
So let's say a socialist economy takes place in a country like the United States in the future. How does the potential problem of certain sectors like water treatment/water safety be addressed. Let's say there aren't any people interested within society to work at water treatment plants. How do you get people to work in those sectors? Will government have to force people to join those institutions?

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Yeah, fuck drinking water.


I forgot of the capitalist dream to work in a water treatment plant. Man how will the left ever recover

would government trying to alleviate scarcity in certain job sectors by adding incentives be against the principles of socialism?

Because i'm trying to imagine a socialist american society. obviously presidents and political representatives would still be elected. but i'm trying to understand how the economic part about it would work

I would imagine the material necessity of not having filthy drinking water would motivate people to try and clean it. Just like other necessary labor, it would probably be volunteered for, assigned via whatever communal organization exists in that location, or operated on a rotating basis.

Socialism and communism doesn't mean everyone being paid the same salary dumbass


Technically, you aren't paid at all within Communist economic relations.


Communal administration sees a need for water treatment workers and then finds people that are willing to do it. It sounds interesting so I atleast and enough others would have no issue with doing that for a while. If there are no people willing to do something then obviously there is no direct need for it in the community.

Depending on your idea of socialism rewarding people that work harder and spend more time with education and organisational work is possible. Outside of the respect in the community and the abillity to shape what is done in your field of expertise giving preffered access to larger flats or whatever is possible. But most people are motivated by what they enjoy doing and very few people work their asses of for having more food when they are allready fed, or for having more of anything when status objects no longer exist. Without the fear of starving and without fear of the future a lot of the excesses of capitalism simply disappear. Power becomes so rooted in democracy that it becomes a social endavour and not a economically one. Again reducing the incentive for accumulation.

I was thinking along similar lines. Say, by providing other social benefits or preference in enjoying scarce luxuries.

For example, let's say you have a city with several swimming pools. It's enough to service the entire population, but not all at once. So access is apportioned out via your address and the summer month an individual is allowed to use the pool (excluding in door pools for simplicity's sake). A worker that volunteers for some especially onerous job such as sewer cleaning or waste management or whatever is granted special permission for himself and his family to access pool facilities at any time during their normal operation.

I don't imagine simple pool access would be enough of an incentive for some jobs, but that is the sort of line I'm thinking along.

But socialism is supposed to imply gradual reduction and eventual elimination in the use of money, isn't it?

Yes, but in an actual communist society (i. e. not some in name only ML bullshitland) most people probably would not work at all and those that did would work so little that payment would probably not even be needed

If you ran a labor voucher system, you include the time spent to get people to work there for a higher average "pay"

If there aren't any people interested in working at water plants, then people die. Don't join a commune with a bunch of nihilists, fam, pretty simple.

get some technical-minded autists who can easily be persuaded to run complicated tasks like drinking-water treatment and purification.

Shit I'd fucking do it for the reputation alone
"Sup bitches. See that clean water there? That's thanks to me"

This covers it.

When their water goes to shit you can bet that there will suddenly be high incentive to fix the water treatment plant regardless of pay, be it through repairing it themselves or bitching until some qualified people from another city come to help solve the problem.

Granted, it seems unlikely that water would need to go shit in the first place. Virtually everyone understands the importance of drinking water, and so it would be reasonable to expect some people to work in water treatment even before such a crisis arises.

i'm not even facetious here. get some fucking nerds and autists who value doing things ALWAYS RIGHT (and who are fine having their work product (in this case, drinking water) audited for proper performance/quality) and will do so for the sheer internal pleasure, and let them work in an environment where there aren't fucking normies who make them go to useless meetings.

from each autist according to their special interests, to each autist according to their special needs

if anything the crisis will be the number of people who were employed in "bullshit" jobs or guard labour and who've been indoctrinated into thinking that jobs = worth.

the crisis will be those people, not critical and boring infrastructure not being kept up. if anything there'll be too many people *wanting* to work at the water treatment plant, not too few.

I like this. People genuinely happy about the work they do and that shit abut meetings. Thanks comr8, you give me hope :3

Well yeah, I get that, but that doesn't really address the practical reality of transitioning from a capitalist wage system to communist post-labor.

This should be the subtitle for the leftypol manifesto

a drastic decrease in working hours will come, but I think we're still talking about 15-20 hour weeks

this user gets it, idiot savants are the future

robots will do it, you fucking dunce

awesome. thanks for this answer


that's one of the points of this thread

fuckmuir is really cute

I wish he'll become a cool thinker and have his own wikipedia page

i want him to nakadashi me ;3

who is this semen demon

Well yeah, but so far no one is really offering anything concrete.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

wasn't being sarcastic kek.