What's the deal with this group?

What's the deal with this group?

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Hardcore larping

self explanatory


what do you mean?

Go on their website and find out


CPC-ML is better

the idea of leninist vanguardism in canada is preposterous


They destroyed the USSR.

In hockey.

a bit of idpol creeping in that early huh?

are they still calm and normal like that?

Didn't notice any idpol

I mean they're pretty calm since a lot of the members of the CPC-ML are older socialists

do they run anything useful and worthwhile? i lean more towards unions, as they do stuff constantly for the worker

They show up with a lot of labour rallies/protests

but does them showing up help?


Keep in mind they're a very small party

seems like a waste of time

They really also pigguback off student stiff and give people moderately expensive coffee for showing up. I'm personally kinda doubtful about their praxis as I haven't heard of them ever doing much except complaining about how people doing things aren't doing them radically enough, meaning that they're basically /ourguys/. Mostly seem pretty quiet in comparison to the CCP or the NDP entryist groups.

Id say the real waste of time is being a socialist whose not in a party but then again I'm not in a party so I can't really talk


So how do we get the CPC-ML to grow then if they're so good ?

Not an argument

I really REALLY don't want ML-ism ever again

French separatists. Support for natives holding special rights and separatism in relation to general pop. etc.

1: the idea of leninist vanguardism is preposterous
2: the idea of leninist vanguardism in canada is preposterous

Did you find this on reddit?

The ML party is literally 100% socdem. Look at their platform. Even if they talk the talk, they don't walk the walk and are garden-variety revisionists.

If you want an actual left group with serious political aims, you're gonna have to either join the main Communist org which wants to nationalize key sectors and is basically demsoc or suck it up and sell newspapers.

Restriction of freedom of movement, disfranchisement, repression of language, closing of schools, and other forms of persecution affect the workers no less, if not more, than the bourgeoisie. Such a state of affairs can only serve to retard the free development of the intellectual forces of the proletariat of subject nations. One cannot speak seriously of a full development of the intellectual faculties of the Tatar or Jewish worker if he is not allowed to use his native language at meetings and lectures, and if his schools are closed down.

-Stalin, 1913

Essentially, national questions aren't inherently idpol because there are serious questions of rights bound up with them. In Quebec until recently, for example, the bourgeoisie was all English and the workers all French. Class oppression took on a national character. To some extent, this will linger. Dealing firmly and fairly with the national question of Quebec has to be part of a Canadian socialist program, although the preferred option would be a defence of continued autonomy for Francophones within the federation due to their relatively vulnerable status.

As for the First Nations, this is where solidarity is even more vital. 9 times out of ten they're on the front lines of conflicts against reckless bourgeois rapacity in the natural resource sector and are disproportionately victims of poverty, police victimization, and ground-level imperialism. Studies will show that Canada's First Nations flourish and culturally develop best when they are allowed to do so on their own terms and with full recognition of their historic rights. All attempts at integration have been massive failures which have led to needless mass suffering. For the aboriginal peoples of Canada, the idea of nation-to-nation negotiation and a specific, special place within the federation isn't about idpol - its about practical struggles for the same basic economic and social rights that we'd like to see in our own communities. The only difference is that unlike anarkiddies they face down cops to oppose bourg encroachments and win.

I think after the fall of the soviet union - Marxists were freed from ML.

We are freed from Maoism too b/c china is no longer communist.

What a time to be alive

I hope so…

Why even do Leninism in a post-industrial society? There are no peasants or aristocrats there.

it never was

I have no idea, but the most rabid leftists today are all about Lenin and Mao, it appears

From what i read maoism used to be a very popular tendency in american left wing, but china becoming butt buddies with america and deng reforms and pol pot fucking Cambodias shit up fam, and typical leftist in fighting made it slowly die