour, but shower for 30 minutes!
r u rich?
Yet here I am. Not posting photos of this shit.
The point is I keep my sexual deviancy behind closed doors and not in the public eye.
Also where the fuck do you get the duck in my ass from?
I am hurt
It turned out to be 20 minutes!
save up for anime north
ill let you room with me
all you gotta pay is transport and con ticket
so tl;dr ducks ARE fair ass game
fs 😒
what happened?
So it's 33% instead of 50%!
....i dunno.
You only can say you learn something if it is not arbitrarily forgotten at your convenience as you have a habit of doing.
Oh fucking jesus christ.
I just wanna go to AN and buy all the illya loli merch and brag about it to Wish tbh
its ok irl is seperate from threads
we'll have fun
I wont drink either so Ill take good care of you ^^
I have 2 years worth con experience, I know my way around them
isnt she going to the next one?
How would you brag about it to me if I buy them too?
i have 2 years worth of shoop experience, i know my way around the pixels
yeah... i'm not much fun, because i don't do the whole drinking thingy... i just go to look at stuff.
Yush, but otherwise stinky or sleepy ikt. Did you do anything meanwhile?
all i can think of when i see that is
we can have fun without drinking
i want cute pretty anime statues!
yeah that was recommended in my youtube and i dont know how
Slow slow anime stuff.
Boring zzz
If I have space for them I might get some too
Youare making me sad
The Bee Movie is honestly hilarious on a cultural level.
I'll make you happy again. :3
fuckin pedophile
i wonder what else ill find there
ive never seen it
new friends
meet anime people
I just ran out of things to watch.
Coming from you.
Find more things!
Seems like the kind of movie you'd like for the low brow social jokes.
Who what?
what is wrong
im rather classy
I scream when I cream.
whos the nigga
unless you're talking about your image
maybe one day...
I always have trouble picking a nice one to watch!
Yeah like that.
Rewatch Illya
how does next year sound? or the one after that if you wanna save up to buy tons of figs
I kinda dislike rewatches ._.
*Smiles kindly?*
Why so gloomy, Scoots?
And should I bother ironing my white shirt for work tomorrow? I cba.
away with you and your shit taste
who knows what the future holds...
but i hope to some day go.
you just need a gag
promise me you're gonna start setting aside money for it?
Go away bully.
Oh, that didn't happen to me.
It was just a general thing, so I guess I was talking about the image.
PlaMemo. now.
Is my taste shit?
How do you present better without sleep?
Save for what?
meant the webm
What subs?
we'll have to wait and see.
when i have excess money sure.
I get more cranky in my message.
people like that cranky ol weirdo cause it's relatable.
but I might also just not want monday to come.
I'm going to invade that ass.
ill just use my seed of the giant
I feel like it's all that last part.
why'd you have to read me like a book.
I avoid the enemies and fight you on an open field.
stabs you
Forgot mfw
00:00 tho, so
おやすみ :3
See you tomorrows.
scoots post cock
fine, I'll go brush
It was a hologram.
Internalized oppression
post that fat cock scoots
The only apartments in town seem to be 2 bedrooms and 500 a month.
I can do that, but why would I need a second room?
Good boy.
Do it
sex room
Who wants to room with 'ole Kyle.
can i do it
Yeah, I'd rather not have my house smelling like Daddy's disappointment and shitty music.
If "it" is fucking off then yes.
By all means.
Oh, I don't know how to do that, can you teach me?
oh yeah, i totally forgot
the doctor sent my pee off to the lab to see what they could grow in it, nothing grew
so now there is a bit of a panic my kidney infection is actually cancer or something
Huehue who else?
Yeah, show us the dad dick
on the list of all the things it could be, infection was like the least serious, so now we've ruled that out, things are not looking too good for me
Beats me.
what is your taste besides shitty idols?
scoot != spicy dentist
literally when i cyber
swanky haircut central
I watch literally anything
then your taste is literally any anime
the whole of anime in general is shit
shit taste
So then it's impossible to have good taste if you watch anime?
if you watch any and all anime then its shit
but if you zone that down
you have a chance of exceptional taste
there are diamonds in this poo slurry
There really aren't.
