nobody actually believes trump is going to win right
Nobody actually believes trump is going to win right
Other urls found in this thread:
Hillary won't get out of her own way so he has a real chance.
Pretty shit reason to not go the extra mile and create something out of nothing through the power of hacks. I mean, it's like he didn't want to break the entire universe any more than he already did.
looloo would sooner get buffs
You're misinformed about america.
he's already won
At least Donna Brazile isn't gonna tell her the answers to questions anymore.
Poor socialist grandpa
bye bye
bye cutie
see ya
Don't come back.
Just did.
Bed now.
See ya.
both of them are horrible choices tbh
I just got out of a yaoi theme'd who's line is it anyways panel and it was pretty fun
Someone tried to shoot trump.
sic semper tyrannis
If you ever saw who's line is it anyways, I got to play questions only with three of the hosts from the panel and two other audience members
An additional audience member suggested I ask if I can eat the booty
I was up in front of an audience playing a questions only game in which the entire conversation consisted of Eaton booty
Hey, retard.
Why not mark threads as new?
Oh fuck, I gotta see that one.
Great show.
Yea now I'm finishing up a panel about how your favorite anime sucks
Because pastries toothbrush tim nana cappucino
The thing at the rally seems like a publicity stunt to try and make himself seem like it's "rigged" against him.
now that it's off my mind babe
I'm just going to enjoy my day
explain the first time it happened
be careful not to eat too much or you might get indigestion
that happened to me today u.u
how are you?
I'm thinking about the father son galick gun that just happened and Vegito.
Crazy British dude?
Father son galick Gun?
Is that in Super? I havent seen this weeeks episode
also who the heck is Jiney?
This weeks episode was amazing.
Go watch it.
Man its getting colder out at night
I like his outfit better than that UGLY girls
And not tonight !
maybe tomorrow, my best friend is really into it and I wanana wait til I see him to talk about it with him
what happened? I heard there was vegito again
Yeah, what makes this any different?
He can already use the first time as an example.
This one though the guy seems like he may not have had a gun but everyone is so skittish right now they had to be sure just in case.
At least it's not hot enough to fry an egg outside anymore.
Watch it yourself and see.
I don't wanna spoil anything more for you.'re so selfish.....
more xenoverse webms :3
This is the only other one I have right now.
Why do you have the ghost kamikaze attack?
How comparable is Xenoverse to the Tenkaichi games?
Because those were some fun fucking games.
I was trained by Gotenks.
I was so little when I played that game I couldn't honestly tell you.
This is frightening
Gotenks is really cool
but that move SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fucking RIP
You should pick them up again, they were good fun.
I played xenoverse and I can kind of compare it to budokai tenkaichi 3
It has a world tournament mode
And I beleive you can split screen fight but not sure on that
It has pvp and the fighting system is almost exactly the same
xenoverse has less replay value imo
there are quest,mission,scenario things in both games
very comperable overall
The character choice has been reduced with less people to choose from in xenoverse
I never actually use it when I play.
I just thought it looked cool for showing off.
So it's a tiny bit watered down and online?
Guess I'll check it out eventually. sort of hoping it would have more replay value, but that's just not the case I guess.
Yeah basically
The biggest draw is the ability to create your own character of one of 4 races
Personally after playing through enoveese 1 i never wanted to play it again
but the first time through was amzazing
nobody has ever invited me to a stream before :3
I'm gonna turn it on and play the rest of the story then.
whis voice is so deep
i wish it was more kawaii
3 days till CTR is out of a job.
When Trump wins, liberals paid by Jews like Soros will start a civil war.
I look forward to joining the RWDS.
holy shit
I just had the greatest fortune
I ran out of bud and didnt have any for today
and yestterday I spilled my tray so I was trying to scrounge on the floor for a nug
and then I found a bag that one of my friends must have dropped with at least 1 gramma in it
I would go out tonight
but I haven't got a stitch to wear
He did it!!!!!
They have a cut scene after the credits too.
w-well I want to see that one when I get to it....
Are you getting the game?
probably not for a while but I am defiantely sure I will
I love dbz games
I'll play with you.
I would really like that alot......
but you don't have a ps4 do you?
idk what this is
My little sister has one and she said shes gonna get the game at some point.
