Are there any other red pilled leftists on here? I am in favor of a lot of Leftist ideologies (concepts like UBI, Health care, sex services, etc…) but some of the shit I see on Reddit I just simply don't agree with. Things like climate change and immigration I am pretty undecided about. Why the fuck can't I be a leftist that doesn't agree with certain things without being a nazi racist KKK Trump USA?
Are there any other red pilled leftists on here? I am in favor of a lot of Leftist ideologies (concepts like UBI...
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This is your queen now.
You sound like a liberal.
The pill is still in your mouth, you have to swallow it all
Ok let's put aside immigration for now but what the fuck is there to be undecided about with climate change?
Why were you looking on Reddit to begin with? You deserve everything bad that happens to you while on that site.
congrats on being a libtard, op
How the fuck can you be undecided on climate change?
Post 1/2:
Climate change is as confirmed science as it can be at this point, unless you doubt science in other areas of your life this is a pretty inconsistent un-red pilled belief. Believe me no one wants to think its fake more than me. I could ask what your misgivings are, but I'll preempt some by linking this:
He goes through a lot of commonly mistaken beliefs about the problem.
The problem I have with people who make immigration a central focus of their politics is they don't actually want to stop whats causing it they just want to punish brown people for living near them. In a way I can understand why, it's easier to do that than understand that negative economic relations that result in immigrants as a byproduct to our/your country I will attempt to give a brief synopsis of why two current waves of immigrants are coming and why simply hating brownie isn't enough to stop it.
NAFTA hurt Mexico more than it hurt America. The Ayn Rand dream of Ancona copper not being nationalized was made reality which meant that American business could own most of Mexico's assets including small farms. Which meant that a lot of the people who lived in agrarian lifestyle were kicked off their land. In the absence of available jobs in Mexico they attempt to come here. They can get jobs here because the same large companies who forced them out of a job in their own homeland is offering pennies on the dollar to work fields here. The companies benefit for doing this is obvious in that they get cheap labor, but they also get a workforce that undercuts the value of other areas of Labor here in the US. Were told this is a necessary aspect of the free market but a large government trade deal and a military to enforce it were needed to Bully Canada and Mexico into a deal that clearly doesn't favor them. The migrant workers we see at the end of this trade off is the only visible part we ever get to see in our daily lives but the reality is it was a longer broken road to this point to understand why they're here and how. I'll also mention that "drug raids" and cartels are often used to steal land from the poor in Mexico and other Latin American countries so in some cases they don't even get the added benefit of selling off their meager holdings, it's just seized.
Post 2/2:
Now get ready cause this shits about to get heavy.
The Syrian refuge crisis was ironically started by a drought that may have been cause by global warming, Western powers refused to help Syria because they wanted it to destabilize so they can restart a broader ground war in the middle east. Specifically Iraq which is connected to Syria by the nebulous terrorist organization known as Isis. ISIS is actually a conglomerate name given to us by Western Media to name many US backed rebels. Oil companies wanted a war in the middle east again because the oil speculation price had decreased significantly from just a few years prior because no wars were currently putting a stress on the price to go boom. They also wanted a War there because Hillary was given a forty million dollar gift from the Saudi's to go to war in Syria. Israel also wants a war with Syria and these other places because they have a defense policy of constant destabilization of their Muslim neighbors. The Saudi's and other OPEC nations want a war with Syria so they can build a pipeline through it to sell gas to Europe. Russia doesn't want the Saudi's and friends to build a pipeline because thy have their own natural gas pipeline that has a near monopoly in Europe. Russia is allied with Syria and they both are allied with Iran. Israel wants a war with Iran because of the aforementioned destabilization policy. The US wants a war there because of the Aforementioned lackluster oil speculation price. The Saudi's want a war there because of religious differences and because Iran is the one nation that lives mostly independent from the Saudi's dominance.
Have our friends demonize your friends, so we can benefit already rich oil hoarders in every nation at the expense of the environment. Anyway have you noticed how hard the dems demonize Russia? I'm sure it's just a coincidence but it might just be because they have a large financial stake in going to war with Russia and it's allies. The Syrian water crisis is also an indicator of a broader global economic trend of treating water like a scarcer resource than it is. Which companies are doing in anticipation of it's price rising because even if people on the street don't believe in global warming large financial institutions do and they're banking on water's future scarcity. That is the capitalist way of dealing with global warming, finding new ways to live off a dying planet.
Like the Mexicans the Syrians are a byproduct of this long series of events that we almost never see talked about or mentioned, but negative results to their lives and ours are real and we should be fighting the people causing the problems further up than the brown people to our side, but you know what, but like I said it's easier to hate brownie than people with more power than us and less complicated too.
Libs have been doing their best to poison the well with fake stats ("massaging the data") and fake studies, which right wing pundits gleefully point out, and then use those confirmed examples of fake data to disregard the entire movement.
And if you point out the fake stats and demand they stop poisoning the well suddenly you're a denier :/
You're literally just a social liberal, and a fairly dumb one at that.
Almost like liberals and conservatives are two sides of the same coin.
I hope, for your sake OP, that this is bait.
Why doesn't Bookchin get a chair? Using the computer knelt down all the time can't be good for his knees.
What the fuck am I even reading?
it's a Holla Forumsack thinking we're liberals
pretty good runview
Chairs are too detrimental to ecology. He took a hit for the team.