fuck, marry or kill?
Fuck, marry or kill?
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Kill kill kill
Bolyduex :DDDD
fuck jason
marry varg
kill stefan
Fuck Varg, marry Jason but insist that we live in separate houses and kill Stefan.
I think all of their extreme autism would be unbearable but Stefan has that extra layer of smug that makes him bullet worthy. Plus I would call myself the government right before shooting.
only Varg is fuckable, but then I'll have to marry one of the other insufferable cunts
Fuck varg
Marry Unruhe
Kill Molymeme
most reasonable reply
I am very happy everyone are ready to kill Stefan
meant for
Can I replace unroo with Finnish Bolshevik ?
Fuck Unruhe, kill Varg, and marry Molyneux. He doesn't believe in the family and would lrobably voluntarily disassociate real fucking fast!
Who in their right mind would fuck Unrue over Varg?
Fuck varg, kill the fat one, marry molynjew, divorce him and take all of his money
Fuck: Stefbot
Marry: Varg
Kill kill kill him with fire: Roo
Fuck Varg
Kill Unruhe
Marry NotAnArgument because
So you're saying you'd leave him with just…
Crossdress as a metalchick and fuck Varg.
Kill Molyman for going full fashelicopter.
Marry Unruhe because last pick.
Now let's try the same game with different right-wingers.
Fuck: Alex. He'll pound the shot out of me with his super male vitality
Marry: Carl of Akkad. Can you say loveless marriage? At least he'd keep me safe from facts and rapefuges.
Kill: pjw. His voice. Not even once.
definitely underappreciated
Marry Jones for endless entertainment. "Honey, did you know that reptilian pedophiles are subverting…" I'd get to come home that shit every night.
Kill Carl the Cuck because the response from the rest of the Sargonites would be legendary.
Fuck PJW because I'm 70% sure I'd get to be his first, and I'd get to prompt endless debate on this board over the ethics of fucking a mental child.
Fuck Varg, kill Unrhue, Marry the Mother Issues Man so I can forever curse his life under the thumb of maternity
me btw
Kill me.
PJW. On the condition that it will be a long-distance relationship.
Unruhe isn't even a real Maoist.
Paul (I hate that fucker so much)
whoever the first guy is
Fuck Varg, Marry Unruhe, Kill One Dollar Man.
Kill Sargon, fuck PJW and marry Alex
I'd kill Sargon because he is taken seriously and therefore does the most damage out of those three. A marriage to Alex would get me free water filters.