Lewd Thread

Post lewds ITT. Bonus points for mascot characters.

Also, can someone explain what the fuck is going on in this picture to me? It confuses the hell out of me.

Other urls found in this thread:



To be fair not everyone is tech literate enough to appreciate the leaks. You'll see way more fervor when it gets summarized by different people in different forums

Alunya is simply securing sperm to be equally distributed to other comrades, nothing out of the ordinary here.

Its not relevant.

Protein for the people!

Alunya is riding a dick. Pic related is the closest you'd be able to pull it off irl, and it's not really worth it if you like to pound.

Alunya is raping a lucky bastard.


What's confusing about that, OP?

It's just an odd position.

Angles are still off, and not really good if you want to pound her hard.

video please


there are other parts of sexual intercourse than jackhammering your mentally damaged lover user. Not all women want to be jack hammered. Some of them like riding, a lot. Especially if you are good looking and have a pretty midsection/chest for them to stare at while they ride you. Relax

Go fuck yourself.

I get that, but I and most girls I fuck prefer pounding and positions where I have more control.

Well you seem to be completely missing the point, user. She pounds you.

Anyway, the video format is FLV and shit, just search for the amazon position.


Unfortunately this. I myself want to know the full scale and ramifications of those leaks, but I don't know much about what people are freaking out about outside of the summaries. Is there any kind of /g/ wiki that could help tech illiterates? Although I don't know much, I'd definitely want to know more

Most girls I fuck. Though I generally look for subs.

the implication I was giving is that you're bullshitting like a cow farm on a fibre diet

user, my phone has an app where grills who want to fuck message me. Anyone who bothers to keep in decent shape could pull a girl a week with no effort.

next you're going to be telling me the 2+2=6. give up, you're a bad liar.

What if I've been lifting for over a year and got no gains, and I have a fat midsection that refused to go away even when I was 6kg underweight?

My personal experience leads me to think that meritocracy in fitness is as fictional as meritocracy in capitalism.

good cumback faggot, u still a pedo faggot tho

M8 it's 2017, anyone who isn't a sperging autist can meet a girl using an app and fuck her as long as they aren't expecting only 8+/10 qts.

Then you're doing something wrong or have a disease. If you have enough for a dietitian I'd check into that.

It really is sad when a conman is rumbled and yet continues on his silly little tirade.

You caught me, I pretend to use a wildly popular hookup app to make anons on a mongolian cave painting board feel bad so they'll buy my VitaMax Male+ supplements.

har har. it's a good ol' "HUY GUYZ LOOK HOW ALPHA I AM LUL" to inflate your pathetic ego.

Who would you like to be in this picture user?

none of them, that looks fucking agonising.

What ego? It's an user board and I'm not a namefag. I'd prefer it if you thirsty faggots got laid sometime and if that means talking about the overwhelmingly mediocre sex to be found on Tinder then so be it.

Mascot characters, you say?

dont pls


moar alunya pls.

lewds: now with bush and no bush!

and thats all i have comrade

Drawcomrades, can we have lewds of best girl please?

for shame comrade

fuck leninism

Anyone got the pics of fascist cat all angry/embarrassed being a waitress in that cute outfit?

What's wrong with posting a picture of Yotsuba playing at the park?



Just kill yourself.

I can't imagine Alunya getting on her knees to blow you. She'd probably push you down and suck you from above.

Getout pedo faggots

Ugh, there's something really unnatural about the way her pussy folds inward.

Alunya's not even a loli.

Her head is fucking rectangular.

Requesting Rodina lewds.


I need this in my life.

I hear reddit has rules against that sort of thing though.

Also, I'm really not sure why you think the first one is pedo. A giantess fetish is almost the exact opposite. I certainly could never fap to that.

Because this board is just some huge cointel/pol/ front now


I gotchu, fam.

getout pedos


Kill yourself asap my dude

diapers are not pedophilia

This guy has been calling everything in this thread pedo. Don't worry about it m8.

Welp, looks like /r/socialism are here to make sure we don't post any crime-think in the lewd thread.

Lolis were banned by BO weeks ago, serves you right for taking the piss.

My point still stands.

It says stop posting RANDOM lolis. Only lolis related to Holla Forums are allowed.

Honestly the fact that the mods are far more interested in banning certain types of porn than clearing up the endless fucking Holla Forums and reddit shitposting is all the evidence needed that they're incompetent and/or COINTELPRO.

Holla Forums is a controlled opposition, rendered non-threatening through gross incompetence and divisiveness.

Lewdness is serious business.

lol. fuck you pedo.

What shitposting have you bothered to report today? Because every time one of you dumb fuckers complains about the moderation I go to look at my report queue and it's fucking empty.

Hey, just like now!

Nice idpol.


I just tested with that and the report was ignored despite being an entirely non-contributive post.

it's banned on this board too now. so, yeah. we reddit now, huh?

i somewhat agree. i don't care about banning porn on a political board and so on, but there is a lack of administrative action against the liberal subversion and constant Holla Forums spam.

Pedos actually have quite high revolutionary potential, tbh.

And what about it do you think is something you think is moderation-worthy? If it's because it's "non-contributing" alone then not only is that not against the rules, if we were to punish every poster or remove every post that "didn't contribute" then more than half of the board would be banned and deleted.

There's lots of shit on leftypol that doesn't belong but that kind of shit is completely innocuous and I can't help but think you're a little dumb for reporting it and expecting somebody to care.

The link goes to a random generator which spews out junk articles. As far as I'm concerned it's the very definition of shitposting.

If the mods genuinely think that posts like that should be permitted, then that explains why Holla Forums is in the state it's in. Anyone can post any kind of minimum-effort intellectually dishonest shitpost.

On the bright side, it's a fun game to see just how little effort can be put into a post before the mods do anything about it.

You're just as bad as any SJW or stormfag if you intend to alienate people for their attraction.

Saged because can we just have a quarantine discussion thread about this shit as it seems to spring up every now and then?

We need more leftist ABDL art for these lewd threads.

It is a NEED.

Why must you all be parodies of yourselves?


Cum on her face

Degenerates, degenerates.




Ew, fuck. Shitman

is your fetish anuddah shoah?


Hit me up with some leftcom cat



That will be cringe

Like is spiders were any different


Dont you like spiders?

I am going to give mods 10 minutes to erase this filth before I smap the board with bestiality(Mod lost the talent to make funny hot red texts)



She need to have cum shot in her face

while she does absolutely nothing but complain. perfect

Cool lefty/b/ thread completely unrelated to politics.

Wait nevermind, the political catgirl porn is cool, the rest should be deleted though.

Yeah, that's kinda what I had in mind for this thread.

Nice NAP.

They use the word 'the' on reddit, shoud we stop doing that too?

really well-drawn, but him fucking her toenail sent my boner spiralling into the ground.

haha good one

Don't misquote me you unfunny piece of trash.

Moar pls.

Based Nacho