None of you ever got to play the glory of Lotus Turbo I take it.
looks like it's older than me by ten years at least lol
itis not like I can not unconceive the benefits but notwithstanding idk really
This is fantastic
Sorry I have never heard of that either ??
I'd have to play the story for a 3rd time but thats okay.
You both suck.
I had no control of my year of birth you know
I will tell tumblr on you
how long is it/ longer than 1?
i am actually kind of okayyy at fighting games so it might go quicker :w
patriarchy striking again! they will have your head for this act of sexism
Which head?
You're such an old doggo.
probably one then the other, they like to torture men so probably in the worst order
I can't remember but you can transfer over your person from the first one and get his moves and outfit.
That was who I was fighting at the end.
This is one of my favorite songs on N64.
I am only 22.
I can live with being a bottom.
Are you fossilising?
haloooo there goggas
That would be awesome as heck
I actually still have xenoverse 1 but its on my ps3
but I transferred my ps3 account to my ps4?
maybe if its account bound it will work ? :3
Goood morning there goggles
Hope you have a nicec day :3
its kind of sadder than i remember it being ;~~;
You're dead, kid.
I think you need the saved data.
this is fascinating but not surprising
Your pictures like this one are so cute.
You won't do anything to me you wuss.
Gunna get memed.
I had a pretty good run of characters
I mean its still there lol
my ps3 is just right by my ps4
kidna tempted to break back into it but I know as soon as I start it up I am just gonna put it down
That one's great
The blue yuis!
I am not sure where I got that folder to be honest
It was from a nother poster
but aah
I cant remember its been so long
Well when you get it I'll make a human and play with you.
The story is single player but we can do all the PQ missions and stuff.
how are you though squashes?
Thank you ban that sounds like a fun time
I think I might make a human too
That power pole sounds awesome
Maybe a frieza person though
do their kai bllastas still cause paralysis?
Bored as shit.
You get to pick what your heavy ki blast does now.
When they turn golden and hold it down it shoots a death beam.
How about no.
I wish I had a railgun folder of cropped comics.
it's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake
if the way is hazy
you gotta do the cooking by the book
weren't you playing ow with someone?
Like hours ago.
oh my b welp play something else if your so bored?
Thats really cool
so a human or saiyan can have a paralytic kai blast?
what about for nameks or buus ? death beam is only for frieza people right?
We're Number One
We're Number One
Now listen closely
Here's a little lesson in trickery
This is going down in history
If you wanna be a Villain Number One
You have to chase a superhero on the run
yar har fiddle dee dee
being a pirate is alright with me
do what you want cause a pirate is free
.... watch a movie? not sure what you do for fun
mfw europeans that call black europeans african american
mfw that
europe black dues are pretty cool usually i hear
Death beam is only for frieza race.
Anyone can use the other ones.
that's exciting
My original character was a frieza pele and the stun kai blast was the most useful thing in the entire world
Ihave only ever met like one ameircan of anything in really life
Most americans are assholes
i dont even care if thats rascist
As an American, I can confirm I'm an asshole.
They added a bunch of new ones and my favorite is the rush one which shoots a ton of tiny ki blasts like Vegeta.
i dont know how this makes me feel but I think its really nice.....
When you order from Sweetwater you get a personalized sales representative who sticks with you through your whole time there an if you ever have to call them to order something or you need customer service you talk to that person andmy sales representative sent me a message thanking me for my business in the past and saying to contact him at any time with questiosn or whatever
Like damn man
the customer service is just amazing
it warms my heart to be a msuician
u fkn wot m8
magnificent seven was pretty good.
of course it was, nerd
What did he mean by this?
life is life
when you try your best but you don't succeeeeeed
nah you're alright kid
Very Fast President Sweating At Incredible Hihg Sped
why must you hurt.
are you saying I shouldnot come to animus tomorrow
when you lose something you can't replace?
cause it's fun to watch you squirm
you can't see anything you liar
when you get what you want but not what you need
I might be blind but I've got super bat vision
I don't even know why I know this song to even that degree lol
me neither tbh
I find that hard to believe. bats aren't even really blind you know.
why aren't you reading my mind? damn it bard you gotta get on point with the mind reading training
yes that was the lame joke, I'm not blind
I feel betrayed.
