By Ed Hightower and Jerry White
7 March 2017
By Ed Hightower and Jerry White
7 March 2017
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The article overstates it a bit, but UAW really is shit.
I don't get why wooswoos has suddenly become so anti-Union since Trump was elected. Ya we know that unions are not amazing anti-capitalist vehicles under capitalism but it also does allow for workers struggle to express itself. Like in any state as anti-labor as Mississippi–believe me even the UAW is an improvement.
Opposition to trade unions in their current state has been a platform of SEP/wooswoos for ages.
I understand that they see modern day trade unions as rigid, undemocratic organisations with practically unaccountable bureaucracies that are more interested in class collaboration with capital in order to line their own pockets and ensure their positions than they are in engaging in legitimate class struggle. My takeaway is that they encourage union rank-and-file to form their own councils within the union and act independently of the entrenched leadership or to break away and form their own organisations (trots love a good split after all).
I personally find it hard to disagree with their assessment of the majority of extant trade unions these days but don't really like how dogmatic they are about (and everything).
wewswews being wewswews
it's because it's run by a party run by a porky. wwp, psl and especially sep are all cops. sep members ruined /r/socialism. basically anything that calls itself trotskyist is going to be a magnet for sectarian infighting, splitting, etc. because the alphabet soup has historically feared trotsky and mao the most because they weren't completely repulsive to the american republic (in their rose-eye view of things) because they weren't enemies of the west so they trained their cointelpro activities on trotskyist and maoist areas. hell, it's why we have neocons. i'm not kidding. the first neocons were "trots". there's real trots out there but they call themselves libertarian leninists as of late and it's probably always been that way, anyone calling themselves a trot is 90% chance a fucking tool.
like op
they don't encourage any solution, they only discourage. the guy who made "night in the woods" said something really smart, that you should be able to work with homophobes on health care just like you should be able to work with fascists on, shit i don't know, more funding for veterans. it should be about the goal you're striving towards, not the ideas. after you win you can go home and maybe next time end up nose to nose with someone you rubbed shoulders with previously.
sectarians don't get that one bit. they're not focused on action, they're focused on purity. divide and conquer, yadda yadda, Holla Forums paranoia
also one last thought: wsws' criticisms of sanders are often hilariously liberal
Didn't know that. I always just assumed they were generally pro-labor because of their fawning coverage over anything American workers do.
My impression from reading them is that if there was a riot in a pizza shop and wooswoos covered it it would read
Why so much focus on those movements and leaders that are least opposed to the American bourgeoisie? Like, Mao tried to establish diplomatic and trade relations with every US president up to Eisenhower, even said he wanted free trade with the US. Trotsky wanted to testify before HUAC but the judges didnt want to listen to him drone on about permanent revolution.
I hate how dogmatic and sectarian they are, but I seriously voted for them anyway because they keep being right.
Haven't they always been that way? It's a worthwhile criticism by any stretch; it highlights 1) the servile nature the unions have played historically in appeasing the demands of Capital and 2) the threat that they may continue this abject legacy in future struggles. Whether this criticism is actually valid will probably prove itself in the years to come.
They're a bit frayed in their conscious self-aggrandisement, but the quality of some of their articles makes it a worthwhile 'news' site.
The cognitive dissonance this board displays for Bernard Sanders is absolutely disgusting.
Speaking os socialist "news" papers/websites does anyone read PLP's The Challenge
I was impressed with this article but I'm not a long time reader so I don't know if its any good or not as a paper. a bit off-topic I know
They do wax dramatic over industrial action but I can't really fault them for that despite how hamfisted it often is.
That attitude of celebrating active class struggle, lionising the militant worker, and framing strikes etc. as explicitly antagonistic action of labor against capital is something I'd like to see make a major revival on the left.
I missed ya, buddy, and your beautiful chink
like i said the idea was that they had the most potential spread with the american public, especially after the soviet union's decline. basically they made sure to turn trotskyists taking issue with the soviet union into jingoism and distracted them from class politics with foreign policy, hence neocons. with maoists they distracted them with identity policy and took advantage of their censorship-happiness. so really they took about half the trots and turned them into neocons, took about half the maoists and turned them into proto-sjws, took the halves that remained, threw them in with the stalinists and hoxhaists as "un-cooptable" and just destroyed it from the inside with d&c sectarianism (which they were arguably doing on an international scale as well as shown by hoxhaism even being a thing).
also trust me- anybody who says things like "solidarity with north korea" or "syria is socialist" is either a cop or such a newfag they deserve to be treated like one, it's not a stance anyone takes seriously
What's does this mean? I enjoyed your take on this btw
also the fact that the alphabet soup took the third strategy with the remainder of maoists as well as the remainder of trotskyists as well as the remainder of stalinists and hoxhaists means they've kind of become one "anti-imperialist" blob at this point.
not to say that ALL LENINISTS ARE COP NO LENINISTS ARE NOT COP but they tend to just call themselves leninists if they're not cop and plenty of the ones that do are cop. though the non-cop leninists are universally stupid and almost always new with the occasional old fart like Red on twitter mixed in
Yes they do. The solution he mentioned in his post is exactly the solution they promote. I've been reading wsws since before you were born.
They're anti yellow union. They talk positively of unions that actually serve the workers, but the large unions in the west sell their workers out all the fucking time.
Color my face surprised.
fuck you for making me agree with you, lares