Source: me, since I've seen literally everything
what the fuck
a horse fell on this woman's head and now she only talks in numbers
things just can't stay normal for five seconds on this planet
in the end taste is ultimately subjective
however there's a clear difference between something like FMA Brotherhood and something like Gakuen Alice.
the brain is an immensely complex thing
Yeah, one is great and the other is a furry's wet dream.
i think the problem here is that it's an incredibly simple thing, and smashing the entire part that handles words is possible to do in one move
almost triggered me.
so close.
I'm not so sure about that
My dick is complex
Ehh? But I didn't do anything :3
Stare into the dick, and the dick stares into you.
split brain is a thing that usually only happens as a result of surgery to manage epilepsy, where the connection between the two half of the brain are severed
and something that is notable about that, is people stop being able to name objects they see on their left hand side
the speech centre is on the left hand side of the brain, and the right hand side of the brain controls the left hand side of the body, so without both sides joined, anything seen by the left eye gets passed to the right hand side of the brain, which doesn't have the facilities to name it, so you simply cannot think of the word until you see it with your right eye
I'm mortally scared of brain damage.
Don't want anything fucking with my brain, I value my sense of self. ;w;
Darwin, get me the DVD set of this show so I have decent crop material.
Gakuan alice was the second anime I ever saw, I was like...10
and it was in India, too. There was some weird indian version of toonami airing that stuff
and thats all I had to watch
and I gobbled it up
then when I rediscovered it, I was shocked, it had such a flat cadre of characters, the story was flat
while fma never stops making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, every time
dvd's are only 480p
same as low quality streams of it?
very occasionally split brain also leads to weird conflicts between each half
like for example when one guy violently grabbed his wife with his left hand, the right hand rushed in to save her
it happens, when you're in the age target range.
When one split-brain patient dressed himself, he sometimes pulled his pants up with one hand (that side of his brain wanted to get dressed) and down with the other (this side didn't).
You're 8-18? Wow TIL
i wonder what the specific mechanism of that was
i mean was each hemisphere of the brain like intentionally fucking with the other or was the side that didn't want to get dressed very angry that the pants kept sliding up for no reason
and how does leave a consciousness made up of both hemispheres feeling
Like, if you're dead lucky, you can have like... a mental super power like becoming a genius piano player.
But most likely, losing a quarter of your IQ or slipping in a coma is more likely; consciousness and intelligence is probably the thing I value the most. Can't really buy it or lose it unless some bullshit happens.
Quite the decision
Call off and go out and spend about 100 dollars
Go to work and make over 100 dollars
Conflict pantaloons
Don't work, fuck them, it is Sunday.
sometimes i think about lobotomising people who pass out drunk at parties
Spend 100 dollars on wat
spend 100 dollars on me
Buy tendies
all it takes is a bottle of vodka and 15 minutes of work with a screwdriver and you'll never feel true love or hate ever again
happiness will forever elude you as you struggle to figure out who you were before i dragged a sharp object through your personality six times
the shallow horizontal cut, the deep horizontal cut, and the deep vertical cut, through both orbits
bet you never fall asleep in public again lol
Soto's the one with all the dosh, not me..
Whats the file size limit?
You can have 100$ worth of post-it notes or something equally useless :3
Like 8-9Mb idk exactly
looks cool
Well the file I just uploaded was 10 something.
16 MB
Oh wtf
When did they change that?!
okay srsly who makes these reports
My penis.
Maximum file size: 12,582,912 bytes
Your file's size: 12,786,692 bytes
So I guess Luka is wrong~
when they were tinkering with the server a few months ago?
to make it run betteR?
What the heck?!
Its pretty fun
That seems like a its a lot.
Which is?
Well it workeD
Wow ungrateful much?
100$ is 100$
Report date:11/07/16 (Mon) 00:12:59
i did ask hw to add IDs to reports, he never got back to me
it is.
the circumcision scar and the dry helmet are so fucking offputting
Take it behind the barn. You know what to do.
Report date:11/07/16 (Mon) 00:16:45
$100 in post-it's is like, 6 sq feet
he has a big dick its great
The fuck? You can't say that and NOT let me see.
But I get an extra dollar an hr for wortking weekends
Well depends
If I got to a bar and play some billards then order a couple of beers/pitchers
Probably go to Buffalo Wild Wings afterwards and get some wings or fries
It usually totals up to over 100 very easily
Our currency isnt as good as yours okay, fucking knob
I'll buy you a hundred dollar timmies gift card
that one is kinda lame you can do better
I don't have that pic on my phone anymore.
gakuen alice was meant for (pre)teens?