On the internet, nobody knows if you're blind.
I'll always know.
you should, check for knives in the vicinity of your butt just up about two feet
knives in the vicinity of my butt? you're getting pretty intense with your flirting, eh?
the knives are a euphemism for cock
Can't really argue with that.
Anyway, night.
oh, well in that case I checked and there are none. very upsetting.
goodnight, pawn.
that's cause you back talked too much, obviously
but I would never do that. don't be silly.
I hear the australian music scene is pumping atm
you already did, bad cups
that just doesn't sound like something I'd do. are you sure it was me?
look at this kawaii neko
yes you are a bad boy, nothing for you
if i told my twelve year old self he'd be going on a vaguely pornographic chinese cartoon website for conversation he'd laugh in my face
the times keep'a changin'
hey there slut
YOU'RE the slut here bardo, don't get these roles confused
You're shy
I get that
it's cute~
nothing at all? that seems a bit harsh.
you're using me as a replacement for burt and i can't handle that
i don't think it's going to work out...
maybe you should be a better pet
ha, gay
but that sounds like hard work...
But one is worse
to get what you want you have to put in some work, like at the very least bouncing
do you want to have another poorly informed debate on which one is worse?
hint, the best option is a president who goes against congress so nothing gets done
I suppose I could be persuaded to do some bouncing. but not tonight. way too tired. goodnight spoilers
Crazy liberal British dude
how are you doin today cutie?
'liberal','crazy', what's the difference?
i'm ok, if a little loopy and tired
how about you?
There are a few decent ones.
Spore is a lovely game
I'm eating a quart of ice cream listening to the smiths uwu
night bae sleep well
i want to move to poland
i want to give you a hug
though i did the same thing a couple moments earlier, replace ice cream with snack foods and smiths with playing dota
the issue with having that thought is that you probably do have some hopes
they're just never the ones you want(?)
what kind of snack foods?
also dota freaking SUCKS!!!!
... crackers
lots of them, and some cereal as well
i would do actual snacks like chips and such but none are around to eat
dota does suck, but it's like a crack-cocaine sort of suck
whats the difference
between a wet racoon
and donald trumps hair?
One can give you rabies
does not have
7 billion fucking dollars
in the bank
Also rabies
i'm going to go sleep now
whoever wins
the shitstorm will be a fun thing to watch
when's the last time america had an election this divisive anyways?
at least 12 years. Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite
night honey bumpkin snugglemuffins
[descending E major scale]
owo what language is this
*waits for the joke*
I hope and dream of death everyday.
Only facts
I will shoot a baby duck if it quacks,
with a Ruger
Top billin', come cops and villainous shots is blocked, shipped out, and bought, and you're feeling it El-P killing it, Killer Mike killing shit
Hehe, tell me another one!
o look
bard is high
I usually hang around Holla Forums, but do you guys actually ever talk about anime? I wanted to talk about some shows but all I see is role playing/attention whoring/general conversation/nonsensicle shit/etc on this board.
if yo favourite show aint boku no piko then GTFO
not really much anime discussion ever
My mic is broken :(
later fags
The book of eli is f so fucking badass
SAGE for on-topic
I heard that in her rough nasally hamster voice
sage grows in all fields
The voice wouldn't stop me.
Could you please quiet down. I'm trying to sleep/
Why won't the voices stp[?
I hope you fags that are over 18 have voted trump already we need a wall to keep these muslim immigrants out
God damn muslims, coming in here raping our kids, raping our wives, failing to ethnically integrate like earlier immigrants, trying to enforce their sharia laws, taking our jobs. Next thing you know Sharon will be wearing a burka to the mosque and praying to muhhumud.
Does anyone here like ice cream?
that feel when you are on the 6th set of your doubles tennis match and you're already wheezing like a pig
I ate like three Klondike bars earlier.
i read it as asl =Age,Sex,Location for all the newfags in here
I closed the browser and just reopened it and it was cleared.
It's just the home row for the left hand.
I don't get it.
Would you like to go get ice cream sometime with me?
whats a klondike o;?
Only if they have mint chocolate chip.
I've got plenty of money. You could have as much ice cream as you want.
oh, i thought it was some kinda like, mars bar. I think I remember someone actually telling me in here that a klondike was an ice cream .. i forgot, eh, i'm lactose intolerant, besides the fact we don't get them here i prolly wouldn't eat it. sounds nice doe
It was meant more in jest.
The only time I've met up with people was for drinks.
It's just vanilla ice cream coated in chocolate but they're just oddly nostalgic and delicious.
Are you afraid of the dark?
heh, i getya, nostalgic things are nice sometimes.
i think it would be cute....
I'd be nocturnal if my schedule allowed it.
Just feels better to wander around abandoned cities at night.
I grew up in a cattle area so dairy products and beef were always in abundance.
It still feels wrong to have a meal that doesn't have beef of some sort.
Whats your deepest fear?
progressive liberals
I know it sounds edgy as shit but I don't really know of anything that in and of itself itself that "scares" me that is outside normal reaction.
Sure, jump scares and whatnot will catch me off guard and situations in which my life is jeopardized would perturb me. But as a generality, there's nothing I really irrationally fear that isn't related to rational mortality.
Do you fear death? Does knowing that you exist bother you?
I'm probably further left than you.
I just found it in reality and not trying to play the narrative that everything in the world is directly the fault of males/whites/heterosexuals/whatever is considered a past norm. I abhor minority politics for the sake of just saying "dindu nuffin".
I admit biases exist and need to be resolved but dislike the answer of "blame everything that is considered to be the majority".
Pretty sure everyone fears dying considering how rooted in every religion, philosophy, discussion it is.
I think religion is a joke
pleasek ill me
Agreed but I see why people find solace in it even if they admit most of it is unfounded nonsense.
gotya, my mums grew up on a sheep/cattle/pig farm and she decided never to eat meat. i think she saw more the like, pet qualities than just another asset kinda thing maybe.
When i'm done with you, you'll be begging for the end.
I've met plenty of people of similar minds where they grew up with animals and can't fathom the fact of killing them to eat them.
It's a weird mix of childishness and immaturity but it is completely understandable.
Chips for breakfast Y/N
trump has to win every swing state
hillary has to win one
but yeah it's gotten closer
How many are there?
Who do you think will win?
Who you gonna vote for?
cereal and a mug of proper english tea
9 i not entirely sure
odds are still in her favor its just not looking to be a blow out like it did a week or two ago
i live in a super blue state im not gonna vote
Red Bull
Can o'Pringles.
Who Blu/Red
You should always go vote or end up like those anti-Brexit or pro-Ukraine people who think status quo will always win and not turn up!
dems are blue
trumps projections have always been on point with the result during the republican nominations i do not believe there is a hidden vote.
*shrug* go vote trump
id write in bernie
But Bernie got outplayed by the DNC or something I see reddit complain about
Isn't rigging shit illegal anyway
i think the person responsible stepped down
yus pre tasty, i guess. i never had a moral obligation to not eat meat, it just never really appealed to me. it's pretty aight doe.
Justice :3
i feel most americans want both of these candidates to go away so we can try the election again
I don't even know what that word means tbqbbqh
What if they both get heart attacks who's up for prez next
depends who won
Right now
i think the vp's would just run
Aw ok.
Pence it is then.
I gotta go do...stuff... brb
its another bad choice
pence has his dumb ideas
in britain theyre these
a crumpet :S can't be fucked reading up das to hard4me
this tbh
tbh i just wanna try my new racing wheel set up but its a chore getting comfy and the monitor is CRAP
rather bright in there
ah yes, I've seen that one. supposed to be the best steering wheel peripheral thingy on the market
Cheapest one with 900 degrees rotation, clutch pedal and h-shifter.
Force feedback is subpar.
Gimme a Fanatec setup
It's day!
you cant let the light in
it's evil
get new monitor >: but cool racing wheel eitherway. i hate monitors with built in speakers, look.. like wannabe tvs
i'm eating a burritos before bed and atching carlinbrothers
whats up
I wanna be a disney princess
Hey that's pretty good. We could watch some movies on there together.
now look at my dab
I could also upload music to pornhub and avoid youtube copyright crap.
None of those heroes really interest me but sign me up for free rewards.
Zarya's like a free win
What level were you again?
Hey dags
Ugh, I like her so much.
Player level 13, total hero 25.
Also, hi, Mananka.
Recruitment is off the table, then, sad.
Hiya, I hope you wont take this as an insult, but you are now my favorite canadian.
Is being Canadian an insult?
Why would I take this as an insult and what brought this on?
nonono, it's an honor
That sentence implies there was Canadian I liked more than any other Canadians.
BUT now they're gone.
Oh, I get you.
Who was the Canadian you liked?
Among all other Canadians you seem to the only one that cares about Manaka.
Whoa careful there, that is a class 1 classified information and simply asking it could get you slapped
in the face
Back from Dota2, everyone is a retard but me. ;w;
I'm fucking hungry.
I got one better
Also, dags if you're still here, I have something for you.
Slap me, Senpai.
Actually.. you didnt know, so i'm going to let it slide just this time!
Oh, I see.
Well, if it seems like I care about Manaka, it's 'cos I do.
That's why I get mad at you for not talking to me.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Afternoon to you too
Didn't play it, got super drunk and played borderlands 2, I'll play it later though.
*pet pet*
What do I get for breakfast?
Yeah.. at times like this, I got reminded of all the kind things you did to me way back..
ANYWAY, why "Goldfish"?
uuu I didnt miss any action!
Toasty sandwich
Boterham met pindakaas.
Nope, you wanna play as a buddy or do I leave it to chance and see if I meet up with you as the game goes?
Well, morning for me.
How's your day been?
Coffee and waffles.
I'd love to do even more, tbqh.
I have a bit of a wonky memory.
And you're Manaka?
This is a goldfish.
So's this.
Actually, that Seaking is one of my favourite moemon pictures.
I'd say you meet me sometime in that game, that way our meeting will be special!
Are you sure you're being sincere and not because you just want to get in my pants?
this is a joke
Ohh, I get it, because Goldfish also have short memory!
yea, that's me
You might have heard me did done all kind of evil stuffs.
broke toaster
mmmh I have waffle-like things somewhere.
this'll do.
slept well?
Morning to you then c:
Day been so-so.
Lots of blizzcon stuff to look forward too, got about five bags of nuts while I was down in Tripoli along with a better stove and lots of frozen food.
New starcraft commander, overwatch hero, heroes of the storm heroes, etc.
I dont know, looking at the numbers and the enthusiasm gap it would be very difficult for them to rig the vote in such a big way that he doesnt win.
Are these poke mans?
Just go out and buy a nice hot sandwich.
Yup yup. Though they don't actually have short memories, around four months I think.
What evil stuffs? I don't really believe em till I talk to the person myself.
Slept absolutely rubbish.
Took me an hour or so to fall asleep, and I woke up at 4:30 for no good reason and couldn't get back to sleep.
Goldeen and Seaking.
Don't worry 'bout it, just enjoy your day.
So you're a fan of Blizzard games?
Oh really!? so the rumour hasnt leaked everywhere.
Never you mind then :3
I cant read body language in a static picture!
I'll try to anyway.
I might be double clutching espressos by noon-hour at this rate.
It was a shrug.
I was saying there's only one way to find out.
And I'll be sure to get you the best gun as I run around swinging like a sack of nuts
I am a massive blizztard, bought all their games and all the expacs.
What rumor, though? c:
When people saw the flag they thought I was a few people. Nezi, Scarlet and you, no idea why.
awh that sucks, can't you nap later to make up some hours?
I live in a small village, there's nothing here to buy except like supermarket stuff
Rough morning?
Well, cereal then?
Or just grab a fruit, apples are nice.
One does not make up sleep.
And naps just make me feel like death, so that's not super viable.
I'll probably try to get to bed a bit earlier than normal.
had difficulty sleeping, see
second reply.
I know your feels, sadly. Been waking up several times during the night for no apparent reason.
But yeah, sure you know but don't nap, makes it worse.
Good luck with today :c
Eeehh.. You mean there is a chance you're not being sincere..?
The only relevant game I play is that one I ironically used to hate, League of Legends. Other than that, I'm still playing Dead Space 3.
No likeness in particular if game is good, it's good!
Didnt you hear about anything at all? Manaka was exiled maybe? died in a motorcycle accident? a poster sent assassin to murder Manaka?
I'm a sucker for an ironic story, like when I try to help someone but then killed before I havent got the chance to finish the job, resulting in death of the two of us.
Oh, I know.
Hence why I might wind up double clutching espressos.
Isn't there always?
I am.
Haven't been here long, or often. Hopefully you were alright, though. You seem alright.
What do you even do in Dead Space 3 anymore? Just replaying the campaign?
eeh I got waffle thingy's now.
tis fine. though I should get more fruit someday.
Yeah same really, naps are hard to get into and hard to get out of.
that works better, have some tea too before sleep or something.
What takeaway should I order tonight?
... Move your hands where I can see them
Don't trust Rin
Is hot wings an option?
It's a prevention!
didn't mean to link
Yep, from the cheapest pizza place.
Fingerpost Pizzera, it is really fucking awesome
Do not trust Rin anyway
get that one!
wew time change goit me up early asf
That one usually doesn't have as much an effect either.
And most of my teas are morning, or day teas.
A cup of warm milk then? with honey maybe?
Daylight savings was like a while ago, though
wew I want 5 days off
Warm milk is good for sleeps.
6 pieces of fried chickun with fries and mayo?
like... today so
oh shit you're right
And a cold drink!
lol no worries, it gets someone that way every year. bitch woke me up too damn early on a sunday
Well.. now that i have MK-V Overclocked Galvanizer with Incendiary Grenade Launcher, those necromorphs arent scary anymore
Can't wait, so hungry, cba to cooking
How does daylight savings even work? I thought you hit a certain day and just set all your clocks back.
Google senpai says it has a starting and ending date, though, wut?
Kek, I only played through it once, with a friend. Was pretty fun.
Especially the other guy's part with his family. Apparently whoever's playing issac can't see most of it.
something something seasonal distance from bright celestial orb, something pre industrial revolution to daylight availability to compensate something
I... see...
this one muricam presidente decided it would be a good a idea long ass time ago we just aint fixed it back yet
muricas be all fuck u time... pfft time bes a pansy we cna adjust it to our will and shit lol
But isn't it a good thingy? That way it won't be night when you wake up.
Or, something.
I don't like milk.
Humanity is one of the only animals to drink another species milk, and one of, if not the only, animal to drink milk into adulthood.
that whole sunset at 545 pm thing was a little annoying i ll hand ya that.. farmers dig it i guess
daylight saving time day, gained an hour
old habits die hard, I guess.
Humanity is also top of the food chain and every other species can suck it.
I am seeing a correlation here.
We're also the only species that shitpost on imageboards.
especially anise milk
no wonder you're so small sorry
ah well just get a lot of energy going with coffee and all, that exhausts before sleep.
I love gaining hours.
Time is fucking precious
indeed they do...
small is cute tho
the things you do to her
You got any shitty habits?
ikr.. i for one never have enough of it
Correlation is not causation.
Actually, I'm a dog.
I'm 5'7.
...smoke and drink
If this is a reference to the show it's going over my head.
he says that ye
I'm a dinoaur.
would you get mad if I rest my chin on your shoulders?
on the internet im a rhinoceros
That's still pretty cute.
That's pretty shitty.
dont i know it.. o boy do i
I'm a raptor.
That'd be awkward at best.
Aren't you only slightly taller than I am?
You're pretty cute.
I'm 5'
Same, thank god for Sundays
You seem weighed down by the burdens of your life, my dude.
meh... not so much really
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my magnum dong.
She's got the monster condom.
I can do it to my mom and she's only slightly shorter.
Can do != not awkward to do
I want a magnum dong
"Talk to Danny DeVito"
was what that post was supposed to say.
*unzips dong*
I'm a fucking trap, Daddy, what did you expect?
how's it awkward to hug your significant other from behind and let your head rest closely?
lol... love it when u call me daddy
im daddy because of my magnum dong
hi cumming I'm daddy
Please be playing on Origin.
Do you want a partner?
il papito
that's what they used to call me back in the hood
Oh, you're alive!
You didn't say hug.
Why do you think I do it?
Thank you!
yea, ive never a hood
o stahp, lol
Fucking fag.
guilty pleasure
Right? It's a miracle!
I missed you.
I thought that was clear.
It's alright then?
I apologize for my disappearance, not much I could do when everyone in thread is against me